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State Significant Development


Rye Park Wind Farm


Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Assessment
  6. Recommendation
  7. Determination

Consolidated Consent

Consolidated consent


DGRs (4)

EA (9)

Submissions (2)

Response to Submissions (19)

Recommendation (8)

Determination (3)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (24)

Independent Reviews and Audits (5)

Other Documents (12)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 221 - 240 of 391 submissions
Name Withheld
Rye Park , New South Wales
I have been a resident in the Rye Park district all my life and I can honestly say that there has never been a proposal that has concerned me more, than the development of the Rye Park Wind Farm. I reside on the Rye Park-Dalton Rd, approximately 3kms from some of the turbines themselves. Living on the land and being wool producers is not only a form of income for us but also a lifestyle choice for my family and generations before me. I am concerned the proposed wind farms are going to have a major impact on the valuation of our land and therefore affect our retirement in the future.
Another point that concerns me is the health implications that may be associated with the turbines. There are so many `stories' as to the impact the turbines have on health and lifestyle, that I don't think there is enough evidence out there to ensure that there will be no impact at all. This concerns me greatly, not only for myself but also my family and friends. How can it be said there will be no problems, when there have been many reported problems.
There are so many people in neighbouring towns that wonder what we are complaining about and that we should be pleased there is a greener source of energy being generated. All well and good for them to say that when the only time they will see or hear them is when they come to visit...not having to see them whenever they look through their kitchen window (or lounge room window if the Bango Wind Farm goes ahead too). That is what we are facing - every corner of our farm being in view of turbines!
The Rye Park wind farm is located amongst an area that is actually quite highly populated, with many residents living within 2-3km of the turbines. Many of the proponents have `land' in the area, but don't actually `live' there, leaving the existing residents having to put up with them instead. Is that not something that that Department of Planning & Environment is concerned about? If not, it should be.
Surely Australia, being such a vast area, has many other options of non-populated land that could be used just as easily, without impacting on so many people's lives.
I do wonder how these wind farms are so financially viable, when the Government is having to invest so much money into them. Surely health and education should be where any surplus money is going to protect the most important assets we have - our children...the future!
Name Withheld
Rye Park , New South Wales
To whom it may concern

This letter is regarding the proposed Rye Park Wind farm.
My main concern for this wind farm is that it may affect mine and my families' health in the
Another concern I have is, as I am only a P plater (provisional 1 licence holder) I am worried about the impact these turbines will have on traffic, as there will be a lot more vehicles and no doubt big trucks on our roads during their construction. This traffic will affect the road and we do not need that, as our road is already crap enough!
If these turbines do go ahead we will be able to see them from every angle of our house
and it will be taking away what is already a beautiful sight.
I certainly hope they don't go ahead!
Carmel Johnston
Mount Fairy , New South Wales
I object to this wind farm on the grounds that it will affect too many neighbouring non-hosting households.
As a family currently living within close proximity of a wind farm, and not having a say to its development and now having another new wind farm proposed for an adjoining property we understand the difficulty in making people understand the problems associated with wind farms.
Noise and visual aspects, as well as environmental concerns and the inability to sell an affected property are all points of concern and should be considered before any new wind farms are approved.
The developers may have reduced the number of wind turbines and changed some aspects of the application regarding the location of turbines and the access tracks etc. but will these changes be added to the next modification.
Hugh Klem
Bannister , New South Wales
As a resident in the Bannister area I live amongst the Gullen Range Wind Farm. I love seeing the turbines in action creating power from the wind and constantly think to myself what a great idea. As I also think about the alternatives I would much rather have turbines next to my place than a coal mine. I would like to support the Rye Park Windfarm on behalf of the silent majority that support wind power generation. There is a definite vocal opposition to windfarms in Australia and in our local area and their views are respected and warranted however there are a lot more people both locally and generally who support these projects or aren't too fussed about them. I wanted to make a submission to the powers that be on behalf of this silent majority. Regardless of the local financial benefits wind power brings to a community, I believe wind to be a much better power source than the traditional alternatives.
Name Withheld
Balgowlah , New South Wales
I Object to the Rye Park Road development as it will have significant negative visual impact on the property of my family, at Residence 50 at Blakney Creek.
I do not believe that the economic benefits outweight the environmental damage during constructions, nor the negative social impacts on the local community.
I do not believe that the wind farm technology is as effective as solar technology which could generate the same power over a smaller footprint.
I believe that conservation should be further encouraged for the greater good, rather than promoting the creation of more infrastructure, a great distance from the sites that demand the energy needs.
I do not believe that wind farms should be constructed anywhere.
Kathrine Addison
Goulburn , New South Wales
I object to this project application.
My family lives just north of Rye Park and in Boorowa. My husband, children and I are regular visitors to the farm, and to Boorowa, and we have always enjoyed the peacefulness of the area and the friendliness of the community. As I also grew up on the farm visits are always a pleasant escape from the city life I now live.
The proposed `wind farms' of Rugby, Rye Park and Bango have been a concern to my family for many years, but the Rye Park WF is of particular concern to me.
Living in the Goulburn area, and travelling through Crookwell or via the Hume Highway to visit my family, I have had regular encounters with the visual destruction of the landscape along the way. I can no longer visit my family without seeing wind turbines but can drive past and then they are gone. To think that my family will have to live with wind turbines for the rest of their lives, and not be able to just drive away, is a distressing thought. And to think of the destruction of those beautiful Rye Park hills that have been so caringly preserved over many generations is also distressing.
I have seen the building of the Gunning WF and the Gullen Range WF. The scouring of roads over the landscape, the blasting of the land to make massive holes and the building of towers and power lines that can be seen for many kilometres away.
I do not believe that the majority of the local residents of Rye Park and Boorowa would be in favour of this development. Any of the promotional material that I have seen for `wind farms' is of bare rolling hills or fields of pasture, and what I have seen of the Trustpower promotional material on their website is no different. Rye Park is not bare rolling hills or vast, expansive fields but is that what it will look like after construction?
I understand the Rye Park area is a haven for many rare or endangered birds, reptiles, plants and fish that have been quietly and lovingly guarded for a very long time. I have no doubt that much of this country would still be as our First Australians would have seen it. How can this proposal be considered in any way?
Katie Addison and Family
Tristan Pollard
Goulburn , New South Wales
My Granma owns a property at Rye Park and I visit regularly.
I am upset that the Rye Park Wind Farm is even called a `farm' as there is nothing about these large machines that resembles farming.
I understand that a large amount of money is to be given to the company that owns this development and I cannot see why this money can't be given to the owners of all the houses in the Rye Park area so they can put solar panels on their roofs. I haven't done the maths but I reckon this could produce as much power as 109 turbines could, do it without destroying the Rye Park hills, and produce electricity 90% of the time instead of only 34% of the time.
I would never consider following in my grandparent's footsteps by owning property in the Rye Park area if this development goes ahead. I cannot see any future for a village that is surrounded by wind turbines.
Yours Sincerely,
Tristan Pollard
Sujata Allan
Croydon , New South Wales
I strongly support the Rye Park Wind Farm project. Large scale renewable energy projects such as this wind farm are essential in the transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy - which is required to happen quickly and efficiently if we are to avoid ongoing climate change.

Climate change has been described by leading medical bodies as the greatest health threat of the 21st century. It threatens the health and wellbeing of Australians, both current and future generations, and vulnerable populations around the world.

Wind farms are an ideal alternative to fossil fuels for energy generation, and also have the benefit of not harming the health of local communities. Fossil fuels have many documented harms to health including increases in cardiovascular disease, respiratory illness and cancer. In contrast, wind farms have no credible scientific evidence showing risks to the health of local communities.

I strongly support this project and look forward to many more projects such as this in Australia.
Tony Folkard
Bowning , New South Wales
I object to the visual effects on the landscape, the possibility of soil erosion on all slopes, particularly those over 18% and the apparent disregard of the Senate Enquiry report on the health risks to neighbouring residents to turbines. I reserve the right to add further objections.
Tony Folkard
Bowningg , New South Wales
The effect of widespread, uncontrolled clearing of native vegetation undertaken in the preparation of tower sights, the possibility of erosion and the destruction of native flora and fauna habitat is of particular concern to the objectives of sustainability supported by Landcare.
Tony Folkard
Bowning , New South Wales
I object to the loss of property values in areas adjacent to wind turbines and the loss of the ability to take out loans on the affected land A number of residents have chosen to live around Rye Park seeking a rural and tree hugging lifestyle. Their dreams will be smashed if the project goes ahead.
Tony Folkard
Bowning , New South Wales
I am concerned that if the proponant goes outside the approved project there does not appear to be any safeguards or penalties. For example if the proposed traffic counts and heavy vehicle types are exceeded what penalties are bought to bare?
Kristyne Prell
Crookwell , New South Wales
I support the RYE PARK windfarm. I believe energy from renewable sources is the way of the future, an inevitability. I believe Australia should be a leader in this sector and that this windfarm can contribute to our renewable energy future. The RYE PARK area has a very good wind resource and is overwhelmingly farmland. I think the synergy between wind and agriculture is one that farmers can take advantage of. Lease payments from the windfarm will dramatically increase financial resilience during drought and low commodity prices for the farmer and the local community. If TRUSTPOWER are proposing to inject about $2 million per year for the next 20 years into the local community this has to be a positive outcome for RYE PARK.
I believe all of the environmental concerns raised by opponents of the windfarm have been comprehensively addressed by TRUSTPOWER.
It is important to remember that windfarms do not use any water, which is becoming an increasingly scarce resource.
Marcia Osborne
Bungendore , New South Wales
The wind is free, and the turbines do not contaminate the atmosphere. Construction involves minimal disturbance to the countryside. They keep the options open for the distant future because should they become redundant their removal would leave their area virtually as it originally was, unlike as would be the case with housing developments, for instance. I have been living in close quarters to a major wind farm for several years and can vouch that scare warnings put forward by opponents do not hold true
Barbara Folkard
Bowning , New South Wales
I am extremely disturbed by the prospect of approval being given to the Rye Park Wind Farm to go ahead and object very strongly to that decision being taken. It is impacting on me already in my role as a Hospital Pastoral Carer where we hear experiences of families already being impacted by wind farms in close proximity to them. I dread the continuing very stressful impact on me and other families in the vicinity of the Rye Park Wind Farm, should it go ahead.
I reserve the right to add extra comments to this submission at a later date.
Barbara Folkard
Bowning , New South Wales
I am very disturbed by the apparent lack of care for and sensitivity to people who are experiencing health problems as a result of wind turbines being installed and switched on in the proximity of their homes, either as neighbours or hosts of them.I cannot believe that their claims are not truthful. NO family in their right mind would put themselves through the stress of shifting from house to house during a week or so unless there was a VERY convincing reason for them to get away from turbines to relieve the health problems. All activity should be stood aside until VERY thorough investigations are undertaken.I reserve the right to add any further comments to this submission at a later date
Barbara Folkard
Bowning , New South Wales
I object very much to the degradation of the local vistas across the countryside in the vicinity of the proposed Rye Park Wind Farm, and to the fact that it will be impossible not to see them from a great distance.Why spoil the aesthetic value of districts which have enjoyed and would expect to enjoy large numbers of national and international visitors. What a great disappointment for them, and probable loss of income for the shire businesses!!
I reserve the right to add comments to this statement at any later date.
Name Withheld
Kangiara , New South Wales
I support the Rye Park wind farm. We live about 15 km from the wind farm and might be able to see it on the horizon. I think it's a good thing to bring money and jobs into the area for local people. There'll be community grants which can be used to build facilities for Rye Park and nearby villages and towns. Even though my family won't benefit in any direct financial way from the project, I think it's a good thing for the area. It also helps the environment to use the abundant wind, instead of burning coal to make electricity.
I have seen that other communities in NSW have benefited already from having wind farms.
I hope the Planning Department can go ahead and approve the project.
Barbara Folkard
Bowning , New South Wales
Impact on me by the loss of our beautiful birdlife from the blades of turbines will be severe.Superb Parrots, Swift Parrots, Eagles and others are reported on and enjoyed greatly by me and many other people in this whole district.I will resent their demise as they are part of our natural heritage.

I reserve the right to add further comments to this submission at a later date.
Barbara Folkard
Bowning , New South Wales
I am distressed over the amount of roadworks that will criss cross the landscape which is very prone to erosion, the fact that the proponents will have the right to go where they please, and that owners of land and neighbours will have lost a good many of their rights over the use of their land once they sign up with the proponents.
I reserve the right to add further comments to this submission at a later date.


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Local Government Areas
Determination Date
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

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Iwan Davies