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State Significant Development


Powerhouse Parramatta

City of Parramatta

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Assessment
  6. Recommendation
  7. Determination

Site preparation works including demolition of all structures and tree removal, construction, operation and use of the Powerhouse Parramatta, public domain works and use, vehicular access, infrastructure works and signage zones

Consolidated Consent

10416 MOD 2 - Consolidated Consent


Early Consultation (1)

Request for SEARs (4)

SEARs (1)

EIS (37)

Response to Submissions (24)

Agency Advice (10)

Additional Information (22)

Determination (8)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (34)

Reports (1)

Independent Reviews and Audits (1)

Notifications (4)

Other Documents (3)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 1561 - 1580 of 1686 submissions
Michael Lynch
Not provided , New South Wales
Do not knock it down I object ....
David Bain
Not Provided , New South Wales
I am writing to you to protest the insane government proposal to remove Willow Grove from Phillip Street, Parramatta, to replace it with a replica beside parramatta gaol.

This exceptional Villa and its social history must remain in Phillip Street where it was built for Annie & Thomas Gallagher and their four children 140 years ago.

I myself was born in Willow Grove in 1951 when it operated as a private hospital.
Drury Jenny
Not provided , New South Wales
I object to BOTH:
☆ the construction of a new museum on the proposed site on the banks of the Parramatta River, and
☆ to the demolition of Willow Grove and St Georges Terraces.

Firstly the river bank regularly floods and shoud remain as a recreational area for the increasing number of people who are living in the increasing number of high rise apartments being built in Parramatta. It would be more appropriate for a green belt to be established by retaining the historic buildings and by removing the old car park.
A new museum could be built in Parramatta near the old gaol or another location on the new light rail site. This would have the benefit of dispersing visitors away from an already busy city location where other events such as Diwali etc are held.
We need to retain historic buildings as Parramatta has rich historical significance which again will attract visitors to the area.
Parramatta will be richer for retaining both its historical buildings AND by having a museum.
Lynette HOdson
Not Provided , New South Wales
Hello Marcus

I am stating my objection to the government's proposal to remove Willow Grove from Phillip Street and replace it with a replica beside parramatta gaol.

This exceptional Villa and its social history must remain in Phillip Street where it was built for Annie & Thomas Gallagher and their four children 140 years ago.

With your email subject - powerhouse parramatta objection to RTS

Every voice counts !

Nicole Phillips
Not Provided , New South Wales
Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to register my objection, in the strongest possible way, to the demolishing and re-location of Willow Grove from Phillip st to Parramatta Gaol.

It is another example of the NSW Government being out of step with the sentiments of the general public and in bed with developers who’s only objective seems to be in destroying our built heritage.
Please listen to the people on this as they are right and you are wrong.

We need to keep out built heritage and are clever enough to think of ways to develop the site while showcasing this magnificent building instead of the idiots way just knocking it down.
Colleen Winney
Not provided , New South Wales
Please do what you can to preserve Willow Grove and the heritage value it represents. Sydney has sadly lost so much of its heritage buildings that it looks like a city without soul, sold to the highest bidder, for short term political and financial gain. A quick drive from Sydney airport to Central will reveal the sad and limited vision of the city and NSW planning. Surely, we can place our history above such poor choices.

Thank you for your willingness to be a leader in preserving our city's heritage.
Norma Maurer
Not Provided , New South Wales
As an Australian citizen, aged 95 years, and a resident of Parramatta for nearly 70 years, I wish to register my strongest possible objection to the proposed demolition and relocation of Willow Grove.
The proposed construction of the new Powerhouse Museum on a flood prone site on the Parramatta River should be abandoned, and Willow Grove and The St George Terrace should be protected and retained as heritage-listed buildings.
I have been a member of The National Trust since 1970, and have been active in the preservation of historic buildings in the Parramatta district for over 50 years.
The desecration of historic buildings and structures, like The Lennox Bridge and demolition of The Royal Oak Hotel to facilitate the Parramatta Light Rail development, the redevelopment of “The Female Factory’ at North Parramatta into a business precinct, and the disturbance to the traditional Darug people’s land and artifacts, is an abomination, and I am strongly opposed to these redevelopments
I would appreciate a response to my comments.
Kim Algarve
Not provided , New South Wales
Please keep Willow Grove in its current location.

Willow Grove is a treasured and highly significant heritage item to the community. Its physical location is part of the building’s cultural significance and it needs to remain in its historical location where the building has significant associations and meaning for the community.
Linda Holmes
Not Provided , New South Wales
My submission to keep Willow Grove in its rightful place.

I want to object strongly to the relocation/demolition of Willow Grove, Phillip St Parramatta.

The only unanimous vote by the elected Councillors of the City of Parramatta supports the retention of Willow Grove in its present location. This motion is still current.

Any motions that do not support the retention of Willow Grove in its present position are the result of a split chamber, 7 for and 7 against, and were passed on the casting vote of the Lord Mayor.

The casting vote of the Lord Mayor has effectively removed the opportunity for Council to collaborate with the Design Integrity Panel in any design process undertaken, to integrate the St George’s Terrace within the MAAS building -with a bit more political will, it is possible that any further design process could, and should, incorporate a retained Willow Grove.

I believe the Councillors who voted for the relocation/demolition of Willow Grove are making a public statement about their lack of commitment not only to the preservation of the beautiful and fragile Willow Grove, but also to the histories and stories of Parramatta that live within walls – and there are many.

At no time has the State Government considered any previous vision that previous Councils have had for the City of Parramatta.

The retention of Willow Grove influences the successful completion of one such project The Parramatta River Strategy. This Strategy incorporated Civic Link, the retention of Willow Grove and the construction of a museum on the river foreshore

The Parramatta River Strategy had as its core the 20 metre wide Civic Link, a green spine designed to extend Horwood Place from Parramatta Square, crossing Macquarie, George and Phillip Streets, includes Willow Grove and terminates at the Parramatta River foreshore.

The current MAAS design demolishes Willow Grove, terminates the 20 metre wide Civic Link at Phillip St, and provides a reduced version in the form of a 11.5 metre laneway that finishes abruptly, 13 metres from Phillip Street, at a set stairs.

At state and local government level those who support the relocation/demolition of Willow Grove appear to be wilfully ignorant of the people who value the Heritage and History of Parramatta.

Those who value this Heritage and History have shown their support through the media, responses to the EIS, participation and joining together in public protest - they have made it clear they want their elected representatives to protect the history and heritage of our city.

Thanking you,
Meg Fahey
Not provided , New South Wales
I object ....
Diana Tilley-Winyard
Not provided , New South Wales
I object to the re-location of Willow Grove and to the site proposed for an extension to the Power House Museum.
Both being disastrous decisions by the State Government and both strongly objected to by the people of NSW.
When will the government listen? Pease stop these projects.
Peter Fogg
Not Provided , New South Wales
Dear Sir

I register my objection to the quite inappropriate proposal to remove Willow Grove from Phillip Street and replace it with a replica beside Parramatta Gaol.

Willow Grove’s historical significance is inextricably linked to its long and varied history in that Parramatta city centre location, including its garden at front and stables at rear.

The construction of an ersatz replica in another setting is an appallingly poor idea.

Additionally, I fear that this proposal is nothing more than a sop thrown to those outraged by the proposed destruction of Willow Grove in order to replace it with a vast and bland modern building at our considerable expense dedicated to - our heritage!

I recall that some years ago the old Blacktown Railway Station was dismantled, each brick numbered, taken away and .. never heard from again. Now nobody knows what happened to it.

Willow Grove needs to stay where it is. And be incorporated into any museum, as its proud centrepiece.
Fiona Fletcher
Not provided , New South Wales
I object ....
to the removal of Willowgrove. We are a country of heritage yet we are constantly demolishing our heritage. Willowgrove is heritage listed so how it is allowed to be demolished & a fake building be rebuilt in a different area. Why can’t it be incorporated into the powerhouse.

I really don’t understand why it has to be demolished especially when so many people are against it. It is a building that has withstood 140 years. Why can’t we be proud of our heritage. This is just total insanity. The people of the greater Sydney area don’t even get a say in it, what the government want they get. Parramatta & it’s history is disapppearing.

Fiona Fletcher
Proud supporter of heritage
Lynelle Slade
Not provided , New South Wales
I object ....the property is heritage listed. Do I need to say more?!
Stop destroying the architectural and social history of the area. You should be ashamed to be even thinking of demolishing the building.
We don’t need this development!
Alina Fogg
Not Provided , New South Wales
To whom it may concern,

Historic preservation is the practice of protecting and preserving sites, structures or districts which reflect elements of local or national cultural, social, economic, political, archaeological or architectural history - THERE WHERE THEY STAND.
To remove Willow Grove from Phillip Street and replace it with a replica beside Parramatta Goal is simply building a type of Disneyland, there is nothing historic or any real of preservation of our heritage about it.
Leave Willow Grove where it was built, where people lived and died; that would be protecting History!

Annie Simmons
Not provided , New South Wales
I object to the demolition of Willow Grove (or “relocation “) the beautiful historically significant building to make way for the ugly Power House museum. Too much of Parramatta’s heritage has been destroyed in the name of “progress”. Surely you must see the irony of destroying a true museum.

Kind regards
Annie Simmons
Fiona Gale
Rosehill , New South Wales
I object ....
to the proposal to remove the heritage listed 140 year old Willow Grove villa from Phillip Street and replace it with a replica beside Parramatta Gaol.

This exceptional villa and its social history must remain in Phillip Street where it was built for Annie & Thomas Gallagher and their four children 140 years ago. From its features to its history, the community feeling is that Parramatta’s Willow Grove is like no other building and in agreement with the National Trust feel that nothing would survive and it’s social history significance would be lost once removed from where it was built
Barbara Bryan Patrick de Vos
Dundas , New South Wales
Dear Mr Jennejohn,

We object to the relocation of the Willow Grove villa to be 're-constructed' next to the Parramatta Gaol for the following reasons:

1. This exceptional Villa and its social history must remain in Phillip Street where it was built for Annie & Thomas Gallagher and their four children 140 years ago.
2. This villa was an early maternity hospital with extensive history and links to many living citizens of Parramatta who value that connection.
3. IF the proposed Powerhouse museum should go ahead on that site it must INCORPORATE this villa WITHIN its footprint to retain it in its present location and condition.

Yours sincerely
Helen Brancatisano
Not provided , New South Wales
I object to the destruction of the historic Willow Grove in Parramatta. Thinking that a replica of the building will honour our history is a disdainful and shallow act.
The continued destruction of historical landmarks in the Parramatta area reflects lack of foresight and respect for the past and its relevance to our future.
Wendy Byrne
Not Provided , New South Wales
I object to the demolition and demolition/moving of Willow Grove to another site.

This beautiful building is precious to our history and an incredible building for us all and the future generations to enjoy and admire the quality of workmanship and the character of people who lived and worked in Parramatta in the 1800’s. Our great grandparents and grandparents generation lived in this era.

This once beautiful family home has also been a hospital where babies were born, a fact that should not be dismissed.

Please include this building and St George’s Terrace as part of a museum design.

Please on behalf of the people of NSW, ensure that any museum being proposed to be built in Parramatta will preserve buildings that are museums in their own right, historic, of great value to the community, and especially heritage listed (which Willow Grove was till 2019!).

The wishes of families and others in the surrounding communities and, in fact, all people of NSW deserve to be heard and acted on when such a building is being considered for removal. Parramatta is being inundated with enough high rise modern, cold unimaginative buildings and how special is a place like Willow Grove with love, history and quality workmanship standing the tests of time ....still standing and being able to be be used with furniture of the era and on display as part of a unique museum befitting the Cradle City of Parramatta, NSW.

Yours sincerely,
Wendy Byrne


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Museum, Gardens & Zoos
Local Government Areas
City of Parramatta
Determination Date
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

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Marcus Jennejohn