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SSD Modifications


Mod 3 Extension and Amendments

Port Stephens

Current Status: Assessment

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare Mod Report
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

The modification would involve increasing disturbance by 6.6%, increasing production to 580,000t, amending the Biodiversity Offset Strategy, clarifying extraction method, improving timber management, updating the Statement of Commitments

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

SEARs (1)

Modification Application (3)

Response to Submissions (4)

Agency Advice (9)


Showing 1 - 6 of 6 submissions
k rochester
WILLIAMTOWN , New South Wales
We object to the application. Please see attached submission.
Name Withheld
WILLIAMTOWN , New South Wales
Thank you for receiving these concerns and submissions as follows: -

1. Air Quality and Local Residents' Health.
What measures, controls and monitoring will be in place to eliminate dust production generated by the proposed changes to extraction and production methods and ensure safe air quality?

2. Safety on the roads with additional truck movements.
What measures will be in place to ensure safety of local users of Cabbage Tree Road? It is already intimidating with the number of sand trucks who use the road.

3. Noise factor with additional truck movements.
How will the noise factor be measured and monitored? Will that be for the term of the quarry?

4. Noise factor with a diesel generator in constant operation.
How will the noise factor of a diesel generator be measured and monitored? Will that be for the term of the quarry?

5. Contamination of the site with the importation of VENM sand.
What measures and controls will be in place for prevention of the import of contaminated VENM? What controls will be in place to counteract any event of contamination of imported VENM sand?

6. Proposed processing methods for VENM.
What will the processing methods be for any VENM from importation onto the site, processing, or production into a marketable product and then exportation from the site?

7. Contamination of the site by diesel leakage or spillage.
How will this be managed, monitored, and reported?

8. Regeneration of the site.
What are the guarantees for regeneration once the project is finished? It is proposed that mulching timber will be more efficient for the quarry owners but how is that going to regenerate the flora of the site? What surveys will be done after the quarry is finished to ensure that the local fauna have returned to the site?

9. Property Value Decrease.
The property value in Williamtown has decreased with the PFAS and PFOA contamination issues. What measures and controls will be in place to prevent further reductions in local property values from the proposed modifications?

10. The following is quoted from within Table 9.1 of Appendix 7 of Wedgetail Project Consulting’s Modification Report 3.
"Minor adverse social, economic or environmental impacts will be mitigated via the existing mitigation measures implemented onsite and the proposed mitigation measures in this application. The modification will help address the shortfall in quarried sand resources in the region. The benefits outweigh any adverse impacts and the proposal is considered to be in the public interest."

Who has decided that the proposal is in the public interest? What about the interest of the local residents who have to live daily with the impact of the sand quarry and its operations? What about the mental health of the local residents who have to live daily with the noise and intimidation of the truck movements in and out of the quarry and on Cabbage Tree Road?

11. Following are some portions of text quoted from Appendix 6 on Page 151 of Wedgetail Project Consulting’s Modification Report 3 with questions and/or comments:-

a. "If MOD3 is approved, the Project would involve the following key elements:
• Extraction and processing of up to 530,000 tonnes per annum over a Project life of up to 10 years (i.e. to 2033) including:
o Vegetation clearance using excavators."
How will dust production be eliminated? How will this be monitored and controlled?

b. "o Extraction of sand resources primarily using excavators."
How will dust production be eliminated? How will this be monitored and controlled?

c. "o Loading of excavated materials onto to dump trucks for transport to the processing plant."
How will dust production be eliminated? How will this be monitored and controlled?

d. "o Processing the sand using a wash plant located in Sector 3, powered by a diesel generator."
How will dust production be eliminated and noise from the generator measured and monitored?

e. "o Loading of product trucks and management of sand using a front-end loader."

How will dust production be eliminated? How will this be monitored and controlled?

f. "o Sale and transport of sand products from the site."
What are the processing methods for the imported sand products?
How will imported sand products be tested for contamination before they are brought on site?
What are the measures, controls and remedies if such products should be contaminated and brought onto the site?

g. "• Infrastructure including:
o Intersection on Cabbage Tree Road consisting of left-turn-in deceleration lane and left-turn-out acceleration lane."
These lanes are already in place. Are there further works proposed?

h. "• Progressive rehabilitation of the extraction area to a native ecosystem, equivalent to or better than existing. Rehabilitation will involve the use of a mulcher/tub grinder on a campaign basis within the northern resource area where the net volume of timber appears to exceed requirement amounts."
How will this be measured and monitored that it is happening?

i. "• The provision of a comprehensive biodiversity offset strategy."
What does this mean?

The health and safety of all local residents should be paramount in considerations for the proposed modifications. Please show how the interests of the local residents are being served by the proposed modifications and how their health will be protected.

Thank you for considering these submissions.
Koala Koalition EcoNetwork Port Stephens (KKEPS)
ANNA BAY , New South Wales
Additional clearing in the on-site Biodiversity Stewardship site and changes to the project’s previously agreed Biodiversity Conservation Strategy are not acceptable on multiple grounds and should be refused.
Tomaree Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc. (TRRA)
NELSON BAY , New South Wales
See attached objection
Leon Fitzgerald
Anna Bay , New South Wales
As far as I can see from the Air Quality Impact Assessment (2015). The model used was (Ausplume) it did not calculate the area impact shadow of Pm 2.5 particulates. Model predictions by Calpuff does.With the change in Workplace Health & Safety guidlines (N.S.W) The Pm2.5 value is now0.05 µ/M³ / 8 hr. The current societal alarm with the health about Silicosis is of great importance. Is this project safe in this regard?
Further, the Mod 3 plan indicates a continuous Air quality monitoring device/s .Is/are there procedures in place to indicate that work should cease and if residents can be impacted? What department is in charge of such devices?


Project Details

Application Number
Main Project
Assessment Type
SSD Modifications
Development Type
Extractive industries
Local Government Areas
Port Stephens

Contact Planner

Kristina Robinson