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State Significant Development


Oxley Solar Farm

Armidale Regional

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of a 215 MW solar farm with up to 50 MW of battery energy storage and associated infrastructure.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (1)

EIS (11)

Response to Submissions (7)

Agency Advice (23)

Amendments (16)

Additional Information (6)

Recommendation (3)

Determination (2)

Approved Documents

There are no post approval documents available

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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There are no inspections for this project.

Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 41 - 60 of 95 submissions
Caitlin wilson
ARDING , New South Wales
Proposal is next to local recreation area, blue hole.
Adjacent to national park with attendant fire hazard.
Prime agricultural land
Mitchell Hardaker
Castledoyle , New South Wales
I Object to the proposed Oxley Solar Farm, Please see below for my attached submission.
Tanya Walsh
ARMIDALE , New South Wales
See attached
Richard Croft
URALLA , New South Wales
The project is not in any way compatible with the agricultural and environmental features of the New England region and the Armidale district.
There has not been any public presentation at any public forum organised by the proponents and they have not attended any community forum to explain or promote their project.
Who are they? Are they financially reputable and will they still be here to clean up when the project deteriorates and is no longer operating? Has the Government required them to put up a bond as the mining companies are required to do? Are they stable companies? Are they being subsidised?
There are too many questions and the proponents are not making themselves available to answer so now it is up to the NSW Government to answer for them.
The New England area has been recognised as a special place to live, there are major tourism promotions aimed at the rivers, waterfalls, National/State Parks, the wildlife and the mountains. This is a unique part of Australia and placing such a project in this area is an insult to anyone who choses to live here and to those who are increasingly becoming enamoured of its uniqueness.
Placing permanent concrete structures here is counterproductive to the environment. There are millions of hectares of land in Western NSW beyond the Darling River system where there is far more sunshine and more appropriate land areas.
Placing this and other structures in New England simply to save the developers money and to take advantage of taxpayer funded infrastructure is shortsighted.
The Government should reject this proposal and suggest the proposers move much further west so that the solar power will be available in the major east coast population centres after the sun goes down there. There would be solar power available for Sydney and the coast anything up to two hours after their sundown and it would not be so disrupted by cloudy weather.
This is high class agricultural land which owners have adapted to produce environmentally suitable rural products and it should not be spoilt by large area industrial sites which should be constructed hundreds of kilometres AWAY.
Justin McTaggart
CAMMERAY , New South Wales
Please see attached PDF document.
Jonathan Galletly
ARMIDALE , New South Wales
This location is not is not the right place for a solar farm, it is to close to a national park and on a main water way, so I object to it going ahead.
Mandi Galletly
ARMIDALE , New South Wales
I am objecting to this project as I feel it is being built in the wrong area. Good grazing land is not the place for these solar panels when you consider how many there are. There is also a national park in close proximity and also a water way where platypus reside and we really don’t know if there is any toxins which come off these panels over a period of time. I’m not anti solar panel but there is plenty of australia to build these farms which don’t effect both flora/ fauna and impede on peoples lifestyles.
Name Withheld
Argyle , New South Wales
I wish to object to the Oxley Solar Farm development. Whilst I can see that measure have been proposed to protect the Oxley Wild Rivers National Park- World Heritage listed Gondwana Rainforest I have grave concerns about the long term damage that could occur as a result of erosion. In order for the solar farm to be at functioning status, more detail needs to be provided in Appendix D Biodiversity DAR with regards to erosion. Stating: “Whilst the construction of the proposal would involve a range of activities that would disturb soils and potentially lead to sediment runoff affecting local waterways during rainfall events. These potential impacts are unlikely to significantly impact water quality with the implementation of recommended mitigation measures including erosion and sedimentation controls.” There is however, no outline of what these controls would be. The EIS states that “In this assessment an assumption has been made that all vegetation within the development footprint would be removed.” One can, therefore, only assume that in a the likely hood a large rainfall event the soil would erode and move down the terrain, which is very steep in parts end up in the waterways.

I am also concerned that it may interfere with internet connectivity and wi-fi due to the electrical waves.
Name Withheld
I am writing to object to the application submitted by Oxley Solar Farm-SSD No 10346 to build a 300MW solar factory with up to 50MW of battery storage and associated infrastructure in Castledoyle, in the New England area of New South Wales.

I support the concept of renewable energy but do NOT support the placement of an industrial solar plant on productive agricultural land bordering one of the most popular tourist attractions in the area – the Oxley Wild Rivers National Park.

My parents live in the Castledoyle area and my family and I visit them frequently. To build an industrial solar plant on <5% sloping land, where anticipated runoff will damage the natural environment irreparably, in particular two pristine waterways that then flow through the National Park, and into the Macleay catchment, is irresponsible. As the NSW Farmers “Renewable Energy Landholders Guide” has stated, industrial solar plants should be built in a suitable location on near flat land.

The Oxley Solar Plant will have a hugely detrimental impact on the appeal, recreational and environmental value of the Blue Hole, Oxley Wild Rivers National Park and the surrounding areas.

I strongly disagree with the placement of the proposed industrial solar plant which will be detrimental to the immediate community.
Jane McTaggart
CAMMERAY , New South Wales
See attached PDF document objecting to the planned proposal.
Andrew Swan
CASTLE DOYLE , New South Wales
I object to this project for the following reasons:

1. Negative visual impact for a large number of local residents
2. Proximity to the Oxley Wild Rivers National Park, with potential impacts including:
a. Environmental damage to the park and surrounds
b. Bushfire risk
c. Negative visual impact for users of the park
3. Cumulative impacts of two solar developments side by side (Oxley Solar Farm and Stringbark Solar Farm)

This development should be re-located to a more suitable site with less impact.
Christine Duncan
ARDING , New South Wales
My first objection to the Oxley Solar Farm is on the grounds that valuable farming land will become useless (as a retired farmer, I totally disagree with those who maintain stock can still be run in and around the panels). The majority of our best productive land has already been covered in houses, and now the threat is solar panels. Australia has a huge amount of low-producing land - why do we have to ruin the good parts?
My second objection is the proximity to lifestyle blocks around Armidale. I'm sure there is no plan to compensate people in that locality for the devaluation of their land. This is another reason to pick the low-producing land - it is not generally near built-up areas.
Name Withheld
ARMIDALE , New South Wales
This project will endanger the Blue Hold and nearby national park. Surely there is a better place to build this that is not on good agricultural land. I am worried that the project will lead to erosion and siltation of the blue hole which is a much loved attraction of our town.
Name Withheld
Objection to Oxley Solar Farm-SSD No 10346

I object to the application by Oxley Solar Farm-SSD No 10346 to build a very large solar factory, with all the other accompanying out-buildings and stated items, in the Castledoyle area, near Armidale in the New England area of New South Wales.

I support the concept of renewable energy but it must be well thought out, well placed, consideration must be given to all involved and feedback must be responded to appropriately to ensure that decisions made now are not regretted in the future with the loss or damage to irreplaceable natural environments being the unfortunate result.

A key component of any industrial solar plant development is how they approach the community in which the development is proposed. The ‘Ideal’ Consultation Process as outlined in A Guide for Renewable Energy Developers
p7 states:
“The community engagement principles that should inform a plan are:
• mutual benefit
• mutual respect
• relationship-building
• authenticity
• appropriateness
• ongoing engagement
• transparency and responsiveness”

Upon speaking with my parents-in-law who live in the Castledoyle area, Oxley Solar Development Pty Ltd have failed on each of these stated criteria. Their conduct has been deceptive, questions are either not answered fully, are diverted or are ignored. Community engagement has been superficial at best, there has been no authenticity, no respect for the community and certainly no building of relationships. From the perspectives of the local community, their efforts have been a “tick the box” approach and totally disrespectful. Responsiveness has been non-existent and the entire process has lacked transparency.
I strongly disagree with the placement of this proposed industrial solar plant and suggest that the community engagement process needs to be rigorously assessed.
Name Withheld
SCONE , New South Wales
I wish to lodge an objection to the Oxley Solar Farm-SSD No 10346. My brother and his family live off Milne Road to the South West of the proposed development in a picturesque location adjoining Commissioners Waters. I believe the DA submission significantly understates the impact the development will have on the visual amenity in the area. There are many rural residential properties along the Castledoyle Road whose owner’s visual amenity will be adversely effected. The proposed development will reduce the attractiveness of the area to people seeking a semi-rural lifestyle close to Armidale, thereby limiting future growth. The proposed development will also be seen by visitors travelling to the Blue Hole and the adjacent National Park. The addition of Oxley Solar Farm to this area, combined with Stringybark Solar Farm, creates significant cumulative visual impacts.

I support investment in renewable energy and believe solar power is well suited to our country. However, there must be many suitable alternative locations in the region that are not situated so close to town or within view of rural residential zoned land or a popular National Park and picnic destination. Therefore, I ask that the Oxley Solar Farm SSD-10346 submission be rejected.
Name Withheld
GLENCOE , New South Wales
I object to the project because of the visual impact on our prime agriculture land. Solar farms should not have to viewed by any neighbours. The stress levels put on the neighbours is heart breaking and very damaging to the community. Renewable Energy should not be near any National Parks due to the high fire risks in National Parks.
Michael Murray
ROSE BAY , New South Wales
I am submitting my strong objection to the proposed solar farm development by Oxley Solar Development Pty Ltd.
I frequently travel to Armidale for business and I am extremely concerned about the idea of industrial solar plants in the region being so close to rural residential areas.
I am all for renewable energy development, however the proposed location is in full view of rural residential areas and on the boundary of our National Park. There is close to half a million hectares of suitable locations in the New England region, it is not fair to further stress local farmers and residents, following severe drought, when so many other locations are available.
As an owner of a real estate company, I understand the need for development, however I urge you to take into account the local community and realise this project is un-Australian and does not belong in a rural residential area.
In summary, I object to Oxley Solar Farm – SSD No 10346 on the grounds that the proposal will significantly change the local landscape and the applicant (Oxley Solar Development Pty Ltd) has not taken into consideration the impact it will have on local residents.
I look forward to hearing the development application has been rejected so local residents can go about their daily lives without this unnecessary stress.
Please feel free to contact me on 0414 406 965 or [email protected] to discuss further.
I have not made any monetary political contributions.
Many thanks,
Michael Murray
Angus Roberts
DIRNASEER , New South Wales
My Name is Angus Roberts and I am currently in my 4th year at UNE studying a Bachelor of Rural Science. I have recently become aware of the proposal to build a ridiculous amount of solar panels over land that is highly regarded as being productive. I am against this as this land can sustain the production of meat and fibre better than lots of other land in the country. The placement of these projects is ill thought and has not been taking into enough consideration due to the want to place a mega solar farm near the local attraction of the blue hole. This construction will damage the areas tourism as it will be a black wall of solar and not the green and lush views of nature that are present now.
Lachlan Mcphie
CASTLE DOYLE , New South Wales
I object to this development on a number of grounds discussed in the below attachment.
Nanette Peatfield
ARDING , New South Wales
I object to the proposed Oxley Solar Farm for the following reasons:
Negative effects on the native flora and fauna bio-diversity
The proximity to a national park with the attendant fire hazard
Negative effect on a significant local recreation tourist area
Effect on the water catchment


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Solar
Local Government Areas
Armidale Regional
Determination Date

Contact Planner

Natasha Homsey