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State Significant Development


Spicers Creek Wind Farm

Dubbo Regional

Current Status: More Information Required

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of a wind energy generation project with up to 117 wind turbines, with energy storage and associated infrastructure.


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (18)

Development Application (1)

EIS (24)

Response to Submissions (15)

Agency Advice (15)

Additional Information (4)


Showing 61 - 71 of 71 submissions
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I support the project.
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
We support this project:
As potential host landholders, we have worked with Squadron Energy over the past few years during the development of this project. Squadron's engagement process with us has been outstanding as they have not just informed, but have listened and where possible adapted the project to suit our farm and management requirements.
They have also listened to the community's concerns about the need for better, safer roads and this is reflected in their voluntary planning agreement with Dubbo Regional Council.
We hope the relationships built with the community can continue via a combined discussion group that would include Squadron representatives, local government representatives and community members.
Squadron has worked hard to develop strong relationships with the local community and have financially assisted local not-for-profits with small grants to assist them with ongoing expenses.
The funds this project will potentially provide to us will ensure we can continue to manage our property in a sustainable way with conservative stocking rates and continued establishment of perennial pastures to improve productivity.
The cashflow pressures created from extreme weather events will also be alleviated and we can continue to invest with confidence in our farm into the future.
Name Withheld
VIA WELLINGTON , New South Wales
As a host landhoder I support the Spicers Creek Wind Farm project.
Wayne Hattenfels
Elong Elong , New South Wales
My objection to the project is based on the impact that some of the wind turbines will have on me personally.
I do not object to the proposal as a whole.
I do however object to the visual and noise pollution generated by some turbines that will impact on myself and my agriculture tourism business.
I believe these problems could be resolved via negotiation with the placement of some turbines in locations that will reduce their impact on me.
Wayne Hattenfels 0428 097077
LeRoy Currie
Leeton , New South Wales
Shaner, Matthew R., Steven J. Davis, Nathan S. Lewis, and Ken Caldeira. (2018) "Geophysical
constraints on the reliability of solar and wind power in the United States." Energy & Environmental
Science 11, no. 4 (2018): 914-925 (link) (20) “Achieving 99.97% reliability with a system
consisting solely of solar and wind generation... would require a storage capacity equivalent to
several weeks of average demand…Three weeks of storage (227 TW h) [which] results in ~6500
years of the annual Tesla Gigafactory production capacity or a ~900x increase in the pumped
hydro capacity of the U.S.
Name Withheld
Goolma , New South Wales
I support this project as it will provide jobs & financial benefits to the region, as well as the overall benefits renewable energy projects are providing for our environment
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
Spicers Creek Wind Farm - A Pathway Towards a Greener and Cleaner Environmental Future.

I support Spicers Creek Wind Farm for a greener future. Wind power is clean, renewable, and reduces emissions. By relying less on fossil fuels, we combat climate change. Wind energy ensures cleaner air and water. The project creates jobs, promotes sustainable development, and enhances energy security. Wind farms have a small ecological footprint and preserve nature’s beauty. Let’s invest in sustainability and a brighter, more resilient future. Together, we can combat climate change and preserve our environment for generations to come.
Mark Doherty
GOOLMA , New South Wales
I support this project.
William Martel
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I support Spicers Creek Wind Farm. It will provide much needed jobs and infrastructure to the the Dunedoo/Dubbo/Wellington area. It will also supply a large amount of renewable energy to the grid.
Stuart H
Dunedoo , New South Wales
I would like lodge an obejection to the Spicers creek wind farm due to its location on prime agricultural land that should be used for food and fibre not a half baked energy generator. These generators also are a fire hazard the ability to fight fires without aerial support is a nightmare for local RFS members
Dubbo Regional Council
Dubbo , New South Wales
See attached


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Wind
Local Government Areas
Dubbo Regional

Contact Planner

Jess Watson