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State Significant Development


Powerhouse Parramatta

City of Parramatta

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Assessment
  6. Recommendation
  7. Determination

Site preparation works including demolition of all structures and tree removal, construction, operation and use of the Powerhouse Parramatta, public domain works and use, vehicular access, infrastructure works and signage zones

Consolidated Consent

10416 MOD 2 - Consolidated Consent


Early Consultation (1)

Request for SEARs (4)

SEARs (1)

EIS (37)

Response to Submissions (24)

Agency Advice (10)

Additional Information (22)

Determination (8)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (34)

Reports (1)

Independent Reviews and Audits (1)

Notifications (4)

Other Documents (3)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 1501 - 1520 of 1686 submissions
Paul Bowyer
not provided , New South Wales
I wish to object in the strongest possible terms to the proposal to move Willow Grove.

There is so little of Parramatta's heritage left, particularly in the CBD. Willow Grove the last of its kind in the CBD. It's no longer a heritage item if it's removed , just a reproduction.

Please, leave the Willow Grove where it is.
Kay Mack
not provided , New South Wales
Listen to the people. This is absolutely gut wrenching. What is wrong with you lot?????? This is vote changing for me.
Gail Hamilton
NORTH SYDNEY , New South Wales
I object to the planned removal of Willow Grove and the rebuilding of a replica on a different site. The original building should be retained in its original position and any new building should be designed around it, enabling Willow Grove to stay.
Leita Boltwood
not provided , New South Wales
I object to the destruction and relocation of Willowgrove.
Darlene Bailey
not provided , New South Wales
I object ....

To much of our wonderful irreplaceable history is being torn down. Please don't make another mistake and demolish this beautiful building.
Julienne Lynch
not provided , New South Wales
I object to the demolition, and reproduction rebuild of Willow Grove, Parramatta. It is a building of heritage significance, cultural value and cultural identity.
It is beyond understanding that anyone would even consider tampering with the fabric of a heritage house and precinct, and worse than that, to suggest removing it ‘brick by brick’ to another location, to accommodate an inadequate so called Powerhouse Museum.

Willow Grove is aesthetically beautiful as well as heritage. We need as much of our built history for the future generations. Too much has already been lost to shoddy developments, and Sydney has lost his soul. We need to preserve the soul of Parramatta before it too becomes a generic, bland modernised blight.

European countries respect their heritage and are rewarded for the care and upkeep of heritage and historic buildings, with strong tourism.

No overseas tourist, in their right mind, would spend money to come to a parody of heritage, if Willow Grove were to be dismantled and relocated out of its historical context.

Please take the advice of the respected National Trust and leave Willow Grove exactly where it is, as it is, in its original state, in its original garden.

The destruction of the the places we love, and the building of ugly replacements is disheartening, and heartbreaking.

Please listen to the people.
Suzie Lowe
Not provided , New South Wales
I object to willow grove being removed, we need our heritage to be preserved
Diane Gray
I object to the demolition of a willow Grove in Parramatta.
This is our history and should be left intact for our future children To see and appreciate.
Alesoun Marsden
Not provided , New South Wales
I object to the unnecessary and wanton destruction of the unique Villa, Willow Grove in Phillip St Parramatta. This beautiful building has the history and cultural associations of Parramatta embedded in its bricks and position in that community. It has changed purpose but has remained the same. A magnificent building and grounds in the heart of the city.
The idea that a heritage building can be demolished and built again at another site is preposterous. Perhaps we could also destroy the Mona Lisa but make sure we get a colour photocopy to replace it! A new copy of the original Willow Grove will not be Willow Grove. You can’t replicate the materials, techniques and expertise of the tradesmen who made it. It will be an expensive imitation, completely out of context. This is a disgusting act of vandalism and a massive waste of tax payer’s funds.
A very poor effort. Think again!
Elizabeth Collis
not provided , New South Wales
I object to the removal of Willow Grove house from its original location. This home is part of our great history of parramatta and i would would like to see it maintained for future generations.
Jeff Seers
not provided , New South Wales
I object strongly to the demolition/relocation of Willow Grove in Phillip Street Parramatta. It is absurd to demolish a heritage listed item of such significance. Rebuilding a facsimile of the Willow Grove down by the jail is a simplistic cop out. It destroys the integrity of the site.
Other countries manage to preserve their historic and important buildings. Attaturks home in Turkey is just one example. They managed to build a railway station and incorporate the building into the design. Why carn't we? Are we that lacking in vision? Are our historic homes of such little value?
It seems the Government knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. This is a sad way to be.
I implore you to act to preserve this historic building.
Robyn Atherton
HARDEN , New South Wales
I object to Willow Grove in Phillip Street Parramatta being moved. Absurd proposal.
The community want to see heritage buildings more than a shiny new museum.
Robyn Atherton
(Childhood & family connection to Parramatta area).
Penny Newlove
not provided , New South Wales
I object ....

# SaveWillowGrove
The National Trust and its heritage architects have condemned the proposal to relocate this 140 year old Villa. Nothing would survive and it’s social history significance lost once removed from where it was built.

Have we no sense of history? Aer you going to allow Developers to dictate our sense of community and what we value?

Dorothy Baker
Not provided , New South Wales
I object ....
Jeanette Moxon
not provided , New South Wales
I object the demolition of Willowgrove, Parramatta.
The crazy plan to demolish and rebuild this historical building elsewhere beggars belief.
What a waste of public money.
Yes , build a museum, Parramatta deserves one but don't demolish our history to do it.
Val Dyball
Not provided , New South Wales
I object the strongest way to the removal of Willow Grove . The whole idea of a museum on the old David Jones site has been flawed from the beginning and the desecration of Willow Grove is unconscionable. I have been a Liberal voter in the Parramatta Electorate for many years but have been disgusted by Government rushing to build stadiums, this museum etc without regard to the historical value of the area.There needs to be much more deep thought put into things instead of rushing into
huge projects. Willow Grove should be preserved as it would be in any other civilised country which values it's history. Too many of Parramatta's heritage buildings have disappeared in my lifetime ( eg. the All Saints rectory on Victoria Road). PLEASE SAVE WILLOW GROVE!!!!!! Sincerely, (Mrs) Valerie Dyball, Snowdon Ave., Carlingford.
Kathryn Hammond
not provided , New South Wales
I object ....

please do not go through with this ridiculous plan to create a replica.

Our history needs to be preserved and Willow Grove is such an important piece of Parramatta history. We have so few beautiful preserved buildings like this and it is so wrong to demolish it.

I absolutely see the need to bring something like the powerhouse to Parramatta, but there are many other locations that could be utilised and SAVE WILLOW GROVE
Sarah Collins
not provided , New South Wales
Attn; Planning NSW

I am writing to voice my strongest objection to the removal and now re location of Willow Grove !

I have worked on heritage homes and buildings, my whole life, 50 years, as did my mother and grandfather and great grandmother before him, and what you suggest to do, is just completely outrageous .

The integrity , the history, the structure, the experiences, which you plan to rape, destroy and remove for monetary gain, cannot be, must not be done.

What will be left for our future generations ? Nothing of integrity.

What you plan to rip apart, most cannot be replaced or replictated back into it’s original true form.

Why you would build further also, on sacred, flood risk lands, which one as a residential builder, we cannot ? escapes all possible reason.
Kait Howse
Not provided , New South Wales
I object to destroying this beautiful piece of architecture. leave it alone and build your ugly high rise around it. Make the house the entry point of museum. We all know how corrupt the state government is, especially the Premier. Its obvious to see how depending how much money is thrown at it they will sign off on anything with no consideration for the community. Please try and do something good for the community instead. Be different then those corrupt power people. Be the change we need!
Victor Robertson
not provided , New South Wales
I object ....


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Museum, Gardens & Zoos
Local Government Areas
City of Parramatta
Determination Date
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

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Marcus Jennejohn