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State Significant Development

Response to Submissions

Summerville Solar Farm

Richmond Valley

Current Status: Response to Submissions

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of a 90 MW solar farm and associated infrastructure, including battery storage and grid connection


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (14)

EIS (14)

Response to Submissions (1)

Agency Advice (13)


Showing 1 - 20 of 40 submissions
Name Withheld
Uarbry , New South Wales
I cannot express strongly enough my objections to the destruction of our homes and lifestyles by these monstrosities, which have been proven, time and again, to be a monumental waste and a complete failure.
Name Withheld
Uarbry , New South Wales
I object to everything about these so-called “renewable” energy “farms”. There is nothing renewable about them. They are purely about the destruction of our homes and lifestyles.
John McBratney
Lancefield , Victoria

I object strongly to this project on the unassailable solid engineering based ground that solar and wind generation cannot under any circumstances provide steady reliable power to a power grid. The inherent capacity factor averages around 30% and there is no known or potential generation technology anywhere in the world that can provide adequate fill-in generation for solar and wind systems, except coal, gas or nuclear based systems. Accordingly these system should not be built at huge expense to the public purse followed by vast ecological destruction during building and subsequently when these systems fail and hardware has to be disposed of.

Secondly I object strongly to these systems based upon the fact that they rely on mining by child slave labour in under-developed countries.
Australia should NOT support such reprehensible actions.

John McBratney B.Tech (Electronic Engineering)
Telecommunications Engineer
Name Withheld
KOORINGAL , New South Wales
I Object to Summerville Solar Electricity Generating Works + BESS - SSD-46982232 because Industrialised Solar + BESS JUNK does not belong on irreplaceable Agricultural Land, is Toxic Contaminating, a Catastrophic Ticking Time Bomb - Toxic Fire/Smoke Hazard Risk, is Unethically Reliant on Torturous Slave Labour Supply Chains & is PATHETIC, INTERMITTENT, UNAFFORDABLE, IMAGINARY POWER WHICH ENSURES VULNERABLE PEOPLE WILL SUFFER & DIE OF HYPERTHERMIA.
Superior Australian Coal & a Nuclear Power future is ESSENTIAL NOT Toxic Solar/Wind/BESS ruination EVERYWHERE!
Name Withheld
LAKE ALBERT , New South Wales




**Professor Ian Plimer's 3 minute presentation regarding Solar Panel Contamination Risks.
PPSSTH-149 - DA22/0122 - 1268 Oxley Bridge Road Uranquinty 2652

**Hail Storm Photos & Industrialised Solar Contamination Risk to Our Reliably Productive Food Bowls - Bomen, Wagga Wagga Photo are included via this link as well as the Hail Stones & some of the Fractured Solar Panels from the damaging 31st Oct 2020 event that left masses of broken Solar panels in situ for a shocking 10 - 11 months without Due Care - with some panels still remaining fractured & leaching contaminating heavy metals years later!

1. NEW MODERN SLAVERY CONDITION- requiring proof prior to construction that NO Slave Labour supply chain components be used in construction.
**New Condition Inserted C4A - Dealing With Modern Slavery.
Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018

*NSW Local Council Act 1993
428 Annual Report
438 ZE Duty to Ensure Goods & Services Are Not Procured From Modern Slavery.

This applies to all NSW Government Bodies - including Councils - for those who Host, Procure or have a Power Purchase Agreement with Solar/Wind Energy Generation/BESS whose construction has used Modern Slavery Supply Chain Sourced Components
eg. City of Sydney, the Opera House, Kiama, Shoalhaven, Shellharbour Councils & Westpac, etc. have an unethical PPA with Spark Infrastructure’s Xinjiang Jinko Solar based Bomen Solar - unethically Hosted by Wagga City Council.
REROC has an unethical PPA with Iberdrola - with Xinjiang JA Solar based Avonlie Solar - unethically Hosted by Narrandera Shire.


**Amended Condition C8.
Prior to Commencement of Any Works - Storm Water Management Plan.
On Site & Discharge From the Site.
Testing Points & Regular Water Samples, Suitably Qualified Person.
Written Response Procedures if CONTAMINATION is Found - required PRIOR to CONSTRUCTION.
Availability of Results.

Dr James Cockayne
NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner
M: +61 0455 255 453
[email protected]

Carolyn Kitto ‘Be Slavery Free’
Ph: 0438 040 959
[email protected]

Ramila Chanisheff
Australian Uyghur Tangritagh Women's Association - AUTWA
University of S.A
Ph: 0461 402 531 706
[email protected]

Slave Labour Supply Chains
Missing Information Thwarts Ethical Sourcing
Murphy and Crawford’s report, Over-Exposed: Uyghur Region Exposure Assessment for Solar Industry Sourcing

**The graphs indicating companies & solar panels connected to Xinjiang are in the following 2 links:-

**Xinjiang Solar Panels - Uyghur Slave Labour/Concentration Camps/Genocide - 'In Broad Daylight' - Professor Laura Murphy

**The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights

**Australia ratifies International Forced Labour Protocol | Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Minister for Women Marise Payne

**Implementation of the Magnitsky Act is another avenue to ensure this shamefully unethical industry is not exploited in Australia.


People need to get educated so they are agitated about it enough to do something to change this.
Joe Rogan exposes sad truth about cobalt used in electric vehicle, iPhone batteries | — Australia’s leading news site.
Cobalt is in all iPhones, tablets & crucially EV's - it maximises charge & stability.
Before anyone knew what was happening the Chinese Government & Chinese companies took control of almost all of the big mines in the Congo, with the local population displaced & the Congolese people under duress - digging in subhuman, gut wrenching conditions - using all raw human force - clanking the cobalt out of the ground!
Throughout the whole history of slavery, never has there been more suffering that generated more profit than was linked to more lives of people around the world than what is happening today in the Congo - mining cobalt in appalling, heart wrenching & dangerous conditions.
**Sediment Run-Off Contaminating Land/Water - Court Case -
“Created, Operated, and Maintained a Nuisance”
Solar farm runoff pollutes property, couple awarded $135 million - CFACT
By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D. |June 6th, 2023
25th Oct 2023 update …A federal judge has dramatically reduced a jury’s $135 million award to a Georgia couple ( whose property was fouled by muddy runoff from a solar project next door down to $5 million, after objections from the plaintiffs in the case.
In an order issued Monday in the Middle District of Georgia, Judge Clay D. Land wrote that the punitive damages awarded to the couple were worth many magnitudes more than the property that was damaged, and therefore were excessive.

**The Starting Step for the Production Of Pure Silicon....SiO2 + C -> Si + CO2 ....IS the Heart of the Solar Panel!

**Every step in the production of Solar PV power systems requires an input of fossil fuels - as the carbon reductants needed for smelting silicon from ore, to provide manufacturing process heat and power, for the intercontinental transport of materials, and for on-site deployment.

**200 Million Tonnes of Toxic Solar Panels Destined For Landfills Near You

**SARET Research - Fire and Rescue NSW have NO IDEA How to Deal With RISKY RenewaBULL Experiments - YET This TOXIC MORAL HAZARD is Deliberately Forced on us by the Dodgy, Deceitful DPE & Complicit IPCN!
“There is a general lack of guidance and provisions in building codes, standards, and legislation in relation to safety to address the potential risks from these emerging technologies. Part of the problem is that we do not yet know enough about their probability of failure, their mechanisms of failure and potential consequences of failure.”

**The 'Sunk Cost' Trickery That Makes Renewables Seem Cheaper Than They Are - 23rd July 2023.
How CSIRO justifies the exclusions: “Sunk Cost”
But wait, this deception is so brazen and transparent…….
All of these tens of billions of dollars of projects are explicitly excluded from the cost of integrating renewables.

**The $10 billion cabal of renewable subsidies killing coal - Alan Moran - 24th July 2023
Janet Norton
Armidale , New South Wales
I object to solar farms and the battery systems associated with them, as an ill conceived, polluting, short term, costly and environmentally damaging solution to our future energy needs in Australia. The unreliability of solar power generation should not be propped up with more infrastructure that is clumsy and expensive, in an effort to make it more usable.
Australia needs to step back and take a hard look at other options for our energy future. Rushing in to projects that divide communities, trash farms, make some people rich and leave others worse off, that have a short life expectancy, that have no end-of-life plan is a recipe for failure and a burden on our country.
Sally Edwards
Coolah , New South Wales
Please find attached my objection submission. I reserve the right to add to this if necessary.
Thank you for considering my objection concerns.
Climate and Energy Realists Queensland
BUNDALL , Queensland
Wind Projects will generate sporadic large quantities of power, but only when the Sun shines brightly. This is not at night, in the early morning, late evening, on cloudy days etc. It creates a problem for conventional power, which must be used to back it up no matter how it performs. This problem of supply is known as the Duck Curve. Batteries are not a replacement because they can never last long enough. They are made in China using slave labour, the components are coal and silica fused at 1200 degrees usually in a coal-fired power plant. They consist of dangerous heavy metals, which are often sourced in African counties using child labour.
Name Withheld
ELLANGOWAN , New South Wales
The proposed Summerville Solar Farm is a hazardous development.

The residents of Rappville, Myrtle Creek, Ellangowan, Yorklea, Leeville, West Bungawalbin, Coombell, Wyan and greater Casino area will be placed in higher risk of bushfire, flooding and toxic chemical release in the case that this project is approved.

With the majority of surrounding land being classified as Category 1 Bushfire prone land as well as segments of the proposed Summerville Solar Farm, any increased fuel load and thermal radiation generated by the project is not in the best interests of the local community. The project site is surrounded by dense native forest fuel loads and has a proven history of catastrophic bushfire events, with the last being in 2019. As the infrastructure of large scale solar farms are, by their nature, thermally radiating, consisting of highly combustable elements including lithium and phosphorus, any NSW Government approval of Summerville Solar Farm is creating an unnecessary increase in bushfire risk to the surrounding individuals, families, businesses, flora, fauna and livestock.

The proposed development site of Summerville Solar Farm is also designated by NSW Government as flood prone. Water run-off from this site feeds the Myrtle and Bungawalbin creeks, both of which are part of the nations largest tidal waterpool, the Bungawalbin wetland cluster. Any modification to the current terrain levels, compaction, water absorption rate, surface vegetation and infrastructure will undoubtedly impact the current runoff dynamics experienced on site and downstream of the localised development area. As such, the key safety issues to the local community would be related to rises in flooding levels that would restrict vehicular access along Summerland Way and/or roads downstream including Avenue Road, Main Camp Road, Elliotts Road, Myall Creek Road and Bungawalbin-Whiporie Road. Also of concern is the downstream deposit of sediments/chemicals from on-site construction and weed control during both typical and flood rain periods.

The cumulative impacts are also a serious concern, as 2 other large-scale solar farms are proposed within 2km of Summerville Solar Farm; these being Ark Energy's approximate 2000 acre Richmond Valley Solar Farm, and Terrain Solar's approximate 1000 acre Myrtle Creek Solar Farm.

While cumulative impacts from noise, traffic, visual and social considerations is a massive concern, the primary concern and cumulative risk is the raising of ambient temperatures through what is academically proven to be the photovoltaic heat island effect; a specific effect intrinsic to large-scale solar farms. This is particularly concerning knowing that segments of the proposed Summerville Solar Farm is designated category 1 bushfire prone land and the majority of surrounding dense native forest is also classed as category 1 bushfire prone land. Increased temperatures will dry out the heavy fuel loads surrounding the project site.

It should be noted that the only NSW government guideline or recommendation for large-scale solar proponents relating to the mitigation of photovoltaic heat island effects is a token 30m setback from neighbouring properties:

"Where a solar energy project is located adjacent to a horticultural or cropping
activity, the solar array should be setback from the property boundary by at least
30m to mitigate any heat island effect." (p. 35, Large-Scale Solar Energy Guideline, NSW DPIE, Aug 2022)

NSW Government policy makers are either unfamiliar with the ability of thermal radiation and atmospheric gases to move freely over fence lines, or this particularly weak and token mitigative measure has been intentionally implemented to ensure proposed large-scale solar projects are not rejected due to the proven impact of photovoltaic heat island effects from large-scale solar farms, and/or the infeasibility it creates for large-scale solar proponents to effectively mitigate the photovoltaic heat island effect.

As prime agricultural lands are becoming increasingly scarce in NSW, Summerville Solar Farm's proposed destruction of land earmarked by NSW Government as state significant agricultural land (SSAL) is also alarming. As Summerville Solar Farm is owned by Swedish company OX2, the pillaging of our fertile lands by foreign corporations is set to continue if approved by NSW DPIE, with approximately 900 acres of SSAL no longer available to provide Australian's with locally grown produce as the costs of food continue to rise.

With this in mind, my objection includes these questions for NSW DPIE and ESCO Solar Farm 5 Pty Ltd:

- Can NSW DPIE guarantee that Summerville Solar Farm will not raise the ambient and surface temperatures of neighbouring properties, forests, residences and fuel loads on lands already assessed by the Government as category 1 bushfire-prone?
- Can NSW DPIE guarantee that any thermal radiation that will be emitted by Summerville Solar Farm will not potentially contribute to an increased safety risk to firefighters and the local community during fire events?
- Will Summerville Solar Farm increase or decrease the likelihood and/or intensity of bushfires in the local area?
- If Summerville Solar Farm is alight during bushfire events in the area, will this increase or decrease the capacity of local fire services to assist local individuals and families at the same time?
- In the case that lives and/or properties are lost due to the radiant heat, fuel availability, and fire service resource drain that Summerville Solar Farm will create during bushfire events on lands already designated as bushfire-prone, will the NSW Government and/or ESCO Solar Farm 5 Pty Ltd (Swedish parent company OX2) be liable for this loss?
- In the case that toxic chemicals released during fire events at Summerville Solar Farm are inhaled or ingested by local populations, livestock and fauna, will the NSW Government and/or ESCO Solar Farm Pty Ltd (Swedish parent company OX2) be liable for any adverse health conditions suffered?
- Are local fire services sufficiently equipped and trained to safely suppress and extinguish fires fuelled by lithium battery banks, and other carcinogenic chemicals known to be used in solar panelling, including phosphorus, boron, gallium arsenide and cadmium telluride?
- If Summerville Solar Farm infrastructure (panelling, lithium batteries, cabling, vehicles etc) experiences a fire event, will local residents be advised to alter their typical unobstructed breathing behaviour?
- If toxic chemicals are released during fire/storm events at Summerville Solar Farm and deposited in to the water sources of residences, livestock and native animals, will NSW Government and/or ESCO Solar Farm Pty Ltd (Swedish parent company OX2) be liable for any subsequent adverse health condition experienced?
- Where will the water be sourced for any fire suppression systems or protocols?
- How much water will be required to suppress and control a worst case fire scenario at Summerville Solar Farm?
- Where will this water ultimately end up through run-off and consumption? and what watercourses, wetland clusters and ecosystems will be at risk from any contaminated water flowing downstream from the project site?
- Can NSW Government and ESCO Solar Farm 5 Pty Ltd (Swedish parent company OX2) guarantee the safety of motorists travelling along Summerland Way in relation to glint and glare, bushfire and flooding risks caused by Summerville Solar Farm?
- Is the destruction of land earmarked as state significant agricultural land by NSW DPI considered to be in alignment with the best interests of Australian's who are being impacted by inflated food and land prices?
- Are there more appropriate sites for ESCO Solar Farm 5 Pty Ltd within NSW that are not on bushfire and flood prone land, state-significant agricultural lands, in close proximity to local individuals, families, businesses, important native flora and fauna, and upstream of the nations largest tidal waterpool?
- Is Summerville Solar Farm in alignment with the typical rural amenity of the area?
- Will the NSW Government and ESCO Solar Farm Pty Ltd (Swedish parent company OX2) guarantee that the flooding levels currently experienced in the local and downstream areas will not be adversely impacted by Summerville Solar Farm?
- Will the NSW Government and ESCO Solar Farm Pty Ltd (Swedish parent company OX2) guarantee that any sediments, pesticides or herbicides used on Summerville Solar Farm will not enter any downstream water systems?

If any of the questions above regarding legal liability and guarantees for community safety remain unanswered or disadvantageous for the local community, then the Summerville Solar Farm is clearly a dangerous proposal not in the best interests of Australians and wildlife calling this area home. If the project is subsequently approved without guaranteeing the maintaining of current levels of safety, health and wellbeing for the local population; and without identifying the legally liable parties should there be any loss of life or property attributed to impacts created by Summerville Solar Farm, the NSW Government will be demonstrating a preference for profits over the concerns and wellbeing of its people.

Although the currently weak proponent biased NSW DPIE large-scale solar proponent 'guidances and recommendations' enable grey areas of concern and mitigation requirements in order to facilitate multi-billion dollar investment, these policies have the potential to grow and change in the future. Whereby, retrospective liability for loss and injury caused through dangerous solar farm site selection and approval in disregard of serious concerns raised by impacted community key stakeholders may come in to play. I request NSW DPIE heeds our community's serious concerns regarding the dangerous site location and the risks we will unwillingly and unfairly acquire should Summerville Solar Farm be approved.
Name Withheld
WARRAWEE , New South Wales
Objection letter attached
Name Withheld
GUYRA , New South Wales
“The site was selected for its proximity to the Transgrid network and land free from environmental constraints.”

OX2 Corporate

Head Office Sweden
Lilla Nygatan 1, Box 2299
103 17 Stockholm

Get Sweden Out Out Out of Australia, they know Nothing about, and Nor do you,, Emitting Excess Toxic Fumes making Farms of Solar Out of Slave Labour, and It Is, Is, Is, and it is Known, and I need you under Investigation because you are Supporting Slave Labour Solar Panels, Made in Asia, eh, or China. Eh, and not in our Country, Australia, Why,, Why ?
Shame on you as our government, in full knowledge the Cheap, so-called Cheap, Electricity is Now on Our Land, called Farmland, you will Need in 3 Generations As Farmland, hm, yes, you will,, but it will be under panels will it ? Will it ?
Cease and Desist a Harm and Loss method that can go on Rooftops as a Different way , and I’ll say what it will be, because I Care for Country, I do.
Tubes of Solar are on Rooftops please, On Rooftops, Not on Farmland Ever again, Ever again.
The rest is Tiny Turbines, with No Blades, NB, NB, NB, No Blades, that won’t Kill our Birdlife, under Threat of Extinction they are. Are you caring about that, ? I say no. Give me a reply. I need one. No Robots please. Virtual Reality government is Harming Planet Earth more and More each day they lose connection with Reality Planet Earth, that’s Real and Alive, are you knowing of that, government ? I do not believe so, and I therefore Demand you all in a Inquiry into Harm and Loss To Our Land, Farmland, Habitat, Waterways, and Wetlands. Wetlands. Going missing these days. What are Wetlands, Do you know ? I don’t believe so, I don’t.
Wetlands water Australia.
Government, I need you to Cease and Desist Immediately, and it is because you Threaten 8th Generation Future you have not planned for, have you,
I Pray for my Country I Do Care for, I Do, and I Do.
I try to help it, but can’t. Why? Robots are our government. They have feelings. They have none. Our Dear Earth is not being heard, heard, I said Heard.
When will you hear it, Can it be now. Let it be Now.
Cease and Desist Global Takeover of Prime Agricultural Land, in a Dry Continent, undergoing the change in Land Management that will Decrease Farmland our 8 Generations need to grow food, yes.
How Dare You,, you, you, allow a Swedish company access to Our Prime Agricultural Land, the People will need for the next 8 Generations, where the World will not be the way it is now, a Harm and Loss World it is now, and that’s Illegal isn’t it, ? Isn’t it, If so I then take you to court for Harm and Loss to Next 8 Generations Future.
What are you going to do about it,, Solar Farms on Prime Agricultural Land, undergoing a Toxic Future path.
I need a Better Care Future offered to All On Country, Nb All On Country, that Includes the Land, Alive, but undergoing a Toxic future change, government Accepts, don’t you government, Australian.
I Demand a Royal Commission into Renewables On Country , On Farmland.
I say they can go On Rooftops in the way I described, Made In Australia, with our Coal, with Our Coal, Ours, Australia’s, Australia’s, Australia’s. Tiny Turbines made with Stainless Steel and Light and able to turn in the Slightest breeze, upon a Rooftop, times by All our Homes in Australia.
Tubes of Glass heat Hot Water. They can be recycled, tubes of Glass. Are you aware the mayor of Armidale is Not interested in decommissioning. He should get the Sack. I’d like you to give him the Sack. He has No Care for Country. His name is Sam Coupland, and I’d like you to give him the Sack, because he won’t take any interest in 8th Generational Future Care for Country, and Neither will you,, so I therefore Demand , and I Do Demand, And I Do Demand, a Royal Commission into Renewables going on to Prime Agricultural Land for No reason but money, hm.
I Do need a Royal Commission please, I need you under Investigation for Harm and Loss to 8th Generational Future you have for at all, How Dare you.
“We are accelerating investments into new technologies, such as offshore wind and solar, as well as exploring new complementary technologies such as hydrogen and energy storage. Hydrogen and energy storage are key to phase out fossil fuels.” OX2.
They will Destroy My Planet, Just for Money. Just for Money, OX2, them.
I need a Royal commission Immediately into Australian Government operating a Harm and Loss activity with Foreign Investment, that Don’t care for anyone or anything On Country, anywhere in the World they want to cover with Renewables, note, Cover, Cover.
I Have To Get you Into a Royal Commission , my government, Australian, Now. I Need You Under Investigation for Inappropriate Activity On Country in a Dry Continet, unlike any other on Earth, unlike any other on Earth, are you reading that, my government, I am Ashamed of, oh So Ashamed of, of of, of. Go Away from My Nation, OX2, and those horrible greedy Investors who have No Care for Country, and just want Money for All the Harm they Do to our World, Our government isn’t interested in at all, if they want a Renewables Future all over Farmland and Our Wilderness, under Threat, for No Reason at all. I Have to Stop you, my government, I Have to, I Have to, I Must, because you Burn us All, you see, and that is because you have No knowledge of a Dry Continent at all.
Cease and Desist OX2 in our Nation, Australia, Immediately. They are driving Renewables in Australia because no-one else wants them,
Rainforest Reserves Australia
LAKE BARRINE , Queensland
Thankyou for the opportunity to make a submission.
On behalf of our Organisation, Rainforest Reserves Australia., please see attached submission.
Name Withheld
FORESTVILLE , New South Wales
I object to solar, wind and battery projects. In my opinion, they will do far more damage to the environment than coal, oil and gas ever did. Beautiful farmland is being destroyed by these toxic projects with no regard to the lasting damage they will do when they no longer work. Toxic chemicals seeping into the land, birds, insects, etc. being killed by wind turbine blades, it is frightening.
Name Withheld
DEE WHY , New South Wales
I object to this project. The cost of converting to renewable energy is astronomical and we simply cannot afford it. It is also obvious that there is no way the world has enough materials to achieve the goal of green energy. We must also consider the fact that we are able to produce more food more cheaply and efficiently because of fossil fuels and until we have a viable alternative we should continue the way we are. I do not believe the science backs up the supposed benefits of renewable energy. We do not want to become a third world country because of our ideological stupidity. We have beautiful agricultural land being covered by unsightly solar panels and wind turbines which incredibly contain materials made from fossil fuels, the very things they seek to replace! Koalas and other native animal habitats are being destroyed to make way for these projects not to mention the birds, insects, etc. killed by the wind turbines. How is that greening Australia? Fossil fuel industries have contributed huge taxes to fund our country’s schools, police, hospitals, NDIS, etc., how will we be able to fund them without these taxes? I think we all want a cleaner, greener environment but not at the risk of destroying our countryside and our way of life.
Name Withheld
COLLAROY , New South Wales
I strongly object to this project. I am all for saving the planet but this project, along with many others, is not the answer. We don’t seem to care about the insects, magnificent birds, etc. that are being killed by wind turbine blades. Solar panels are taking over much needed farming land and from my understanding, solar panels and wind turbines have a certain amount of fossil fuel derived components in them anyway so what’s the benefit? Let’s go nuclear.
Name Withheld
MAYFIELD WEST , New South Wales
I object to the whole renewable energy saga. Wind turbines and solar panels contain steel which is made from coal – what’s renewable about that? What happens to them after their useful life – are they dumped in landfill? They are a blight on the landscape and taking valuable agricultural land which should be used for growing food. Our agricultural exports are worth about $80bn annually. Quoting from a recent article in the Australian "Each year, on average, each Australian farmer feeds 150 of their fellow countrymen and 450 of their allies overseas." I've no doubt the $80bn of exports contributes to supporting the NDIS, schools, hospitals, etc. Australia's agricultural industries are world leading - we must not jeopardize this
Name Withheld
OLD TOONGABBIE , New South Wales
I object to these renewable projects. There are so many toxic materials in batteries, often mined in poor countries by little children. Toxic materials are also found in wind turbines and solar panels which is so bad for the environment. I have seen reports of wind turbines and solar panels being dumped in landfill when they are past their use by date which is incredibly harmful to the environment and will leave that land useless for many years to come. No, No, No - Stop them Now!
Name Withheld
Coolah , New South Wales
Clearing native vegetation, threatening endangered ecological communities, threatening flora species, threatening fauna species, impacting on migratory species.

None of the above is acceptable.

Every renewable energy project causes serious and irreversible impacts to the environment. This is cumulative damage. So much damage for such a small contribution to our electricity grid is nothing short of environmental vandalism.

The consumer will pay. The environment will suffer. The developer will profit.
Name Withheld
COOLAH , New South Wales
I would like to make a submission to the Summerville Solar project SSD-46982232.

I object to this planned industrial solar project.

There will be major inconveniences to residents during the lengthy construction process. The increased traffic will negatively impact residents and local road users, increasing travel times to locals and travellers. The construction noise is also a major concern to residents near to the site – construction traffic will dramatically increase, particularly on the local roads.

Solar panels are NOT environmentally friendly – made with a toxic mix of gallium arsenide, tellurium, silver, crystalline silicon, lead, cadmium, and heavy earth materials. Solar panels deteriorate, resulting in lost efficiency, total failure or even fire. They get damaged by hail, wind and fire and potentially leach their toxic chemicals into the soil and water courses. Major damage does happen – such as with the Beryl Solar plant in 2020 with impacts from heavy rain, a lightning strike, inverter damage and other failures. The contamination risks to the land and through the water courses will not be tolerated by the local community.

PV solar systems are also prone to fires from panel and electrical equipment failures causing risk to nearby farms, native bush and the community, as accessing the fires on/near a solar site is difficult and limited for safety reasons. Gunnedah Rural Fire Service has confirmed that firefighters can only fight fires in a solar plant from the perimeter due to dangerous high voltages and the possibility of toxic gases. In August 2022 a small grass fire near Beryl solar plant required a dozen emergency vehicles and three water-bombing helicopters to protect the solar plant and nearby farm. A small fire of this size could potentially be put out by easily and quickly by minimal fire crew, yet this small fire took four hours and multiple crew to bring the situation under control.

The current proposal also includes a BESS. Batteries use lead, lithium and cobalt, all of which are hazardous materials. This is of much concern to residents and the community as ordinary fire suppression measures cannot extinguish a Lithium chemical reaction fire. A fire that occurred in the 350MW/450MWh BESS during testing on 30 July 2021 in Geelong, Victoria shows how dangerous it can be for nearby residents. When one of the 13 tonne battery packs caught fire, it burned for three days and resulted in the evacuation of residents because of the toxic fumes generated.

Huge solar plants are not visually appealing and will impact near and not-so-near neighbours. As well as potentially impacting the value of neighbouring properties, the natural beauty of this district is very popular with travellers and visitors. Placing solar panels over scenic farmland will likely deter tourists visiting as the once productive farming land will be a reflective sea of solar panels.

Apart from removing land from productive farming for up to 35 years there is the likely long-term damage to the soil. The long term impact to the soil (from compaction and potentially leaching of toxic chemicals into the soil) could ruin its ability to be productive farmland in the future.

I urge DPE to listen to those most heavily impacted by this project and to consider the cumulative impact on the district by multiple developments. This project should be rejected.
Name Withheld
Dederang , Victoria
Solar farms leak lead into the ground. At decommissioning our soils will never be the same. We will never have enough storage to supply the grid when the sun is not shining. We need a reliable grid.


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Solar
Local Government Areas
Richmond Valley

Contact Planner

Rita Hatem