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State Significant Development

Response to Submissions

Glenfield Waste Services Resource Recovery Facility


Current Status: Response to Submissions

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

The expansion of an existing resource recovery facility to accept and process up to 450,000 per annum of non-putrescible waste from construction and demolition, and commercial and industrial sources


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

EIS (22)

Response to Submissions (2)

Agency Advice (7)

Amendments (18)


Showing 21 - 40 of 49 submissions
Rical Wirawan
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
The site is too close to residential. Concern about the impact to the air and environment. There is already an existing waste facility. Extending this will magnify the negative impacts. Also concern about more noise that it will create for surrounding community.
Name Withheld
Glenfield , New South Wales
I object the project as it is hazardous to our health as it is not good for the lungs. Please do it in a remote area where there are no residential houses. Thanks
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
The project is about processing 450,000 tonnes of commercial waste. Please kindly consider that the site is only 1.5 km to the nearest residential area. No matter what kind of prevention is done it is going to cause air pollution to a certain degree, and it will affect the lives of the residents especially an area where there are many startup families with young children. Another factor is the possibility of leaking pollutants into the river just next to the facility during heavy rainfall, and the amount of traffic caused by the transportation of such large amount of waste in an already crowded road.
I highly object to the project for the harm it will cause to the nearby environment, and to the detriment of the residents living nearby.
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
It’s too close to residential area hence a risk of: noise, pollution and reduction in property prices.
Mary Williams
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
We love peace, big processing plant will make noise pollution, sound pollution, this will decrease our property value.
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
it is surprising to get big waste management plant near to our home. It will have impact to our health, this area will not be good to live. I object to the project
Kevin Middleton
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
My concern is the number of trucks required to deliver 450,000 tons of recyclable cement. I have just received an update on the Moorebank Logistic Park where they have stated on their December 2022 update that it will take "tens of thousands of trucks off the road". The Glenfield waste proposal is about fifty metres across the Georges River. It simply does not make sense, plus the close proximity to the local residential areas plus there is no way it can be done QUIETLY.
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
The site and location is not viable for a large scale recycling facility due to several reasons:
* Air quality/smell: i live EXTREMELY close to this facility and we already get bad smells occasionally when the wind changes, can't imagine it getting any better. Every resident that lives near a large facility like this complains about this but the EPA and government do nothing about it. Exactly same thing will happen here
* Traffic: Considering they will all be B doubles and trucks coming in, how are they going to manage the traffic? Cambridge avenue is a potholed mess already, the causeway is barely big enough to fit 2 normal cars side by side, not to mention the mud and dirt tracked out onto cambridge avenue already from the current facility. It also floods every heavy rain event. So where does this traffic go? Through Glenfield Rd making an already busy road busier and noisier, delaying residents access to schools and train stations
* Residential: Glenfield and surrounds are highly built up areas now, with more houses going in every week as well as schools and recreational areas. And now they want to put a big dump there? It wont even be used by residents for recycling, it will half of Sydney dumping their industrial and construction waste there. When the original facility was built, all the surrounding land for miles was farm area, not anymore, its built up residential
Name Withheld
Glenfield , New South Wales
I object this project SSD-6249. First thing, we did not receive any notice on this and got to know about it via my friend.
Glenfield is a residential area and such things should not exist in residential areas. With kids, elderly people around, having this would definitely pollute the environment as well as affect the health of the peoples staying nearby. It would also have an impact housing prices, adding to the current inflation.
Australia has so vast land, Gov should be making use of such lands where the population density is less or 0 density for such facilities.
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
The proposed expansion will add to the traffic congestion & namely burden the already pressured Cambridge Ave. There’s been a number of townhouses being completed which will naturally add additional traffic as such. There’s families with young kids & noise & traffic caused by heavy vehicles would be hazardous. There’s likely a negative impact to the wild life inhabiting in that area too.
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
Though not an expert, I read some articles about handling waste management and landfills. based on my readings, a landfill or waste management facility shouldn't be within 3KMs of residential locality.
the current facility and the planned are within 2kms radius of residential and school premises.
I welcome new facilities built But not at the cost of peoples Health.
so I am objecting the new expansion.
Also requesting, moving the current landfill to a remote location which is not harmful to any human or wildlife.
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
I object to the project as it will impact air, soil and water quality. It will overall impact the environment and well being of the residents living in the area and further.
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
Air water pollution
Environmental defrade
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
This was rejected in 2016 and it should not have been revived again. This is against the best interests of people living in this area.
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
1. Noise air and water pollution
2. Increase in heavy vehicle traffic
3. General environmental pollution
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
1. Noise air and water pollution
2. Increase in vehicle traffic
3. Overall negative environmental effect
Name Withheld
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
im concern for the health of the resident close to thus facility and the negative impact it may cause in our ways of living.
John Wenban
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
I object to the proposal due to several reasons.
There are residential areas less than 1 kilometer from the proposal site, and these residents, plus many others further away will be impacted by noise from the operations of the proposed facility.
Glenfield is a quiet residential area with no heavy industry and a large proportion of green space. Residents choose to live in this area to avoid the noise and congestion of the more urbanized areas of Sydney.
This facility proposes to use 4 crushing/screening units to break down commercial waste such as concrete blocks and building materials. These units generate a huge amount of noise that can be heard long distances away.
The noise of these units will impact on the livability of surrounding neighborhoods.
Furthermore, the facility is located to the south of many residences. The prevailing winds of the area are predominately from the south, and will therefore assist in the noise to be carried into residential areas. Currently (further) to the south is the Holsworthy Military Area, which is approximately 3 klms from my house. Holsworthy Military Area is 95% vegetated by tall trees - no industry - and is used for training of army personnel. Noise eminating from there is often small arms fire from rifles, which can be heard from my house, 3 klms away. Imaging the sound that I will hear when 4 concrete smashing machines are processing commercial waste.
I am a shift worker, which means I work most weekends and work late into the night. I am at home during business hours, trying to sleep into the late morning in my quiet neighbourhood. I fear that I will not be able to do this once the concrete crushing begins.

Along with the added noise will be a large amount of dust produced.
As mentioned above the prevailing winds come from the south, and the dust will be carried directly towards my place and residential areas around me.
Silicosis is a disease on the rise caused by the inhalation of silica - tiny particles from the building industry being inhaled into the lungs. There is no cure and the prognosis is a long slow death. Concrete is made up of mostly silica. Concrete crushing machines will produce a huge amount of silica dust which will blow towards my house ( a large residential area) and settle on surfaces that that I will come into contact with - such as my laundry that has been hung out to dry. It may not discolour my laundry, but the dust on my shirts will be inhaled when I move. The dust will land on my outdoor furniture, blow through the doors and windows of my home, settle in my carpets and fabric curtains. Admittedly the amount may be minute, but long term exposure may have implications, as I have no intention of moving away from the area. What about exposure to this dust in children? Little is known about the disease of silicosis except that it is on the rise , it is caused by silica dust, it has no cure, and a positive diagnosis means death.

This facility will also bring a large number of heavy vehicles into the area.
If it can be guaranteed that heavy vehicles will ONLY approach the site from the south (Holsworthy) then I have no objection with this - however this is unlikely due to a very narrow bridge/causeway on Cambridge Avenue which crosses the Georges River. There is bearly enough room for two cars to pass, and when a driver approaching this bridge encounters an oncoming heavy vehicle they often have to stop and let it pass before they can proceed. This bridge is dangerous in its current state for normal car traffic and is not designed to handle heavy vehicles and cars in such close proximity. The Georges River often floods making this bridge impassable. If heavy traffic is going to use (single lane) Glenfield Road, through residential areas to access this facility then I strongly oppose the expansion of this waste facility.
Louie De Leon
GLENFIELD , New South Wales
I believe this will impact the quality of living in glenfield area e.g. noise, air quality, environment waste. Also, this could potentially impact the value of our properties


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Waste collection, treatment and disposal
Local Government Areas

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Pamela Morales