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State Significant Development

Response to Submissions

Glenfield Waste Services Resource Recovery Facility


Current Status: Response to Submissions

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

The expansion of an existing resource recovery facility to accept and process up to 450,000 per annum of non-putrescible waste from construction and demolition, and commercial and industrial sources


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

EIS (22)

Response to Submissions (2)

Agency Advice (7)

Amendments (18)


Showing 1 - 20 of 49 submissions
Shiu Ram
Glenfield , New South Wales
We wish to submit our objection to Application No. SSD6249 from Glenfield Waste Services Group, on the following grounds :
1. Existing facility should not be allowed any further expansion but arrangements need to be made for shifting it to some other less populated location.
2. Glenfield and its precincts have now developed as preferred residential areas and any such waste processing plants need to be prohibited.
3. Obviously, there will be negative environmental impact, and on property values, apart from risks to peoples health from dusts and other pollutants, therefore we respectfully ask the Minister for Planning not to approve this application.
raid Moorebank
wattle grove , New South Wales
I object the extension of allowing the Glenfield waste facility at 2 Cambridge ave as it would have a huge impact on the ecology of the local area.The Georges River is under pressure from a number of factors including weather,Industrial projects like this project.I have known that the Georges River is a very important river in terms of our environmental sustainability and is a major reasonin my opposition to the proposed Moorebank Intermodal which has major environment impact on the sustainability of the area particularly in periods of heavy rain.I have witnessed information that despite current threats to the river the wildlife aquatic species are currently in very good condition.This will not occurrr if projects like this are allowed tooccur
Name Withheld
Glenfield , New South Wales
We object to the above proposal because it is detrimental to our health, besides we have children with asthma and we are against any type of pollution esp asbestos or other dangerous materials.
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
Trucks exiting tip on wet days leave the roadway, Cambridge Ave, covered in mud and the speed they exit is at times quite dangerous.
Thomas McLaughlin
Macquarie Links , New South Wales
I have been a resident of the Campbelltown Local Government area since 1982. I support the proposal to establish a Recycling Waste Facility at Glenfield which is currently a land fill.
The issues involving the volume of waste going to land fill has been openly discussed in this area for a number of years.
The concern for most people in this area in my view is the lack of sites suitable for this service.
It has always been suggested within this community that we should encourage recycling as opposed to land fill for the following reasons:
It is a far better method of treating waste than disposing of it into land fill creating green house gas emissions. There are few people employed in the land fill site. A recycling facility will provide a much greater employment opportunity for many more workers.
This area of Sydney has a much higher percentage of people unemployed than areas closer to the city, youth unemployment has always been seen as one of the disadvantages of living in this part of Sydney.
I therefore feel that this project will be beneficial for the environment, good for the economy of the area and will be a worthwhile employment generating project for the community.
So green house gases released to the atmosphere will be reduced by recycling waste rather that disposing of it into the land fill.
This area is expecting huge growth in population over the next period. Without the ability to recycle waste in the area there would be a dramatic increase in the amount of waste going to land fill and this would be unsustainable in my view.
Name Withheld
Glenfield , New South Wales
This submission is in regard to the traffic congestion which will arise from the expansion of GWS. The traffic impact assessment was done about 2 years ago (arguably too old). Another 1000 houses were added in the following two years in Glenfield. Once the Hurllstone Agriculture High School land is developed it will add another 1500 homes in the locality. All these homes and the more than doubling of the GWS traffic (300vpd to 650vpd as mentioned in the report and bigger trucks) will be serviced by just 2 two lane roads namely Cambridge Av., and Railway Parade (One lane each direction). Already because of the land developments the roads are pretty congested during morning and afternoon peak hours. Also 300 metres from the GWS2 road exit is Glenfield Public School, which will add to congestion during school zone hours. Also since Glenfield Causeway can't be used by trucks, this will create more congestion to the existing roundabout. Without further road infrastructure development, this expansion will be very bad for Glenfield.
Name Withheld
Glenfield , New South Wales
I am concerned with the proposed site of the "Project" being located so close to residential area. I have been to a few waste management centres and generally there are odour and noises and it attracts certain birds and insects that have potential risks of spreading disease from wastes. If the project is going ahead, it will cause environmental issues to the residents in Glenfield, especially when the project is located so close to the residential zone.

I noticed the document has referenced a few mitigation methods for the odour and noise in particular, but i am not convinced that these mitigation methods are effective. For example, the mitigator for odour is to treat green waste as quick as possible. However, often there will be occasions that the centre will lack resources to do it quick enough and odour cannot be mitigated effectively. Another example is noise, with the expansion of project capacity, local residents will see and hear more trucks carrying wastes driving through on the roads. This noise is additional to the machinery noises inside the project. The close location to the residential area will make it very unpleasant for people who are home during the operation hours. I am not convinced that curfew proposed as a mitigator will be effective.

While I am not an environmental expert, I am concerned with the impact on the soils and water system. Being located so close to the residential area, I am concerned that any leakage of contamination to the residential area. Although there are mitigation proposed, I am concerned they might not effective or some of the risks might not be foreseeable and the residents need to bear the environmental costs.

Overall, I think it is best for the Project to be in a location that is not so close to the residential areas.
Macken Planning Solutions
Sydney , New South Wales
Attachment below
Roads and Maritime Authority
Parramatta , New South Wales
See attachment
Liverpool City Council
Liverpool , New South Wales
See attached
Department of Primary Industries
Sydney , New South Wales
See attached
David Klein
Glenfield , New South Wales
See attached
Helen Van Vlemen
Glenfield , New South Wales
See attached
NSW Department of Industry — Geological Survey of NSW
Hunter Regional Mail Centre , New South Wales
See attached
Campbelltown City Council
Campbelltown , New South Wales
See attached
Helen Fleming
Glenfield , New South Wales
See attached
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
not gud for us to has big dumping ground nare us. hi trific lot of sound people shouting not gud
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
Pollution and air quality in the area. Also worried about management of added traffic by the proposed project.
Iken Paroddie
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
I do not want such a big waste field close to my resident


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Waste collection, treatment and disposal
Local Government Areas

Contact Planner

Pamela Morales