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State Significant Development


Powerhouse Parramatta

City of Parramatta

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Assessment
  6. Recommendation
  7. Determination

Site preparation works including demolition of all structures and tree removal, construction, operation and use of the Powerhouse Parramatta, public domain works and use, vehicular access, infrastructure works and signage zones

Consolidated Consent

10416 MOD 2 - Consolidated Consent


Early Consultation (1)

Request for SEARs (4)

SEARs (1)

EIS (37)

Response to Submissions (24)

Agency Advice (10)

Additional Information (22)

Determination (8)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (34)

Reports (1)

Independent Reviews and Audits (1)

Notifications (4)

Other Documents (3)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 1541 - 1560 of 1686 submissions
John Byrnes
Burwood , New South Wales
Have you seen please this article:

I would like to add my opinion and observations/experience to consideration of this specific matter, and also re museological planning in general for the future.

It is very good that Government has now retreated from its intention to (shudder) demolish this building .. but I would go further (plan further) than Mr Harwin seems so far to have considered?

I agree with all those who think the design of any Western Sydney Powerhouse Museum should be either built around the existing heritage or else built elsewhere. And I somewhat favour the option of 'built elsewhere'.

I think that preferably the Powerhouse Museum should have been revamped right where it is now .. but if that is not possible and a second "Western Sydney" adjunct to the Powerhouse Museum the Gov. has set its heart upon, then I think it should go entirely outside of the centre of Parramatta, and likely much further west on the Cumberland Plain .. for two reasons:

1) Cheaper land values pertain further west.

2) And so as to avoid, or at least much delay, possibility of the same thing happening in future to what we have seen happen with the Powerhouse Museum .. What happened with the Powerhouse Museum of course was later strong desire arising for the space it occupies .... because land grows so expensive that the site could generate very much greater income for government with other land uses than any museum admission fees would ever generate.

Already that latter effect lead to desire arising some good while back from somewhere within Government (with or without urging from the 'Urban Taskforce' or other developers lobby bodies?) to get rid of the Powerhouse Museum.

Nor was that the first time that such a thing has happened. It has happened in many other parts of the world, and in Sydney the same effect has possibly made things harder for the Australian Musuem (of this I am not quite sure), and lead to the total loss of the Geological and Mining Museum (of that I'm totally sure) which had existed well enough for a hundred years before neoliberal managerialism and accounting took sway ~~~ yet of course it never earned much money for Government and in strictly dollar-centred accounting became a burden ... eventually was accused of the new capital crime of not paying its way, not earning its keep. Only in relatively newly 'rationalised' society, however (post Mrs Thatcher and friends), did this become a crime for museums ...... for I much doubt that our ancestors lost much sleep, or ever gave it a second thought over what a drain museums might be on Treasury.

If times get tough for Government finance, some soft target things like museums may be considered for the chop .. and the man who gave the 'Mining Museum' the chop was the same Treasurer who privatised electricity. Things are tough again now for Government of course, due to Covid. But don't diminish museum funding again please. That can be a reward to the people for complying well overall with the Government's imposed restrictions to fight the virus .. which has given Australia one of the best pandemic outcomes seen anywhere in the world.

I send these few meagre comments in the hope you find them useful to some degree; from one who was affected/saddened by what the Government did to the Mining Museum (Geological and Mining Museum) in The Rocks (besides the Harbour Bridge) ..... and one who has "seen it all" ... from the inside out. I considered this was a fundamentally useful and GOOD museum, which should never have been cessated .. reformed maybe, but not totally annihilated. I would in fact like to see it re-instated if you could suggest that to anyone (the contents are all still sitting in storage and at least are 'safe'). It could never 'pay for itself' now in the City so best to re-instate something way out on the Cumberland Plain somewhere I think. Indeed if a Powerhouse adjunct were sent further west, where room to grow was at least initially of little concern . perhaps mining and geology could be gradually added to its scope? Better this stuff to re-emerge to public view I think, than stay hidden away in storage boxes.

What about putting the new adjunct (sorely needed even just on the basis of growing need of storage space) out at Badgerys Creek?

Sleepy BC we now will quickly see becoming the suggested new venue of all manner of things asking to be put there .. and already a massive new Hospital, even bigger than the new Northern Beaches new hospital, has been suggested for Badgerys Creek 'aeropolis' area.

Next to a hospital seems a good place for a museum n'est ce pas? Anyone who faints from seeing dinosaurs or seeing exhibits on the way things were in the maybe not-so-good-old-days could then be carried straight to the hospital for a dose of oxygen or other recovery aid.

I joke a little surely .. but not too much .. as museums must be considered, I think, a very serious subject. I believe they are much needed to show people about the past. The past must be recognised, shown, and taught about for a whole range of reasons .... both to honour and undertand the past itself for its own value, and for our forebears' achievements and ingenuity; and also of course to learn not to keep on repeating old mistakes is important as well.

So, in short, thanks again heaps to Government for SAVING another heritage building ... removing it elsewhere brick by brick definitively can work (and is far superior to demolition) .. but I'd prefer to see honouring all heritage laws and hence building over or around an already listed item would be good .. or else step the new facilities out well beyond Parramatta, westwards. I know a lot of pollies may want it in Parramatta to help their own personal aggrandisement in the eyes of voters, and hence I realise that what I suggest you may consider could be seen as politically inexpedient .. nonetheless I thought I should at least suggest it too you .. and well as rejoicing again that the main thing is we have now saved one more heritage item from outright destruction.

Cheers, John
Susan Stenning
Not provided , New South Wales
I object ....
Not provided Not provided
not provided , Tasmania
I object ....
David Galilee
not provided , New South Wales
I object ....
Mary Hollins
Not provided , New South Wales
I object to the destruction/demolition of the beautiful, historic building Willow Grove.
I have lived in the Parramatta area for over 50 years & I am saddened by the lack of consideration & consultation of the residents who treasure our history. Please retain Willow Grove for future generations.
Janice McKinnon
not provided , New South Wales
I object strongly to the proposed demolition and removal of Willow Grove and the intended reconstruction on another site. Surely the level of intelligent and knowledgeable objections by experts in the field cannot be ignored. I am a local resident and love the Parramatta district, it’s history and traditions. Both indigenous and modern. I am very concerned about this action.
Julianne May
not provided , New South Wales
I object ....

It is absurd that a historic building is proposed to be moved to make way for a museum holding "historic things" The point of Willow Grove is its proximity to the river. Witnessing it in situ - its appropriate place.

The idea of moving such an important historical building is a violation on the community of Parramatta who are entitled to have a history and a connection to the past via the built form. How are we to trust a government whose words and actions do not match up. They say history is important and then get about knocking everything down. A people with no connection to the past loose identity. A replica doesnt make up for this. We need to protect our rare and iconic special artefacts for future generations to learn from and enjoy. Willow Grove is outstandingly beautiful by anyones measure and part of this is due to its location o the river. This will be destroyed when its a replica, moved beside the jail. The threat of destruction of culture related to the birth of our nation is unprecedented in Parramatta, a place which is the actual birthplace of the nation - I am not anti development, I am objecting in the strongest terms to the unnecessary destruction of our links to the origin of our culture. When options are availbe to keep this property where it is and still develop the site, why would this not be the choice.

The preservation of the last remaining sites of architectural significance in Parramatta should be prioritized.

There are many great examples in Australia and around the world of where architects have been smart enough to incorporate the old with the new. Within in sydney CBD for example is the area known as Spice Alley - from thier website
Located in the heart of Sydney’s Chippendale
Kensington Street is a must-visit lifestyle precinct that combines heritage, hospitality, retail and art in a way that Sydney has never seen before.
Since opening in September 2015, Kensington Street has become a bold new home for restaurants, cafes, markets, artists, galleries, innovative retailers, and creatives – in Sydney’s new downtown. Visitors can explore tiny historic, fine-grained workers cottages and lofty industrial warehouses, combined with sparkling new structures, rooftop areas and a series of communal dining courtyards.

Additionally in Western Australia there is the development of the museum site that incorporated the historicy buildings
Our vision for the design was to create a space that promotes engagement and collaboration, responding to the needs of the Museum and the community. We wanted it to be a civic place for everyone; an interesting mix of heritage and contemporary architecture, that contributes to the revitalisation of Perth’s cultural precinct whilst celebrating the culture of Western Australia on the world stage.
Mark Loughnan | Hassell Principal,of%20the%20Perth's%20Cultural%20Centre.
Nobody wants to visit "just another city made of glass and steel" with no unique value and no great economic driver of tourisim or a sense of place.
Such a lack of vision from the leaders within all levels of government is astounding, disgusting and makes them irrelevant as custodians of our communities.
North Parramatta Residents Group
Granville , New South Wales
Haydn McDonald
Not Provided , New South Wales
I write to express my objection in the strongest possible terms to the proposed removal of Willow Grove from Phillip Street and to replace it with a replica beside Parramatta gaol.

This building is of significant historical and cultural value to the local community, in which I grew up, and needs to be retained as-is and where-is.

You need to actually listen to the feedback you are getting from the community. There are many alternative options available to the Government in relation to the Powerhouse Museum, which would not involve the destruction of our local history. Please, do not proceed as planned. This is absolutely abhorrent.
Brenda Haire
Not Provided , New South Wales
I strongly object to the historic Willow Grove Villa being dismantled and relocated next Parramatta Goal. This is a totally inappropriate location for Willow Grove.
The structural damage that the Villa will sustain in the relocation will never be rectified and the original ambience of Willow Grove when it was built can never be replaced.

Please listen to the local the community objections and not proceed with the destruction of the original Willow Grove.
Desmond and Gail Grogan
Constitution Hil , New South Wales
Good afternoon

I wish to put forward our objection to the destruction and or relocation of Willow Grove.

The idea that yet another part of Parramatta History is being tampered with is just diabolical.

We grew up in, and around Parramatta and are shattered to what is happening under the current NSW Government to the history of Parramatta.

Please pass on to the Government our input.

This is not the only decision that has left the people of NSW with a feeling of major disappointment and despair. Please listen to the people of NSW, especially the constituents of the Parramatta area and stop this project from going ahead as you plan.
Keith Thomas
Not Provided , New South Wales
Dear Marcus
I am writing once again to report my absolute disdain with any plan to place an unnecessary, unrequired and unacceptable Powerhouse Museum or any other display of history and heritage on the site of history and heritage itself, known as the magnificent Willow Grove.
I have been a resident of Parramatta for 27 years and during this time I have been admiring the magnificent villa and have been on her grounds for various Parramatta Lanes events.
Willow Grove is not to be moved stone by stone and it is not to be knocked down. There are millions of hectares of available land around Australia where the Powerhouse or any other museum can go but under no circumstances is that museum or any other museum to replace Willow Grove which is history and heritage - living history and living heritage and it is perfect exactly where it is.
The New South Wales government and the Powerhouse Museum can keep their grubby hands off Willow Grove. They should not have got their hands on Willow Grove except that they kicked out a democratically elected council and then had their administrator who they installed sell Willow Grove to the government. This should be a matter for ICAC and it should be a matter for the courts and any idea that the magnificent Willow Grove should be knocked down or even should be moved brick-by-brick is ridiculous. That is no way to treat heritage in this city or in this state.
Please take note of my complaints. Note of all other supporters of Willow Grove’s complaints. As stated before, there are millions of hectares of land on this continent and you can put the Powerhouse wherever you like you can even put it on top of the Premier’s living quarters as far as I'm concerned or on Geoff Lee’s property but it is not to go anywhere near Willow Grove.
Thank you. The people of Parramatta will not allow Willow Grove to be touched.
Yours sincerely,
Marion Barker
Not Provided , New South Wales
Dear Sir, I wish to register my profound opposition to plans to demolish Willow Groove and do a ‘pretend re-construction’ on an un-related site. I am writing with regard to the destruction of this beautiful old mansion, which has been such an important part of Parramatta’s heritage for a hundred and forty years,
This whole Powerhouse move has been a total catastrophe since it’s inception. So many changes and counter-changes, with a total disregard for public opinion.
Willow Grove, however is such an icon to generations of Western Suburb’s people. The whole idea of it’s demolition and a ‘Mickey Mouse’ replica being constructed elsewhere, is totally reprehensible. It must remain where it is!
This government does not have a good record on heritage protection.
Surely it is their responsibility to maintain local sites, and not destroy them on a foolish whim, which this is. With inquiries still in progress, and problems with the river bank site, it is entirely possible that the Parramatta Powerhouse will never be built at least in its proposed form.
The hasty destruction of this precious heritage building would have then been for nothing. Think again Sir, I implore you!
Kindest regards,
Jennifer Not Provided
Not Provided , New South Wales
I strongly believe our premier has no regard for our heritage..

My name is Jennifer..

My sisters and brothers were born in Willow Grove.

My sister Susanne was passionate about saving this building.

I marched for her recently as she could not march herself.

You see my sister died suddenly on July 24 2020

She collapsed never woke again, they found a large brain tumour..

My sister was fine..

I took this photo just the week prior..

Please let’s push to save Willow Grove for Sue..

Don’t incorporate it into the powerhouse.

Create a grand manor and have high teas and glamour..

I think that would be a brilliant idea and would certainly create a beautiful atmosphere of grandeur and elegance..

Women and men dressing in the era of Willow Grove..
Dancing and fun..

A wedding venue..

Not pulled apart never to be put back.
Not pulled down, destroyed,
not part of a ridiculous museum..

Create a world within the grounds of Willow Groves majesty..


Regards Jennifer
Nicole Williams
Not Provided , New South Wales
Hello there
Just wanting to voice my concern about relocating Willow Grove Historical House to make way for the Powerhouse Museum.
In my belief, this would destroy the heritage and the importance of the building.
Surely, the Powerhouse museum could accommodate the historical structures that already exist. It’s a museum… it seems logical to incorporate old, important elements in a museum. Such as Willow Grove and St Georges Terraces.

Willow Grove would not survive the move, and it would be nonsensical to try.

Hopefully a solution can be made that will enable Willow Grove to be kept, and for the Powerhouse to incorporate this in the plans, even though the whole site is on a flood plain.
Roslyn Not Provided
Not Provided , New South Wales
Dear Marcus,
This is an insane proposal to remove Willow Grove from Phillip Street and replace it with a replica beside parramatta gaol.

This exceptional Villa and its social history must remain in Phillip Street where it was built for Annie & Thomas Gallagher and their four children 140 years ago.

Please build a new museum in Parramatta elsewhere & keep Willow Grove where it is for future generations to enjoy ! It’s removal is unnecessary.
Alice Burke
Not Provided , New South Wales
As a History Teacher and member of the Parramatta Council, I object to the demolition and demolition/moving of Willow Grove to another site.
This beautiful building is precious to our history and an incredible building for us all and the future generations to enjoy and admire the quality of workmanship and the character of people who lived and worked in Parramatta in the 1800’s. Our great grandparents and grandparents generation lived in this era.
This once beautiful family home has also been a hospital where babies were born, a fact that should not be dismissed.
Please include this building and St George’s Terrace as part of a museum design.
Please on behalf of the people of NSW, ensure that any museum being proposed to be built in Parramatta will preserve buildings that are museums in their own right, historic, of great value to the community, and especially heritage listed (which Willow Grove was till 2019!).
The wishes of families and others in the surrounding communities and, in fact, all people of NSW deserve to be heard and acted on when such a building is being considered for removal. Parramatta is being inundated with enough high rise modern, cold unimaginative buildings and how special is a place like Willow Grove with love, history and quality workmanship standing the tests of time ....still standing and being able to be be used with furniture of the era and on display as part of a unique museum befitting the Cradle City of Parramatta, NSW.
Jek Jek
Not provided , New South Wales
Please I object destroying this property.
I am aboriginal and I know the importance of heritage.
Parramatta is so important in white history and the struggles of our black history.
Parramatta is turning into ugly cement and towers.
John Berry
Not Provided , New South Wales
Dear Sir

OBJECTION: Powerhouse Parramatta RTS

I strongly object to the proposed removal/ demolition of Willow Grove.

Willow Grove, at 32 Phillip Street, was built in the 1870s as a private villa, and later became a maternity hospital called Estella and as such is an important part of Parramatta's social and built heritage.

The building’s state heritage listing notes that it is “a good example of a Victorian Italianate two-storey villa, readily identifiable as part of historic building stock and strongly contributing to the streetscape in spite of its large setback, partly through its notable fence.” The listing states that Willow Grove is of significance for historical, aesthetic and representative reasons.*
What is the purpose of state heritage listings if they can be nullified against the wishes of the local community and important historic buildings destroyed?
Anne Tremain
Not Provided , New South Wales
To Whom it May Concern,
I have been following the recent conflict about the proposal by certain elements within the parliament to demolish the historic heritage home Willow Grove & wish to strenuously express my objection to such a move. We have so little left from our days gone by that this act if carried out would be a travesty of huge proportions for the people of this state, the nation & generations to come.
Please leave Willow Grove alone.
Yours faithfully,


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Museum, Gardens & Zoos
Local Government Areas
City of Parramatta
Determination Date
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

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Marcus Jennejohn