To help applicants and Short Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) registrants to use the NSW Planning Portal we have compiled a comprehensive collection of resources.
We have prepared a series of quick reference guides to help first-time users and those wishing to gain access to the NSW Planning Portal.
Before you begin
If you do not have a NSW Planning Portal account, or are having problems registering, then this video and quick reference guide will help you through the process.
QRG: How to register for a NSW Planning Portal account
If you already have a NSW Planning Portal account but need help to navigate the dashboard, then the following video and guide will provide the assistance you need.
QRG: Navigating the NSW Planning Portal dashboard
Additional information may be requested by council prior to your application being lodged or at any time during the assessment process. This guide will show you how to provide additional information.
QRG: How to provide additional information
If you need to cancel an “In progress” application, this guide will provide you with the assistance needed. Note: Once you have cancelled the application it will be moved to your “Completed work” list.
QRG: How to cancel an in progress application
The digital services use the ServiceNSW payment gateway to collect some of the application fees. Other application fees will be paid outside of the NSW Planning Portal, as per your agreement with your nominated certifier/council. This guide will show you how to make a payment.
QRG: How to pay application fees via the ServiceNSW payment gateway
Frequently asked questions about using the NSW Planning Portal are answered on our FAQ page.
Our Applicant services
Organised by service type or topic, these quick reference guides (QRGs), fact sheets and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) should provide suitable guidance for all applicants and Short Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) registrants.
Application tracker
The application tracker allows you to search and track the real-time status of complying development certificates, development applications and State significant applications across NSW.
Activation Precinct Certificate
The Activation Precinct Certification process aims to facilitate a responsive streamlined planning pathway that will enable economic development.
QRG: How to submit an Activation Precinct Certificate application
Section 10.7 Planning Certificates
In council areas where the online 10.7 Planning Certificate Service is available, applicants and councils can work together on requests for 10.7 Planning Certificates through shared digital dashboards.
QRG: How to submit a Section 10.7 Planning Certificate application
The Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) requirements apply to all residential dwelling types and are part of the DA process in NSW. There are BASIX requirements for water and energy usage and thermal comfort performance that apply to:
- all new residential dwellings.
- alterations and additions to dwellings that cost $50,000 or more.
- swimming pools of 40,000 litres or more.
QRG: Creating a BASIX certificate for a single dwelling
QRG: Creating a BASIX certificate for multi dwellings
QRG: Creating a BASIX certificate for alterations and additions
Building Information Certificate (BIC)
A Building Information Certificate application is to include an original or certified copy of a survey report and plan if it is related to residential zoned land. For land situated in other zones, you may be required to provide a survey report. The survey report and plan must represent the property and buildings as existing at the time of lodging the application. Additional information may also need to be provided (including building plans, specifications and certificates) to allow Council to assess the application.
QRG: How to Submit a Building Information Certificate application
Complying Development Certificates (CDC)
It’s always best to check with your individual council before you begin a Complying Development certificate application for its requirements.
QRG: How to submit a complying development certificate application
QRG: How to submit a complying development certificate application for subdivision only
Concurrence and Referrals
This online service is part of a digital-first planning environment that simplifies and fast tracks the approval process for development applications.
QRG: How to process an online Concurrence and Referral payment
Construction certificates
In many council areas, you can apply online for a Construction Certificate via the NSW Planning Portal when lodging a development application. Here are some useful resources to help you through the process.
QRG: How to submit an application for a construction certificate
Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan (CPCP)
The Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan (CPCP) facilitates growth in Western Sydney to 2056 and beyond and delivers important development and biodiversity outcomes.
QRG: Submitting a draft Application for DPE CPCP advice - v1 032023
Development Applications (DAs)
A development application is one of the most frequently used services by applicants on the NSW Planning Portal. Here are some useful quick reference guides (QRG) and resources to help you with your application.
QRG: How to submit a development application (DA)
QRG: How to request operational consent for a deferred commencement Development Application
Housing and Productivity Contributions
Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR)
The Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) requires landholders on waterfront land to apply for a Controlled Activity Approval (CAA) for their works before they start. Approvals usually contain conditions to minimise the impact of the activity or works on the waterway and adjoining land.
By requiring landholders to get a CAA before carrying out works on waterfront land, NRAR prevents activities that could alter water flow or quality, destabilise beds or banks of waterways, cause erosion, or disturb wildlife habitats.
Most controlled activities also need development approval from your local council. If this is the case, you will need to lodge what is known as an Integrated Development Assessment System Development Application (IDAS DA).
The following guides will help you with completing NRAR-related applications on the NSW Planning Portal.
QRG: Lodging a New Controlled Activity Approval (CAA) or Amendment Application
QRG: Creating a Controlled Activity Approval (CAA) Surrender Application
QRG: Applying for a Controlled Activity Approval (CAA) Security Bond Release
Occupation Certificates (OCs)
The issue of the final OC is the last step in the formal DA and construction process (though there could be ongoing ‘operational’ conditions such as maintaining appropriate noise levels or landscape maintenance).
QRG: How to submit an application for an Occupation Certificate (OC)
Planning Proposals
A planning proposal document can be prepared by a council, a landowner or developer seeking to change the planning controls relating to a particular site, area, locality or local government area, or by a third party on behalf of a landowner or council.
QRG: How to submit a Planning Proposal
QRG: How to initiate a rezoning review
Note: If you are interested in being advised about new planning proposals, you can subscribe to the department’s planning proposal alert.
Principal Certifiers
You can apply for a principal certifier appointment via the NSW Planning Portal using two different methods. Applicants can apply via a stand-alone application (consent application is outside of the Portal) or via an online development (DA) or online complying development certificate (CDC) application.
Publish on Portal
Applicants can use the Publish on Portal service when requested by the Land and Environment Court (LEC) to upload documentation to the NSW Planning Portal (Portal). To register a new account, refer to our Register for the NSW Planning Portal quick reference guide or video.
QRG: How to upload Land and Environment Court (LEC) documents
Register for non-portal consent
You can register a non-portal approved consent or certificate on the NSW Planning Portal to create a NSW Planning Portal reference number. This will be required to submit a post-consent certificate application.
Roads Act (Sections 125, 138 and 144)
You can now submit a Section 125 or Section 138 and Section 144 application online, for certain councils and State agencies, anywhere and anytime with our online services.
QRG: How to submit an application under Section 125 of the Roads Act
QRG: How to submit an application under Section 138 of the Roads Act
QRG: How to submit an application under Section 144 of the Roads Act
Section 68
In some council areas, it’s possible to submit an application under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 online.
QRG: How to submit an application for approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act
SEPP applications
QRG: How to submit an application relating to SEPP Affordable Rental Housing
QRG: How to submit an application relating to SEPP Educational and Child care facilities
QRG: How to submit an application relating to SEPP Housing for seniors or people with a disability
QRG: How to submit an application relating to SEPP Infrastructure
Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA)
The STRA framework allows registrants to register their property and make their registration fee payment via the NSW Planning Portal. Registrants can also manage their properties via the STRA Listings area - this includes de-registering your property, registration status and property details. Registrants can enter the bookings for their STRA properties via the STRA Listings area.
QRG: How to register a Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) property
QRG: How to de-register a Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) property
QRG: How to manage Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) bookings
QRG: How to renew a Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) property
QRG - How to transfer management of a Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) property
Spatial Viewer
The NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer is an enhanced digital mapping service that provides easy-to-use, information-rich maps for every address and lot in NSW.
Special Infrastructure Contributions (SIC)
You can access the NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer to see if your development is within a SIC area.
QRG: Using the Online Special Infrastructure Contribution System
State Design Review Panel (SDRP)
The State Design Review Panel (SDRP) is a multi-disciplinary panel of highly experienced built-environment professionals from industry and government that provides independent advice on the design quality of major development proposals in NSW. More information is available at the Government Architect NSW website.
Government Architect NSW (GANSW)
The SDRP Application provides a digital workflow that will enable proponents to create a new SDRP application online, provide contact and project-related information and upload submission requirements for Panel review meetings as determined by the SDRP team.
QRG: How to submit a State Design Review Panel (SDRP) application
QRG: How to respond to State Design Review Panel (SDRP) submission requirements
QRG: How to provide missing State Design Review Panel (SDRP) submission information
QRG: How to update contact details and meeting attendees
QRG: How to upload the final State Design Review Panel (SDRP) design presentation
QRG: How to withdraw a State Design Review Panel (SDRP) application
Subdivision and Subdivision Works Certificates
If these services are not yet available in your local government area, you can apply directly to your local council or search for an accredited certifier on the Building Professionals Board’s Register.
QRG: How to submit an application for a Subdivision Certificate
QRG: How to submit an application for a Subdivision Works Certificate
Tree Permits
You can request to have a tree pruned, replaced or removed on a private property by submitting a Private Tree Permit application on the NSW Planning Portal.
Portal fees
In accordance with the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, applicants are required to pay a digital application processing fee for certain planning applications and certificates.
A full list of fees can be found on the NSW Planning Portal Service Fees page.
Contact us
If you would like to contact the department, please use this online form.