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Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

Sydney District and Regional Planning Panels (planning panels) are independent bodies that strengthen decision making on regionally significant development applications and other planning matters including certain planning proposals and Aboriginal land planning. 

There are five Sydney District Planning Panels and four Regional Planning Panels across NSW. Each panel is an independent body that is not subject to the direction of the Minister for Planning.

For certain matters, the Sydney District and Regional Planning Panels hold  public meetings. Public meetings can be held in person, by video link or other electronic means.     

Any person is welcome to attend or listen to a public meeting held by a Planning Panel. If you wish to address the panel, or listen to a panel meeting, you must register by contacting the Planning Panels for instructions to join the meeting.

Please email: [email protected]

Changes have been made to how Sydney and Regional Planning Panels Operate. See here  for more details.

About Planning Panels

Find out more about individual Sydney and Regional Planning Panels, what sort of development applications are assessed and how planning proposals are reviewed.

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Regionally Significant Development Application Process

We've improved assessment timeframes and planning outcomes for regionally significant development.

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Search the Planning Panel register

Councils are required to submit regionally significant applications for determination by the relevant Planning Panel.

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Meeting details

Review the details of upcoming meetings across all Sydney and Regional Planning Panels.

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Find a comprehensive list of Planning Circulars and advisory notes, Policies and procedures, templates and forms for councils and reports and guides

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