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State Significant Development


HVO South Open Cut Coal Continuation Project

Singleton Shire

Current Status: More Information Required

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Continuation of mining at the HVO South open cut mining complex until 2045, including a reduction in maximum extraction rate (from 20 Mtpa to 18 Mtpa)

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (2)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (3)

EIS (29)

Response to Submissions (16)

Agency Advice (28)

Additional Information (15)


Showing 241 - 260 of 691 submissions
Megan Autenzio
Belmont , New South Wales
As HVO is mining thermal coal for power stations, we will still need this mine to export to other countries for income, plus with this form of mining there is only 1 mine, 1 regeneration after use.
Unlike other forms of power such as wind turbines, solar energy and battery vehicles these items require more precious metals and more mines to obtain them.
Plus I doubt State or Federal governments have sufficient systems in place to follow on with green power at this stage, which will leave us all in the dark, literally.
When you are bringing in new systems common sense would tell you to use both systems parallel for a substantial time before dropping 1.
I would appreciate being told by the Government, what stage they're up to and what we should expect.
Daniel Knight
SEDGEFIELD , New South Wales
The continuation project for the South Pit is a very strong livelihood generator in all aspects of its direct employees and the extended people involved from logistics, labor hire, External repairs right across to the food needed for training days from our local food suppliers.
The continuation project needs to move forward to 2045 to help sustain all Australians with the revenue the mine generates for not only the local people, but the government gets its fair share of the pie also.
The government kept us producing during covid and we were known as "Essential Workers" which kept the economy stimulated during our mandatory lock downs.
The 1500 people that work directly for HVO and the other 4450 flow on jobs that are created help support the local businesses around the hunter and beyond.
It is clear that renewable energy generation is still not able to stand on its own two feet and it also seems most components are not recycle friendly either (Wind Turbine Blades, End of Life Solar Panels)
As much as coal is a hot potato it is needed here and overseas to create electricity generation for housing and industrial uses. the steel industry would not exist without coal also.
The mine has been moving with the times and continues to implement all controls to help with environmental impacts in all areas.
I am an employee of HVO, I also live in the Singleton district and support all the local businesses from food, fuel and daily living costs.
Name Withheld
SINGLETON , New South Wales
I believe the continuation of Hunter Valley Operations crucial not just for the 1500 or so jobs directly affected by the potential closure but the knock-on effect both locally and nationally.
Locally, based on the amount of money spent in the local community by Glencore and the workforce themselves combined with the rising interest rates, property values will plumet as has been proven again and again previously when coal prices dropped causing other mines to close.
Internationally on the lost royalties putting pressure on an already burdening fragile Australian economy.
HVO produces high quality coal which burns cleaner which allows other countries only just going through their own 'industrial revolution 'to prosper, building wealth to better assist in the eventual move to green energy whilst limiting the impact on our environment.
The closure will put added pressure on an already high demand for quality coal causing a detrimental impact on our environment during our 'green energy' phasing in period worldwide.
Please allow common sense to prevail when making the decision to extend an 'existing' mine lease.
Name Withheld
Aberglasslyn , New South Wales
HVO mine has supported myself and my community over my working career of 40 years and would like to see it help more families in the future by employing their sons and daughters.
nathan medcalf
WATTLE PONDS , New South Wales
I currently work at hunter valley operations i have for last 7 years i am the main income earner of my family and my family relies on my income. i live in the local area of singleton and i have a young family that are enrolled in schools and sporting clubs in singleton if hvo was to shut this would affect all of this as we would have no way to make a honest living i highly support the continuation project of hvo south please aprove it.
Isaiah Ernst
I have worked at HVO for the past 10 years, I began working on site at 16, the mining industry is very important to the community, my father and both of my brothers are employed in local mining operations. I know many other people in the singleton area who's entire family's are depended on mining like mine. I strongly support the continuation of HVO and any other operation in the hunter valley.
Daniel McInnes
ABERGLASSLYN , New South Wales
My livelihood relies on these projects to continue
Nathan Whitehouse
Largs , New South Wales
I support the project as the valley is reliant for the future for many families
john holland
Westbrook , New South Wales
Future Jobs
Name Withheld
FERN BAY , New South Wales
The project will continue to provide jobs security for all the employees of the mine and all the support suppliers and contractors in the Hunter Valley
Michael Lindstrom
RANKIN PARK , New South Wales
This project is not a new coal mine, it is an existing coal mine and there has been mining on this lease for over 70 years. From my understanding there is going to be little change to the scale or the intensity of mining and no increase to the approved production rates. There are significant jobs that are supported with the continuation. This then supports goods and services that come from these jobs. Royalties will also continue to be paid to the State government that will support schools, hospitals, roads, teachers, nurses and police. HVO also continues giving money to local charities.
Jacques Rossouw
SINGLETON , New South Wales
Both my family and I live in Singleton and benefit from HVO's contribution to the community. My employment also depends on continued operation. HVO is a responsible mining company. I see the benefits in the local community every day.
Name Withheld
NORTH ROTHBURY , New South Wales
HVO provides my families livelihood and has benefitted Singleton and surrounding areas for my entire life. By providing jobs the flow on effect into the local economy and businesses is huge. Without HVO the hunter will suffer majorly.
Gary Mulhearn
Mount Thorley , New South Wales
I support the HVO South Open Cut Coal Continuation Project. Hunter Valley Operations (HVO) is an integral part of the local community having been operating in the area for over 70 years. The mining operation already operates and subject to some of the most stringent conditions of operations that NSW mine need to comply with, and is a professional operation who takes its environmental obligations seriously, and publishes the details of its environmental performance for all to see. The mine is a key supporter of local employment and goods and services in the area with over 1500 local jobs, and the flow on effects of those employees expenditure in the local businesses in the area. Being a key part of the local community I have seen the good support for local community groups that HVO undertake.
Gary Mulhearn
Tristan Botha
EAST SEAHAM , New South Wales
The HVO continuation project is detrimental to the Hunter Valley & Newcastle community - our livelihoods depend on it. We need energy coal to continue to live the way we do. Also, the portion of MET coal produced by HVO is important for steel production so we can continue to produce our electric cars, mobile phones, solar panels etc. etc. that help offset our emissions.
Name Withheld
BISHOPS BRIDGE , New South Wales
HVO is a valuable contributor to the local, state & federal economies. They are actively evolving the mining industry.
Name Withheld
MUSWELLBROOK , New South Wales
I support the HVO Open Cut Coal Continuation Project as the benefits to surrounding communities, the future of people living here and planning to live in the Hunter Valley and including other communities have massive financial impact and also improving all types of facilities in the region and creating communities and education for the future of the area.
Name Withheld
STANHOPE , New South Wales
HVO is a Major employer in the hunter Valley and a major sponsor of the local community. There are a lot of families that Rely on HVO for an income both directly and indirectly.
Kyle Jones
East Maitland , New South Wales
I believe this project is important for the job security of communities in the Hunter Valley and surrounding areas.
It is also important for it to go ahead to support all other businesses that rely on the mining sector to survive.
Paul Caslick
CESSNOCK , New South Wales
Hunter Valley operations not only cares for the business but they also care for the environment, it’s people and the surrounding communities that operate in close proximity to the mines. It’s a great place to work, everyone gets along, it’s a fantastic culture and why wouldn’t we all want to continue working here to put food on our tables and be able to spend what we earn back into our community for many years to come.


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Coal Mining
Local Government Areas
Singleton Shire

Contact Planner

Joe Fittell