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State Significant Development


West Culburra Mixed Use Subdivision

Shoalhaven City

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Assessment
  6. Recommendation
  7. Determination

The Applicant has appealed the IPC's refusal of the development in the Land and Environment Court, and has been granted leave to rely upon amended plans. Submissions received on the amended plans may be viewed under the 'Submissions 2' folder below.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

DGRs (1)

EA (66)

Submissions (17)

Agency Submissions (29)

Response to Submissions (21)

Additional Information (13)

Amendments (40)

Recommendation (1)

Determination (4)

Approved Documents

Other Documents (2)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 241 - 260 of 336 submissions
Lake Wollumboola Protection Association Inc
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales
Please see attached.
Rebecca Sleath
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales
Please see the attached pdf for details on why I object to the West Culburra development proposal.
Name Withheld
ORIENT POINT , New South Wales
To Whom this may concern,

I strongly object to the project at West Culburra due to a number of factors.

The most serious concerns I have is the detrimental impact on our native fauna, cultural significance and planning breaches.

The below is an extract directly from the Environmental Impact Statement.

A number of threatened fauna species have been recorded both on the Site itself and in the near vicinity. Species which have been recorded on the Site include the Powerful Owl, Glossy Black Cockatoo, Varied Sitella (once), Scarlet Robin (once), Grey-headed Flying Fox and several microchiropteran bats. Many of these species rely on tree-hollows for shelter or nesting, with the Powerful Owl and Glossy Black Cockatoo requiring large tree-hollows of particular types. The Square tailed Kite and Little Eagle have been recorded soaring over the site. The report acknowledges and concludes that most of the vegetation within the Proposal’s
development footprint will ultimately be removed, including all hollow-bearing trees.

The solution in the report goes on to explain how the fauna will just move onto the surrounding area?? we are demolishing their habitat! we all need to face the truth this will not happen and they will perish. We have the most unique and fragile wildlife in Australia, habitat is being diminished by multiple proposals such as this. If we continually approve proposals such as this, collectively little will remain for our very fragile eco systems. I urge to consider not approving this development to save the environment for future generations.

I also object strongly to the proposal on the ground of cultural significance. The protection of our cultural heritage and environment of the land is very significant to our ingenious Australians. It also involves the intangible cultural values and beliefs held and connected today. Developing this site with little or no regard to the cultural significance will further deepening the trauma of indigenous Australians which we should be mending instead.

As a resident of Culburra I also have serious concerns regarding the scale, density and mass of the project which breaches the current planning regulations. I do not understand how this can be considered given the significant breaches?? I would love an explanation.

In conclusion, I urge you to reject this proposal from being approved on the grounds of the serious concerns mentioned above.

Dallas Warner
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales
I object to the revised West Culburra Development proposal because I believe it is an unsuitable development for the town of Culburra.  The proposed development is out of character for a rural beach town and will damage the lifestyle and atmosphere of the village.

From an environmental perspective the cost of losing 50 hectares of native bushland is too high.  The environment is precious and needs to be protected for future generations.  There is no need to sacrifice this large section of forest for a housing development when there are plenty of options for development within the town of Culburra that have not been explored.  Particularly after the recent bushfires that burnt the majority of bushland in the Shoalhaven this undamaged forest near Culburra is critical in the process of allowing the regions flora and fauna to regenerate.  Additionally, the site of the revised development plan is the same as for the original plan in 2018 when it was rejected as potentially damaging to the environment.  Where is the independent proof that the new proposal will not cause pollution in the adjoining wetland or local waterways like the original plan was going to do?

Economically what are the assurances that any development will deliver the level of employment promised by the developer?  It has been suggested that the proposal will actually worsen the local retail sector and this needs to be investigated.

This development won’t bring lower house prices to Culburra, nor will it dramatically increase availability of properties to locals. Prices here are driven by interest rates, the broader regional and statewide pricing environment, and the high level of demand from Sydney based purchasers – they are not driven by supply in the village. On top of that the developer is not interested in lower prices for locals, and if prices were to come down they would slow the staging of the development to help maintain prices. There is no evidence from other developments in our region of lower prices for locals resulting.

Economic benefits to the local community are over-rated. Local tradies are already flat out with work on new houses and renovations. It is likely construction at the site will go to large project housing companies, not to locally based builders and trades people. Only a small portion of the construction economic benefit will remain in the local community.

On the flip-side the rapid over 20% increase in population risks over burdening our local services, causing traffic and congestion, and changing the nature and character of our community. All for a development that is not needed.

Finally, I am also very uncomfortable with the increased bushfire risk adding hundreds of extra people will cause.  There is only one entrance/exit road into Culburra.  What will happen during an evacuation scenario if almost a thousand extra people have to escape via the one single-lane road?
Name Withheld
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales
I am a proud Aboriginal man, full-time resident and educated professional living in Culburra Beach.
I object and do-not support this West Culburra amended design proposal SSD-3846 for the following reasons:

Impact on Aboriginal Culture, Heritage, Environment and Community
• I am aware that again there has been no detailed communication or cultural consultation by the Halloran Trust or Sealark Pty Ltd with the traditional owners the Jerrinja Wandi Wandian people.
• In 2018, the IPC rejected this application, the revised concept and design does not support, protect or conserve the local Aboriginal cultural heritage on the lands proposed for this ammended design concept in these tradional Aboriginal lands owned by the Halloran Trust.
• Our local Aboriginal culture and heritage is celebrated across our village, public schools, with tourists and community, the local Aboriginal community continue with modern cultural practices passed down from their ancestors specific to this land site, Elders continue this cultural activity to this day. Cultural teachings are ongoing with young boori (children) showing them the old cultural ways and sharing spiritual stories, language and how they are connected to this beautiful sacred land. This knowledge is also shared with the non-Aboriginal community particularly with children from the local public schools and with tourism. The proposed development will have an immediate and devastating physical and social health impact on the local Aboriginal community and wider community. Please RESPECT this land.
• The Construction of the housing estate would require clearing of over 47 ha of Currambene Lowland Coastal Forest. The forest is part of a habitat corridor which extends west to the Shoalhaven escarpment and north to the Crookhaven River Wetlands. Following the 2020 Bushfires I have seen a large increase in local wildlife seeking food sources, shelter and unburnt habitat, so many threatened species will be impacted and need protection including Bandicoots, Poteroos, Micro Bats as well as birds including the Powerful Owl, Bristle Birds, Glossy Black Cockatoo, Little Terns, Oyster Catchers plus many indigenous local native fauna and flora species.
• Experts have advised that clearing of native vegetation in areas of low nutrient highly erodible soils for urban development as would occur in the Crookhaven catchment, would result in significant increases in polluted runoff and reduction in water quality, despite proposed controls, this risk is major and needs to be avoided.
• Our Character and Village Culture embraces and celebrates our local environment, Aboriginal culture and heritage, prestine waterways, our simplicity and community connectiveness, the proposal if approved will have a direct impact on myself and my family both mentally, emotionally and physically. It is my opinion that the majority of permanent and holiday home owners/tourists in Culburra Beach and Orient Point are against the environmental and cultural destruction proposed by the developer.
• As a member of the IAP2 International Association for Public Participation organisation, my experience with this proposal and previous proposals is that the proponent Halloran Trust and Sealark Pty Ltd are not qualified to conduct community consultation, engagement and or even communicate with the local public, groups and organisations (both Aboriginal and Non Aboriginal) at Culburra Beach and Orient Point. Myself and the majority of the residents I socialise with in our community were deliberately excluded from attending this "Supporters Only" design briefing Q&A meeting with the developers unless guests signed a declaration "Supporters Registration Form" at the local real estate office prior to attending (see uploaded copy of this poster). This is a direct breach in the code of ethical and responsible public consultation. It has been brought to my attention at a recent community meeting that no Aboriginal, CALD, PWD, Youth or Young Families with Children were in attendance. There has been NO inclusive proponent consultation outside of this supporters only meeting.

I encourage the Commissioner and the IPC to reject this SSD-3846 proposal based on the impact, lack of benefits, unsustainable design principles, destruction of native indigenous ecosystems plus the complete disregard for our strong and rich local Aboriginal cultural heritage at this location.

I commend to you my rejection if the SSD-3846 proposal
Name Withheld
NORTH NOWRA , New South Wales
The IPC made its determination. It is beyond disappointing the proponent has the capacity to challenge that legally. All the reasons for IPC refusal still stand even with the amended proposal.
Amanda King
Marrickville , New South Wales
I am submitting to raise my serious concerns about the protection of local Aboriginal cultural heritage and environment of the land subject to the amended West Culburra proposal by Halloran Trust and Sealark Pty Ltd.
Aboriginal culture is a whole lot more than the physical evidence of thousands of years of occupation left by Aboriginal ancestors. It also involves the intangible cultural values and beliefs the people of that country still hold and are connected with today. The Jerrinja Local Aboriginal Land Council has expressed it opposition to the Subdivision and as the local Indigenous representatives my objection is in support and respect of their rights. The Jerrinja people have lived in this place for a long time, which is also near fragile wetlands. It is not right to develop such a culturally and environmentally sensitive area. It is time to respect our Indigenous culture, the Elders and their representatives. The NSW Government need to show leadership in building that respect, to respect and uphold Aboriginal calls for cultural sensitivity in local and regional areas. They have for too long been overlooked. It is a shame on our society if our Government allows this development to go ahead.
As the Jerrinja Local Aboriginal Land Council claims it will be another case of ongoing cultural destruction and cultural vandalism which needs to stop now.
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales
Name Withheld
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales
Name Withheld
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales
I am objecting to this development on the following grounds:
Damage to the environment including mangroves and the buffer vegetation. The oyster leases in the adjacent bay are at risk.
Damage to Aboriginal heritage and historic sites.
Increased traffic volumes.
This proposal is a test to prepare for much larger developments of a similar type in nearby areas.
Local government representatives have claimed that the community supports the development, with no evidence or consultation.
The village of Culburra Beach does not have the necessary infrastructure to support such a development, including roads, transport, employment, education and medical services.
This proposal will have a major detrimental impact on the flavour of the village.
The risk presented by bushfire to the development is profound.
SCC has attempted to plan for the impacts of climate change. This development is at odds with thi planning.
Thank you.
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales
ORIENT POINT , New South Wales
N/A , New South Wales
N/A , New South Wales
N/A , New South Wales
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales
CALLALA BAY , New South Wales
scott mason
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales
As a LOCAL business owner and a LOCAL resident from Culburra Beach I support the West Culburra development 100%.
The development will bring more much needed residents, employment,infrastructure and most importantly growth to an area that is struggling in all of those areas.
The businesses of Culburra beach and the surrounding towns in the Shoalhaven eg Greenwell Point, Callala, Orient Point and East Nowra to survive, remain sustainable and continue to employ Local residents need growth and they need this development.
The sleepy town syndrome does not pay the bills, pay mortgages, provide schooling for the children if there is no economic growth in the area.
Having owned a business in the Culburra & Orient Point towns for nearly 9 years we have survived the worst bushfires in 100yrs and are currently surviving a global pandemic but we cannot survive long term a area or region(Shoalhaven) that doesn’t have any economic growth for us or our children....
Please don’t hesitate to call me on the contact details provided to gain further insight into the life of a small business owner in Culburra Beach.
CULBURRA BEACH , New South Wales


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Residential & Commercial
Local Government Areas
Shoalhaven City
Determination Date

Contact Planner

Patrick Copas