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State Significant Development


Smeaton Grange Waste Facility


Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Smeaton Grange Recycling Facility

Consolidated Consent

Consolidated Consent


Application (5)

Request for SEARs (1)


Response to Submissions (28)

Recommendation (7)

Determination (4)

Approved Documents

There are no post approval documents available

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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There are no inspections for this project.

Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 121 - 140 of 173 submissions
Name Withheld
Gregory Hills , New South Wales
We built a home out here in beautiful, quiet Gregory Hills to get away from the pollution and noise that living closer to Sydney offered, now to hear there is a proposed recycling plant on the cards in the next suburb is frightening. This will affect the lifestyle we have paid for!! The whole area will be brought down. There will be noise and smells from the site, as well as trucks roaring through our neighbourhoods finding the quickest ways there and away.

Please this recycling plant needs to go elsewhere away from homes and young families.
Darrel Briggs
Gregory Hills , New South Wales
We moved Gregory Hills to get away from the noise and pollution of Sydney, we thought there would be no heavy industries here, we already have recycling plant at Camden we do not need more heavy vehicles on the roads we have enough now
Name Withheld
Hazelbrook , New South Wales
I wish to object to the proposal because my children visit their grand parents in Currans Hill and I have seen the Flip Flow machine in action and I do not want my children contaminated by the dust and possible asbestos and powdered lead paint that will be sorted there. The watering systems proposed to be put in place are not all that effective. There will be oo much noise for them when sleeping as I have trouble enough now as it is.
Name Withheld
HAZELBROOK , New South Wales
We visit our parents in Currans Hill regularly and object to our children being so close to what is really a tip, with the possibility of smells from green waste and dust for all the sorting from the Flip Flow sorter and too much noise. This is just way too close to houses and it is in the wrong place.
Name Withheld
Harrington Park , New South Wales
This application should be rejected as it is a completely ridiculous proposal to build a recycling so close to a number of housing estates. This is a small industrial area within very close proximity to houses (immediately next to) who would be subjected to unruly odours as a result. People would not be able to enjoy sitting in their backyard without smelling or even hearing the plant in operation...This would have a direct impact on the value of such houses. This is completely unfair to homeowners to be affected by this, all of which work hard for their assets, only to be affected by someone else.

Additionally there are sporting complexes and other businesses providing activities to the community that will suffer when no one wants to use their facilities as they will be subjected to the disgusting odours!
What about the childcare centre that operates in Smeaton Grange? That will have to close as I doubt parents would want their children in a stinky environment.

Please reject this ridiculous application and advise Benedict Recycling to find a more suitable location away from such close proximity to any residential area.

Name Withheld
Gregory Hills , New South Wales
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to express my objection to the proposed resource recovery facility in Smeaton Grange as my family that includes 4 years old * 4 month old kids & myself will be badly affected by the proposed development. I chose to live in Gregory Hills as it's really quiet area away from all sorts of noise & pollution but if you approved that development, our health & well being will be at high risk. I don't want to be living in my house smelling all sort of wastes they will be processing in that facility. In addition to the horrible impact on traffic with all the noisy trucks that will be on our roads that's already congested now.
I would highly appreciate if you protect my family from all sort of noise, smell, traffic, pollution & health hazards that such development will bring on with.

Thank you
Name Withheld
Gregory Hills , New South Wales
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to express my objection to the proposed resource recovery facility in Smeaton Grange as my family that includes 4 years old * 4 month old kids & myself will be badly affected by the proposed development. I chose to live in Gregory Hills as it's really quiet area away from all sorts of noise & pollution but if you approved that development, our health & well being will be at high risk. I don't want to be living in my house smelling all sort of wastes they will be processing in that facility. In addition to the horrible impact on traffic with all the noisy trucks that will be on our roads that's already congested now.
I would highly appreciate if you protect my family from all sort of noise, smell, traffic, pollution & health hazards that such development will bring on with.

Thank you
Pavel Pospisil
Harrington Park , New South Wales
To whom it may concern.

I am a resident of Harrington Park within the Camden council. I support the council's opposition to the proposed resource recovery facility. I am mainly concerned about the potential increased heavy vehicle traffic in the surrounding areas. I don't believe the proposed location is appropriate for this type of facility.
Name Withheld
Currans Hill , New South Wales
It could be perceived of somewhat presumptuous to consider that residents would be happy with no overnight operations and to be content with trading until 10pm. In fact, residents would expect trading/operating/sorting/delivery hours would be until 4pm.
When the applicant says "We don't want to be a nuisance to our neighbours, we want them to be our customers," in fact, if we feel vibrations through the ground from the vibration sorting machines, hear reversing client trucks, are annoyed by the sudden sounds of glass dumping or slamming metal skip bin lids, clouds of concrete dust leaving the facility, wind blowing paper and littering native areas or having the roads leading to the facility littered by uncovered loads, then yes sir, you will be a nuisance.
Name Withheld
ST HELENS PARK , New South Wales
I am objecting to this proposal because of the dust and grit that will be emitted on windy days. There will be smell from green wast that is left overnight on hot days. There is the possibility of asbestos and the EIS proposal does not state how this will be managed or how nearby residents will be notified. We visit my parents in Currans Hill and I do not want my son breathing in cement, plasterboard dust or t5o affected by the smell of rotting vegetation.
Kattie Wardle
ST HELENS PARK , New South Wales
I am registering my objection to the Waste Facility. Children at the Child Care Center nearby should not be subjected to the dust from concrete, ballast, plasterboard and green waste from any source. My son should be able to have his afternoon sleep with out the noise from the recycling facility. Currans Hill is a very quiet suburb and it should be left that way. There is no quite way trucks and B Doubles can offload their freight The noise from the Flip Flow machine is very dusty and has a lot of vibration as it sorts bricks gravel and debris. The watering system will not be enough to hold down so much airborne dust that will evidently flow over houses. The EIS study does not state how oily products in jars and bottles will be cleaned eg Peanut Butter and Cooking Oils, these cannot be washed out with water and no doubt will attract rodents as will food cartons containing remnants of burgers and pizzas.
Name Withheld
INGLEBURN , New South Wales
I am placing my objection to the Waste Recycling Facility at Smeaton Grange. The hours of operation weekdays are far to long. 10 pm at night makes it hard for children to settle and impossible for shift workers to get enough rest. 5.00pm finish on weekdays is long enough time to give residents a fair go. The noise EIS study quotes an American Standard not and Australian Standard or reflect Camden Councils noise requirements, so this is a flawed study. I do not want to visit my parents for a BBQ and find objectionable odour from green waste and noise. I am also concerned about the possibility of asbestos fibers in the waste and how that is going to be managed. (The EIS study is silent on this matter)
There are just too many unresolved issues to make this a compatible project for the residents of Currans Hill. This sort of dirty industry belongs elsewhere not hard up on a residential suburb.
Paula Wardle
Currans Hill , New South Wales
Further to my previous submissions

I refer to statements in Benedict's new 4 page colour brochure addressing some residents' concerns, received via letter drop, which I received today 21st August 2016.
They state they now have `New Reduced Operational HOURS.' It has been reduced by only 1 hour per week, finishing 1 hour earlier on Saturdays. They only have to close 10 minutes later each day to make up the loss! They state they will no longer seek 24 hours of operation. But as demands increase with new estates and industries developing towards the new airport they will later seek longer hours in order to cope with demands. 120 meters from homes is not a suitable site for any increase of hours.
What does the word `operations' really imply or exclude? Can they still receive waste outside their stated hours of `operation'?

They state `No Putrescibles or Garden Waste From Kerbside Garbage Trucks Will Be Accepted.' What about Councils' Kerbside Recycling Bin waste which often does contain food remnants, pizzas in boxes, peanut butter, honey & oil in jars etc. all attracting vermin and developing odours?
They will still accept garden waste from private & commercial sources and these may have been decomposing on land for some time, which could result in odour. Benedict cannot guarantee no odour with prevailing winds and hot days.

Regarding TRAFFIC.....they state "The majority of vehicles will be travelling to and from Camden Valley Way via Anderson Road. We will erect signs at the facility requesting customers access the facility via the above mentioned routes." Drivers will take their own preferred route and traffic still has to pass the Child Care Centre & Sporting Facilities twice. Benedict cannot guarantee this.

Car spaces are inconsistent: They state that they `will provide employment opportunities for up to 15 employees with car spaces' but they state in the EIS, pg18, Para 2.2.5, `Eight car parking spaces, including one designated space for persons with a disability, will be provided within the site.'

Regarding NOISE: They state "We will build an 11 m tall shed and 10 m tall fence to block any noise. Is this wall height allowable under Camden Council? The longest length of their shed is still open. When nearby industry closes, mid to late afternoon, the sound of emptying metal, glass, brick, concrete and rail ballast from large trucks will still be thundering. It will be noisy and heard by residents who have chosen a peaceful lifestyle here in Currans Hill. This is not acceptable.

Marco Hanna
GREGORY HILLS , New South Wales
This is very hazardous to our children health and high traffic area would be dangerous for the schools
Eriny Mohareb
GREGORY HILLS , New South Wales
Very dangerous to our health and not safe environment to our children
Name Withheld
Currans Hill , New South Wales
I write to you to in objection to the above building proposal, based on the following reasons as listed below,

* Hours of operation.
o We object to the site operating before 8am and past 8pm on a weekday and operating on a weekend.

* Potential Air pollution, primarily smell.

* There was no pre-approval of the development prior to us purchasing our property and building our home.

* Noise Level
o We have concerns about the operational noise level as our house is in close proximity to the site.
Name Withheld
Spring hill , New South Wales
As a parent my kids health is most important to me the fumes this plant will put off will be hazard on them and the community. build it further out not so close to already established suburbs .
These type of businesses don't care about us they only care about the money . Local councils still aren't listening to its people's concerns by not stopping these dangerous proposals.
Name Withheld
Camden , New South Wales
I really object to this Recycling Waste Facility at this proposed location. It is just too close to people's homes where they live 24/7. These homes were here first, in a very quiet suburb which has no thorough fair through to other suburbs. The dumping of demolition waste will be noisy and even noisier on weekends when there is no other industrial noise. I have always enjoyed the outdoor experience when I visit my daughter and family. We do not want unpleasant odours from any vegetation waste, joining our summer outdoor dining. Neither do I not want my family put at risk with the asbestos dust being amongst the waste, which will inevitably be present at times. No amount of asbestos dust is safe to humans.

There are plenty of larger sites away from homes, which will enable Benedict to expand with the demand rather than increasing their hours close to homes.
Name Withheld
Currans Hill , New South Wales
There will be an increase in the noise and pollution in this area. Also, this waste will not all be from the area so this will increase the traffic in this area with an influx of trucks carrying the materials.
Name Withheld
Smeaton Grange , New South Wales
The reason why I object to the proposal is because of a number of heavy vehicles, including garbage trucks, expected to visit the site. This will be too much and it will have a negative effect on my business. My business is Bio-Cosmetics lab which is about 200 meters from the site. A waste facility is a polar opposite which conflicts with my already established business.


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Waste collection, treatment and disposal
Local Government Areas
Determination Date
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

Contact Planner

Penny White