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Marsden Park Winten


2013/6024 - Marsden Park Winten


The Developer is seeking to develop the land for approximately 3,600 Urban Lots (Proposed Development) and has made an offer to the Minister to enter into the Planning Agreement in connection with the Proposed Development.

Notified Documents (2)

Explanatory Note
2013-6024 - Explanatory Note.pdf
VPA Draft
2013-6024 - VPA Draft.pdf

Executed VPA & Other Documents (2)

VPA Executed
2013-6024 - VPA Executed 30-09-2013 Part 2.pdf
VPA Executed
2013-6024 - VPA Executed 30-09-2013 Part 1.pdf

Amendments (3)

Explanatory Note
2017-8808 - Deed of Amendment - Explanatory Note.pdf
VPA Draft
2017-8808 - Deed of Amendment - VPA Draft.pdf
VPA Executed
2017-8808 - Deed of Amendment - VPA Executed.pdf

Project Details

SVPA reference number
Executed date
Developer name
Winten Developments Pty Ltd
Notification start-end date
Notification Location
At any Service NSW centre. To find the centre nearest to you visit the website at Service NSW . Alternatively, you can call 13 77 88.