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SSD Modifications


Kings Forest Stage 1 (Mod 4)

Tweed Shire

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare Mod Report
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Assessment
  6. Recommendation
  7. Determination

Attachments & Resources

Application (16)

Submissions (50)

Agency Submissions (5)

Response to Submissions (97)

Recommendation (4)

Determination (2)


Showing 161 - 180 of 215 submissions
Narelle Jarvis
Goolmangar , New South Wales
Koalas are endangered. The proposed loss of any further koala habitat or koala protection provisions is totally unacceptable.
Denise Banner
Fernvale , New South Wales
I oppose all the currently proposed changes to the Kings Forest Koala Management Plan. If implemented I believe they would contribute to the stress and eventual destruction of the local koala population, which I understand is already listed as endangered on the Tweed Coast.
I believe such a large development in a sensitive location will have a detrimental effect on the koala population, even with implementation of the currently agreed Koala Management Plan. An application to ease the conditions of that Plan suggests a of the environment, koalas and other wildlife. If anything, I believe the conditions of a Koala Development Plan for Kings Forest should be tightened, not eased.
I request the Department of Planning and Environment reject all changes proposed in the current application, and investigate further whether more strict requirements would be appropriate. Thank you.
Bernard Jean
Tewantin , Queensland
The developer of Kings Forest " mini city", which will be an extra 4500 dwellings is asking State Govt to downgrade or dismiss the koala protection measures ALREADY AGREED ON.The developer should NOT be allowed to break those promises as koalas are facing extinction all over NSW and QLD. Growth forever on a finite environment is unsustainable and pushing our wildlife and our koalas to permanent habitat loss and its direct consequences: run over by cars, mauled by dogs and dormant illnesses like chlamydia and retro-virus being triggered by the heavy stress they are under. What will we tell our children and their children when they'll ask us what happened to koalas and why did they disappear? Will we have to refer them to all levels of government and to uncaring developers? Money cannot buy everything. To survive humans need to maintain a balance between them and the environment (including wildlife). This is why I strongly object to this development.
Cathie Sherwood
Bilambil Heights , New South Wales
The Koala is an iconic native animal and publicised all over the world as integral to Australia. It is a defenceless animal that fast approached extinction...YOU CAN CHANGE THIS!

Please stick to what you have agreed to, it is a tiny compromise and the greed of this developer is well known, especially in our tiny area of Australia!

It is so little to ask in the face of the 'Gold Coastinising' of our northern beaches to the loss of it's beautiful state...
Name Withheld
Worongary , Queensland
Koalas are facing localised extinction due to ongoing development. This cannot be allowed to happen - we CANNOT have the northern populations of Koalas in New South Wales and Queensland being edged out (destructions of their natural environment, including housing and food leading to starvation) to the brink of extinction. They are far too important a species for this to keep happening. Governments are simply NOT doing enough to protect them, they must be protected by legislation and enforcing that legislation. CUT back on the development!!!!!
Michael Cockerill
Cawongla , New South Wales
I object to the weakening Koala Plan of Management agreed to in 2012 because of the precarious position of Koalas in this region, and on the eastern coast of Australia in general.
No part of this modification request should be approved.
Koala habitats are already being rendered useless to Koala populations, or completely ruined and what remains should be preserved to ensure the survival of Koalas in the region.
If the fact that care for our native wildlife through the preservation of their habitats is not enough, then I ask that the long term value of Koalas - and other wildlife - will have for the future of tourism be considered. Short term money saving measures and selling off of wildlife habitats will only serve to make this region like that of it's northern neighbour; bright lights, beaches and little else. I ask that those making the decision regarding this modification request accept the challenge to put the survival of Koalas ahead of profits for developers.
Nicole Browne
Condong , New South Wales
please keep the local Koala population protected for future generations !! koala's have been decimated in recent years dramatically through fires, dogs, and disease. If we also destroy or even limit their habitat their survival is critical. extinction is forever. !! with kind regards. Nicole Browne
Name Withheld
Bray Park , New South Wales
Koalas are Australia's iconic creature. They have inhabited the Kingscliff area for far longer than humans.
Please respect their rights. Go build somewhere else please.
nathan knight
murwillumbah , New South Wales
I used to be a koala surveyor. This development would be critical to the surviving koala population!
Name Withheld
Bogangar , New South Wales
I object to the developer wanting to change the conditions as it will certainly lead to the koala population in the Tweed Coast area becoming extinct.
The koalas need clear protections in place and most importantly, they need mature primary food trees to sustain them otherwise they will starve to death.
Koalas also need at least 100m corridors so they can move around and mate in order to reproduce. Once again, without these measures in place, the koalas will die out.
We need to protect the ENDANGERED Tweed Coast Koalas and need to hold Bob Ell the developer to his promises to do so.
Name Withheld
Bogangar , New South Wales
Koalas are in danger of becoming extinct in this area. In order to stop this catastrophe from happening, we need to protect them by preserving their habitat.
If the developer is allowed to make the changes he is proposing, then the koalas will have no primary food trees, no corridors to move and find mates, no protection from cars and dogs. This will bring about the demise of an already endangered species.
The developer MUST adhere to the original plan to put in place protections and plant primary food trees.
Name Withheld
Kingscliff , New South Wales
Please leave the Koalas 🐨 where they r
Name Withheld
Murwillumbah , New South Wales
The developer needs to honour the original committment to preserve Koala Habitat in the Kings Forest development.
There should be NO modifications to the original plan.

Koalas are declining in rapid numbers and they are our Australian native animals!
Please reconsider what you are doing, for the future of our biodiversity in Kings Forest and the Koalas habitat.
Future generations of Australians will be living with your decisions made after the 18th August,2017,
Kim Lewis
Cawongla , New South Wales
To quote Friends of Koala (FoK) Lismore, "The proposed loss of any further koala habitat or koala protection provisions is totally unacceptable"

I agree with FoK that this is a significantly weakened modification to the Koala Plan of Management agreed to in 2012.

As a volunteer with FoK for almost 5 years, I can vouch for the integrity of the organisation. I can also most passionately vouch for the significance and importance of banding together to protect koalas and support their existence. It is the right thing to do.

Kind regards,
Kim Lewis
Name Withheld
Mermaid Waters , Queensland
I oppose the decision to implement a revised Koala Plan of Management. Many people move to the northern NSW region to enjoy the alternative lifestyle, quieter, less traffic and people. The area is world renowned for the natural beauty and wildlife 'Gods own country' Tourists also travel QLD and beyond to enjoy this lifestyle. The amendments given in this proposal would be detrimental to the way of life that is currently enjoyed. If tourists don't come and people do not want to live here, it will effect the economy of the local area and NSW. I urge you to give priority to the koalas in this area.
Tweed Distgrict Resident & Ratepapers Assoc
Tweed Heads , New South Wales
The Tweed Coast koala population has declined by approximately 50% in the last decade Tweed Shire Council www 170817)

Without habitat retention together with development designed to safeguard the existing population and provide alternative habitat to that destroyed by subdivision, there is a very real risk that koalas could disappear from the Coast in as little as 15 years.
In February 2015, Tweed Shire Council adopted a Koala Plan of Management designed to assist the koala population recover to more sustainable levels over the next two decades. The Plan is evidence based, on the outcomes of the Tweed Coast Koala Habitat Study.
The Koala POM plan aims to ensure a strategic and comprehensive approach and is in accord with State Environmental Planning Policy No 44 - Koala Habitat Protection.
We object to all the developer amendments :
1. The proposed modifications reverse the very strict conditions imposed by the State and Federal governments
2. Environmental management plans are crucial prior to earthworks, to provide a framework for protection of the environmental protection zones.
3. All possible calming measures should be required under the environmental management plan.
4. Maintenance of condition requiring planting of PRIMARY food trees is essential for ongoing welfare
5. The amendment showing a reduction in the southern end of the EW corridor from the minimum of 100m down to 50m is and discloses a total disregard or understanding of koala movement, nor the amount of shelter trees that can be accommodated in a 50m wide corridor.
The fact that that this east west corridor no longer links with the Environ Road corridor is a complete of the Tweed Byron Koala connections project which, with the Tweed POM is hoping to re-establish a viable and free moving population.
6. The complete refusal to re-vegetate Cudgen Nature Reserve 27ha, in reparation for lost habitat within the subdivision reveals the developer's total for the aims of the POM.
7. Connection roads within and to the subdivision require fencing to obviate road kill.
The DoP is requested to uphold the intentions of the statewide koala recovery program by refusing all amendments to the detriment of the Kings Forest koala population.
Name Withheld
Sleepy Hollow , New South Wales
We are already reducing the koala's habitat by agreeing to this development, so leaving the original terms of the agreement must be maintained.
Sarah Elliott
Murwillumbah , New South Wales
I object to these changes as they will not provide koalas with enough or suitable protection. Koalas in the Northern Rivers are rapidly declining, and are listed as vulnerable under the EPBC Act. The main causes in decline of koalas is well known to be habitat loss. Removing koala food trees is the likely cause of stress in koalas resulting in high susceptibility so diseases such as chlamydia.

I also believe that the developer should survey the koala population and the other threatened or endangered species in the area in the area they want to remove important habitat from. I believe this would in fact be a requirement under the legislative law.

Where is the environmental assessment? I clicked on the link and I'm taken to this website:

There is no information on Kings forest anywhere on this website, this makes me very suspicious. But what I have read in the Thretend Species Management Plan by Land Partners built environment consultants clearly states that the development of Kings Forest will have a detrimental effect on threatened species in the area.

I am seriously surprised that this area is aloud to be developed. I hope the council and the developers make the right decisions for the protection of Kings Forest.
Name Withheld
Casuarina , New South Wales
I hereby strongly object to this King's Forest development application which proposes further loss of koala habitat in the area which is in clear breech of original planning approval.
Name Withheld
Casuarina , New South Wales
I hereby strongly object to this King's Forest development application which proposes further loss of koala habitat in the area which is in clear breech of original planning approval


Project Details

Application Number
Main Project
Assessment Type
SSD Modifications
Development Type
Residential & Commercial
Local Government Areas
Tweed Shire
Determination Date

Contact Planner

Michelle Niles