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State Significant Development

Response to Submissions

Dinawan Solar Farm


Current Status: Response to Submissions & Prepare Amendment Report

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of a 800 MW solar farm, associated infrastructure and battery storage.


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Request for SEARs (2)

SEARs (14)

EIS (15)

Exhibition (1)

Response to Submissions (1)

Agency Advice (12)


Showing 41 - 60 of 82 submissions
Name Withheld
JERILDERIE , New South Wales
I object to the Dinawan Solar Farm State Significant Development for the following reasons.
The devaluation of neighboring properties due to the visual and environmental degradation of the land.
The natural environment of the Endangered Species Plains Wanderer and Superb Parrot will be highly impacted, they are already fighting for their natural habitat.
The soil contaminants from heavy metals at the end of the lifetime of the project, can you guarantee the land will be viable for future agricultural use.
Can you guarantee any risks will be fully mitigated and notify the public and community stakeholders.
I feel the developer won't be transparent to the public and external stakeholders if Regulation and Legislation is not adhered to as it is a State Significant Development.
I am concerned there may be long term health effects and feel that the solar panels will add to Climate Change.
I am not too happy having 400 fly in flyout workers within 10km's from my residence. I feel security of my property may be jeopardized.
Name Withheld
GUYRA , New South Wales
“Spark Renewables is owned by Spark Infrastructure, which also owns interests in the NSW transmission network operator Transgrid.”

Interesting. Hmmm. Co-conspirators and add government, involved in Harm and Loss To:
Wildlife Habitat into Oceans now, hmmmm. I wonder who Organises REZ Zones ? Who does, government, State, yeah ?
One day we won’t have Wildlife and I might Sue you, State Government, for Harm and Loss To Endangered Species in the REZ Zones and Beyond, and in the Oceans we have whales in that we Care about, and then Add the Loss of Habitat for Transmission Lines, Transmission Lines we do not need. We don’t need them. I have Solutions to all these issues re our Future energy source , and these will Care for Country and Care To The All On Country, unlike what is currently happening in Wilderness, For Gods Sake, and on Farmland next 8 Generations Need, hm yeah, why don’t you know that government, hm ? You aren’t planning for them are you, next 8 Generations, are you government, I Do need in an Investigation for many issues I will add later in this Submission protesting Dinawan Country Solar Farm, is it? Or what else is it, government, State and DPIE ? What else is it, hm , government, State into LLS, who are not stopping Renewables on Farmland, hm ?I wonder what’s going on. I wonder. I wonder.
Here are my Solutions that won’t cost much, my government, involved in corruption, yes, corruption, and if you don’t know why, then ask these companies How they Get the Money for these projects, called Renewables, and all the while our Cost of Living Rises, yes, Rises, and that’s All happened in the UK. I’ve Watched it happen in the UK
A drive, as a Wave of Money now available to put Renewables all over Australia , and Take Away Highly Valuable Habitat to Endangered Species, and Also Take Away Highly Valuable Prime Agricultural Land, for No reason at all, no reason at all, at all.
Here are my Solutions. Lots of Jobs in these Solutions , that Will Care for Country and All On Country, and Farmers and Future Generations into 8 more, if we make it that far, eh, government, planning a quite Harming Future without our Knowledge Permission or Consent.
I need you in a Royal Commission for Harm and Loss to Environment for No Reason.
I Demand this Now.
Here are my solutions toward a Better Care Future where we will All Benefit. All.

1. Um, Green Armies of 80,000 people working for the next 18 Generations at least, if we are here that long, and I doubt it, in the way this government, Australian treat Country abominably.

2. Um. Rooftops for our Energy, and All from Now, please, my government, involved in Harm and Loss To Environment, Endangered Species, Vulnerable Species as our Wildlife, Australian, including Koala with No Protection of it, or it’s Habitat still. Still. Didn’t you understand the Impacts of The Worst Ever Dry Drought Ever in the History of the Entire State of NSW, into QLD, into Victoria, followed by Fires of horrific nature, that took out, in some cases, entire national Parks, yes, in some cases, and Yet my government Increase Threat to Environment, hm, yes, Increase, not Decrease, Threat to Environment.

I Do Need you , government, all departments, yes, all departments, yes, in an Inquiry I Need Now, and I Do, government, Australian, I do. I cannot bear More Habitat Loss for No Reason, for No Reason, for NO Reason,, including DPI, DPE, DPIE, LLS, whoops, and include these entities allowing Wildlife Habitat to be Destroyed for No reason at all. I have to include WWF Australia, and World, and World, who are unable to help me Cease and Desist the Destruction to Environment, enabled by government, all departments, from Renewables On Country, On Country, and not On Rooftops where they Should be, where they should be, yes.
Even ACF won’t help me Cease and Desist Destruction of Endangered Species Habitat for No Reason, just for Renewables On Country, and not on Rooftops, where they should, should be.
I wonder what’s going on. I do have solutions that can offer Care To All On Country.

3. Cease and Desist any association with China immediately. They are a threat to other countries we give our Coal to, in a way, in a way, in a way, hm. I need Our Coal, Australian Coal, only used for us, a now poor Nation of the way it used to be, in the Depression during a War we didn’t need to fight in at all. WWII. That one. Someone wanted our Resources you see.

4. Hm. Mob are doing what to Protest Solar Farms. Which Mob Are Protesting Solar Farms, and which aren’t, hm, government, all departments, hm?

5. The simplest method of powering a Nation is Coal. I offer Coal as the Simplest solution to a Energy what ? What ? Issue ? There’s no issue with Coal. China take it all, make things with it, eg, Wind Turbines and Solar Panels for the world, is it, the World, is it government, is it, is it ? And you Allow that, government ? Why ? In these times of a NEED for Low Emissions, you Increase them, government. Yes, you do. Yes you do. It’s obvious. Very. I suggest my government use Coal for our Energy, and Stop Wasting it sending it to China to make Things we Don’t need. Do not need. Don’t need. Do Not Need, eg a plethora of Solar Panels used Inappropriately on Prime Agricultural in how Many countries, government, hm ? How many ?

6. Um. Let’s begin On Rooftops for our Future Energy, hm. There. On Rooftops. There. NO Loss of Habitat of Endangered species across Australia. What about it government ? What about Rooftops for our energy, our energy, our power to the People, hm ?

7. Um. Rooftops again. I need tubes , not panels, of Solar. To Heat Hot Water. Just make them Recyclable From The Start is a Good idea, isn’t it government, to make things en masse, NB en masse, NB, NB, NB, en masse, NB, - make them Recyclable From The Start, and then there will not be Landfill issues, hm.

8. Tiny Turbines made from Fully Recyclable Stainless Steel , on Every Rooftop, of Every Home. Then Add Every other Rooftop. No need for Transmission Lines, New, Nb New, at all. What a Saving that will Be, government-waste-a-lot-of-money.

9. Here’s Jobs. Investigating my government for Harm and Loss to Vital NB, Vital Habitat for Endangered Species, plus Harm and Loss to Prime Agricultural Land, for No reason, No reason at all.

10. Um. 10. New Jobs. Ban Power Lines Now. The Overhead ones I Mean. They Harm all Nervous System Species on Planet Earth. Plenty of Research on that, our government has Ignored for Too long, hm, far Too Long, Far Too Long, yes, Far Too Long. Jobs can be Undergrounding power lines. Will take Decades. Jobs for Decades. Oh, and Add the power we use from Now Must be DC so we can Wake Up the People to our government, involved in Harm and Loss To The All Australian Environment for No reason. What about it, government ?

I need you under investigation because you are not Caring for Country nor your people you Ignore, always, NB always, Nb, as you Deal away Our Nation, hm. How Dare You in my government do this.
How Dare You all. How Dare You all. Hmmmmm. I wish I had a million dollars. I need it government. I do. I need you in a Royal Commission for many issues in the last 8 Decades, yes, where our Wildlife are All, NB All, Endangered now, and How Dare You do that to Species that have Taken over 180 million years to Evolve, Read That Please, Read It Again, and Again, until you Get It, my government , Destroying a Dry Continent just for Money, no reason at all, in Other words. Um. Government. Do you read Submissions ? Let me know. I don’t think you do. I don’t. Oh, and the Other thing is this.
I Cannot have Urban Office workers Deciding My Future, nor My Nations. I have to have the Farmers Heard because they Walk Country each and Every day and Notice Impacts to Environment, and Also Notice, These are Increasing in a Climate Emergency, Why, government, why, in a Climate Emergency, you have NO idea is all about DEFORESTATION IN AUSTRALIA AND SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE CONTINENTS, INTO ASIAN RAINFORESTS, INTO RUSSIAN PERMAFROST FORESTS, THAT WILL NOW BE UNABLE TO COOL THE PLANET.
I Demand a Royal Commission into Renewables, all, NB all, NB All Forms, NB NB NB that Will and Are Harming Environment And Climate, Nb And Climate.
Andrew Sleigh
Jerilderie , New South Wales
* Firstly i would like to make a comment on how user UN friendly this process is I was half way through a submission last night , and was called away to a fire not far away from proposed Dinawan Solar development , i pushed save button and could not retrieve this morning to complete.
*As near neighbour to Spark Solar Project 450 m we were not approach by biodiversity survey team to undertake the said assessment 2.1.1 within 1.5 km as was the case with other landholders next to solar development. Question in fact if assessment was done at all
*Doubt the said Hazardous feature appraisal was carried out within 1.5 k radius SEC 2.1.9
* A modified approach to the surveying of threatened species is NOT GOOD ENOUGH 3.1.5
*The flooding that was apparent at time of surveying would have distorted data collection.
*The timing of survey coincided with a 1 in 50-year flooding of our flat topography.
*The pevelance of many endangered flora species Swainsona Pea and Slender Darling Pea in particular would have been significantly reduced due to the water lying across our landscape.
* The biodiversity survey does not account for the cumulative effect of multiple Developments within our local area.
* Whilst the dinawan solar development acknowledges the presence of Plains Wanderer and Superb Parrot i fail to see how such a development will not impact on their natural habitat. Again, the timing of study would have impacted on the data collection due to flooding of the area
*The reliance on desktop data is hardly adequate in compiling information on the prevalence of endangered Species.
* The EIS appears to be dependant on Biodiversity Offsets not secured
*The area attached to Biodiversity offsets Liddles Lane and Bundure Rd is overstated.
* Interestingly another Developer is proposing to run transmission lines down the same Road Spark are using as potential offset?
*The lack of collaboration with other proponents of similar developments is of great concern. Surely, they can share transmission line feed into Dinawan Hub
*How can the Dinawn EIS be complete when it is unsure of its ultimate size and capacity.
*No mention of contamination of water run-off from panels.
*Water as we know is a valuable resource where does this project anticipate it will source its water both for construction and accommodation.
*Visual glare from panels along Liddles Lane and Bundure Rd both east /west is very much understated in EIS.
especially give flat topography. Section 8 appendix A will be seen only from within 2.5 km
* It is incorrect to think project will have LOW visual impact.
*Project will significantly devalue those properties in close proximity given potential Glint and Glare from panels
*Firefighting restrictions within area of panels and BESS reduced access and directly putting safety of Volunteer Fire Fighters at risk.
*Obscured to think RFS volunteers are to be on site during construction of days of TFB and or excessive heat Section 6.1
* This area of southwest NSW is a very high prone to Lightning strikes and subsequent grass fires ie my attendance at two fires yesterday and last night, as previously mentioned
* The reliance of RFS VOLUNTEERS is unfounded, we all run our own farming businesses and to think this development will require the RFS to the extent this EIS reference is too much to expect.
*I would think it necessary for Spark Solar to have its own fire protection /firefighting equipment
* I question who is going to have authority to slow or shut down rate of gas generation of battery modules on days of extreme fire risk.
Will it be left too authority within RFS?
*Fire Protection 1.3 desk top assessment only no consideration of cumulative effect of all developments.
* Question the use of sheep for hazard reduction as it contravenes earlier reference to retention of biodiversity. 1.2
* The social impacts of the proposed development have had an enormous impact on the mental health of those nearest to the Dinawan site . This has been significantly understated in this EIS
*Community engagement has failed in its attempt to generate the necessary local interest in the project .
* To much emphasis on small group meetings rather than open forum presentation to generate wider community debate and enable those closer to the project the opportunity to discuss with the broader community the impacts the development will have on them.
*We live in a sparsely populated area of the state and feel vulnerable to the push over tactics of the proponents.
* Despite the building of relationships, we as near neighbours feel we have been let down at the progression of the process.
* Poor feedback on near neighbour issues and suggested areas of Community Benefit sharing. All centred around Local Government distribution of benefit sharing to areas far removed from our locally impacted landholders. We do note the implementation of the draft NSW Planning Community Benefit Sharing arrangements will be more sympathetic to near neighbours getting some community benefit. Too little too late in this case i suspect?
*The additional costs to near neighbours is not given due consideration in this statement.
* Costs of insurance, public liability, devaluation of asset, visual impairment, greater risk to the security of our farming businesses, added pressure on our dirt road network despite Sparks commitment to upgrade and maintain during construction
Name Withheld
South Yarra , Victoria
- Hindering Agricultural productivity in surrounding area
- Devaluing the neighbouring asset
- Increase risk to security
- Disruption to Landscape Biodiversity
- Increase fire risk
David Leeds
JERILDERIE , New South Wales
I would like to Object to the Dinawan Solar Farm due to the impacts of the biodiversity within the nominated area, specifically the endangered Plains Wanderer and the Superb Parrot natural habitat. Further to this I have concerns with regards to the leaching of heavy metals into the water table from the degradation of the solar panels over the lifetime of the project.
Name Withheld
Coolah , New South Wales
Australia's chief scientist (Alan Finkel) admitted in 2018 that shutting down the entire Australian economy will make virtually no difference to world emissions or the climate. So this project, and every other renewable project combined planned for Australia will make substantially less difference to climate change than shutting down the entire economy i.e. nothing.
What will definitely happen however is ongoing environmental destruction, continuing adverse affects on endangered species such as the Plains Wanderer, the bulldozing of species habitat, noise effects and many other cascading damages to our natural landscapes.
All this destruction for a power supply that is less than 20% reliable, compared to the current reliable baseload system.
This project, like all the other environment wrecking renewables, is all-pain-no-gain.
Georgia Cronin
Jerilderie , New South Wales
The current project proposal for the area will have significant impact on the social, political and environmental surroundings within the area. small tightly held community's will see a large political divide which is never healthy, the natural environment will suffer as the proposed solar farm will endeavor to ruin the environment to save them planet which is ironic in itself... the ability to control a grass fire within the area becomes a greater concern as the removability becomes a lot more challenging along with many other hindrances such as the disruption of the natural landscape, biodiversity and the ability to farm the area.
Sally Edwards
Coolah , New South Wales
Please find attached objection submission. Thank you for consideration of my objection concerns.
Name Withheld
Murgheboluc , Victoria
The Solar farm will be placed on land that could be used for productive agriculture and nature preservation.
Name Withheld
Coolah , New South Wales
My Objection to Dinawan . While I understand the importance of renewable energy sources, the proposed solar farm raises concerns about its potential impact on the local ecosystem and the cumulative impact across the regions. I object my to the Dinawan solar project .
Changing large areas of land for solar panels may disrupt wildlife habitats and negatively affect biodiversity. It is crucial to strike a balance between sustainable energy solutions and environmental conservation.
Julie Sleigh
Jerilderie , New South Wales
I strongly object to this project on many levels. The project will enormously impact and destruct the unique native flora, fauna and biodiversity of the area, pose significant potential fire danger to neighbouring landholders and agricultural businesses.
Additionally, the devaluation of productive agricultural land and and neighbouring land is not to be underestimated. Why would any potential landholder in years to come invest in an asset which is an eyesaw with end of life complications?
This project is creating enormous social anxiety and stress amongst neighbouring landholders who value and are caring custodians of their land.
Name Withheld
BUNDURE , New South Wales
I object this project
Name Withheld
BUNDURE , New South Wales
I oppose the project on environmental grounds.
I believe neighboring properties to the development have not been properly remunerated or considered on both visual and noise pollution.
I believe concerns around increased fire activity during construction and the life of the project have not been given the appropriate level of consideration.
I believe those directly impacted, neighboring properties, have not been given adequate consideration and remuneration for the impacts the project will have.
Name Withheld
BARHAM , New South Wales
I am writing to express my strong objection to the Dinawan Solar Farm proposed for Coleambally/Jerilderie. This objection is based on many concerns related to the utilisation of prime agricultural land, the absence of proper planning for renewable energy, the threatened and endangered species and the necessity for more thoughtful consideration of alternatives, particularly in the context of the 500V transmission lines associated with the project.
• The proposed project encompasses prime agricultural land, which raises significant concerns about the potential impact on food production and the long-term sustainability of the region's agricultural activities. Prime agricultural land is a valuable and finite resource that plays a crucial role in ensuring food security and economic stability.
• The impact on threatened species in our region, the critically endangered Plains Wanderer, Australasian Bittern, Australian Painted Snipe, Bush Stone Curlew to name a few.
• The absence of a comprehensive plan for the integration of renewable energy is a cause for concern. A well-thought-out plan should address the balance between energy needs and the preservation of essential ecosystems, as well as the minimisation of adverse effects on local communities.
• proposed project involves the installation of giant transmission lines, and it is imperative that their impact on the landscape, environment, and communities be thoroughly assessed. Adequate planning and consideration of alternatives, such as underground transmission lines or routes that minimise disruption to existing infrastructure and ecosystems, must be undertaken to mitigate potential negative consequences.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that your office will give consideration to the concerns raised by the community in this objection.
Andrew Browning
JERILDERIE , New South Wales
We object to the project on the grounds that there is little to no acknowledgement in the EIS of the impact the project will have on the lifestyle amenity and daily operations of neighbouring landholders during both construction & operation.
Name Withheld
YARRABIN , New South Wales
Industrial solar is not the answer.
Go nuclear.
Save our limited supply of agricultural land.
Stop slave labor- importing solar panels from China supports slave labor. This should be illegal.
Name Withheld
FORESTVILLE , New South Wales
I object to solar, wind and battery projects. In my opinion, they will do far more damage to the environment than coal, oil and gas ever did. Beautiful farmland is being destroyed by these toxic projects with no regard to the lasting damage they will do when they no longer work. Toxic chemicals seeping into the land, birds, insects, etc. being killed by wind turbine blades, it is frightening.
Name Withheld
Còolah , New South Wales
How has this project got to exhibition stage? The significant environmental impacts alone should have prevented this project from progressing.

As the EIS states " the project has potential to cause significant impacts to one TEC, Weeping Myall
woodland, and two threatened species, Slender Darling Pea and Plains Wanderer."

Biodiversity offsets, carcass counts and stewardships don't bring back these species. The result will be more agricultural land owned by foreign companies, more land locked up from agricultural production and more extinctions.

Spark Infrastructure have only profit in mind. The consumer will pay dearly for unreliable and unaffordable electricity and the cumulative impact of all these projects in this area will be irreversible.

There is no social licence for this project and if genuine community consultation had been conducted that would be evident. Not that Spark Infrastructure would let that get in their way.

Put this toxic useless mess in the areas where the populations demands it. How is it that City mayors ban solar panels on rooftops yet these are rolled out all over our agricultural land?
Name Withheld
DEE WHY , New South Wales
I object to this project. The cost of converting to renewable energy is astronomical and we simply cannot afford it. It is also obvious that there is no way the world has enough materials to achieve the goal of green energy. We must also consider the fact that we are able to produce more food more cheaply and efficiently because of fossil fuels and until we have a viable alternative we should continue the way we are. I do not believe the science backs up the supposed benefits of renewable energy. We do not want to become a third world country because of our ideological stupidity. We have beautiful agricultural land being covered by unsightly solar panels and wind turbines which incredibly contain materials made from fossil fuels, the very things they seek to replace! Koalas and other native animal habitats are being destroyed to make way for these projects not to mention the birds, insects, etc. killed by the wind turbines. How is that greening Australia? Fossil fuel industries have contributed huge taxes to fund our country’s schools, police, hospitals, NDIS, etc., how will we be able to fund them without these taxes? I think we all want a cleaner, greener environment but not at the risk of destroying our countryside and our way of life.
Name Withheld
COLLAROY , New South Wales
I strongly object to this project. I am all for saving the planet but this project, along with many others, is not the answer. We don’t seem to care about the insects, magnificent birds, etc. that are being killed by wind turbine blades. Solar panels are taking over much needed farming land and from my understanding, solar panels and wind turbines have a certain amount of fossil fuel derived components in them anyway so what’s the benefit? Let’s go nuclear.


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Solar
Local Government Areas

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Pragya Mathema