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NSW Planning Portal Service Fees

The department is introducing service fees for certain applications
on the NSW Planning Portal.

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure charges applicants nominal fees for certain planning applications, certificates and payments. Applicants pay these fees as part of the digital application process on the NSW Planning Portal. This is in accordance with the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021

NSW Planning Portal service fees are different to the lodgement and assessment fees charged by councils and private certifiers. These fees support the maintenance of the NSW Planning Portal and related NSW Planning Portal digital services. Fees are subject to change each year in line with changes to the consumer price index.  

The NSW Planning Portal service fees for the 2024/25 financial year are: 

Name of Service Fee Amount
Modification of Development Consent Portal Fee                              $45
Site Compatibility Certificate Portal Fee $45
Construction Certificate Portal Fee $45
Subdivision Works Certificate Portal Fee $45
Occupation Certificate Portal Fee $45
Subdivision Certificate Portal Fee $45
Building Information Certificate Portal Fee $45
Review of Determination of DA Portal Fee $6
Lodgement of a Planning Agreement Portal Fee $6
Application for a BASIX Certificate Portal Fee $5

Certificate Registration for:

  • Complying Development Certificate Portal Fee
  • Construction Certificate Portal Fee
  • Subdivision Works Certificate Portal Fee
  • Occupation Certificate Portal Fee
  • Subdivision Certificate Portal Fee 
$6  for each certificate
Payment of Development Contributions Portal Fee                                            $6


Payment process

The department is developing payment functionality on each of the relevant digital services to enable applicants to pay all relevant fees online at the point of lodgement.

Fees will be payable through the ServiceNSW payment gateway and may incur a surcharge depending on the payment method.

Once an application or certificate has been lodged or accepted an invoice will be automatically sent to the applicant. The applicant has five days to pay the invoice. This will not impact the processing time of the application.

Contact us

If you would like to contact the department, please use this online form

Last updated: 05/02/2025