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State Significant Development


Muswellbrook Solar Farm

Muswellbrook Shire

Current Status: More Information Required

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of a 135 MW solar farm and associated infrastructure, including battery storage facility.


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (2)

EIS (17)

Response to Submissions (10)

Agency Advice (22)

Additional Information (2)


Showing 41 - 60 of 62 submissions
Backam Group
HAMILTON , New South Wales
I would like to submit an EOI for Labour Hire works on this project.
Richard Darby
MUSCLE CREEK , New South Wales
My family are objecting to this submission based on a number of criteria that the project has failed to meet including but not limited to the consideration of 4 other major projects being carried out in the same time period and the same location. This will have a detrimental effect to our quality of life and value of our property over a number of years (4 at minimum) during construction and also for the rest of our lives while living at this residence post construction. Please find attached a formal letter regarding the solar farm proposal. The company is wholly owned by a foreign entity and will employ 3 people when completed. This development will house 300,000!!!!! solar panels and a BESS facility when completed.

Subject: Concerns Regarding Multiple Proposed Developments in Our Community
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to express my profound concerns about the multitude of proposed developments, including a solar farm, wind turbines, a major road bypass, and a pumped hydro project, all concentrated in the same location within our community. While I acknowledge the importance of renewable energy and infrastructure improvements, the cumulative impact of these projects raises significant concerns for our community's well-being.
1. Solar Farm Proposal: As previously mentioned, the proposed solar farm in close proximity to our residential area raises concerns about its impact on our neighborhood's aesthetics, property values, and potential health risks. The negative consequences outlined in my previous letter remain relevant in this context.
2. Wind Turbines: The addition of wind turbines to the same location compounds our concerns. The presence of large wind turbines can be visually imposing and disruptive to both the landscape and residents. Noise pollution and potential harm to local bird populations are also matters of concern. Moreover, the combination of both wind turbines and solar panels in one area may lead to overdevelopment and increased environmental disruption.
3. Major Road Bypass: The construction of a major road bypass in the same vicinity further exacerbates the situation. While improved transportation infrastructure is necessary, the potential noise, traffic congestion during construction, and alteration of local traffic patterns could have adverse effects on our community's quality of life.
4. Pumped Hydro Project: The introduction of a pumped hydro project in this already congested location raises environmental concerns, particularly regarding water usage and potential disruption to local waterways. The construction and operation of such a project can also impact the natural landscape, potentially affecting local ecosystems.
I believe it is essential to emphasize the cumulative effect of these projects on our community's overall well-being. While each development may have its merits, together, they create a situation where our community faces significant disruptions in terms of aesthetics, environmental impact, and quality of life.
I urge you to reconsider the concentration of these developments in a single location. It is crucial to conduct a comprehensive environmental impact assessment that takes into account the combined effects of these projects and explores alternative locations for some or all of them. Furthermore, robust community engagement and transparent decision-making processes are essential to ensure that residents' voices are heard and that their concerns are addressed adequately.
Our community deserves a sustainable future that balances the need for renewable energy and infrastructure improvements with the protection of our environment and the quality of life for its residents. I kindly request that you work collaboratively with the community and reevaluate the current proposal to find a more balanced and sustainable approach.
Thank you for your attention to these concerns. I look forward to hearing your response and engaging in constructive dialogue to find a mutually beneficial solution.
The Darby Family
Richard Darby
MUSCLE CREEK , New South Wales
My family are objecting to this submission based on a number of criteria that the project has failed to meet including but not limited to the consideration of 4 other major projects being carried out in the same time period and the same location. This will have a detrimental effect to our quality of life and value of our property over a number of years (4 at minimum) during construction and also for the rest of our lives while living at this residence post construction. Please find attached a formal letter regarding the solar farm proposal. The company is wholly owned by a foreign entity and will employ 3 people when completed. This development will house 300,000!!!!! solar panels and a BESS facility when completed.

Subject: Concerns Regarding the Proposed Solar Farm Project

I am writing to express my deep concerns and reservations about the proposed solar farm project in our community. While I understand the importance of renewable energy sources and the need to reduce our carbon footprint, I believe that this particular project may have negative consequences for our community and the environment.
First and foremost, the location chosen for the solar farm is a matter of great concern. The proposed site is adjacent to our residential area, and its construction would significantly impact the natural beauty and serenity of our neighbourhood. The installation of solar panels on a large scale (300,000) would disrupt the aesthetics of the area, potentially decreasing property values and affecting the quality of life for residents.
Additionally, I worry about the environmental impact of the solar farm project. It is crucial that we consider the potential harm to local wildlife and ecosystems. The disturbance caused by construction and maintenance activities could disrupt the natural habitats of various species in the area, including birds and other wildlife. Furthermore, the use of chemicals and materials during the installation and maintenance of the solar panels may have long-term effects on soil and water quality.
Moreover, the proposed solar farm project raises concerns about potential health issues for nearby residents. Studies have shown that living in close proximity to solar farms may expose individuals to low-frequency electromagnetic fields and other potential health risks. While the scientific consensus on this matter is not yet conclusive, it is our responsibility to prioritise the well-being of our community members.
I also believe that there has not been sufficient public consultation and transparency in the planning process for this project. Community members should have had the opportunity to provide input, voice their concerns, and seek clarification on various aspects of the solar farm's design and operation. It is essential that all stakeholders, including residents, be involved in the decision-making process to ensure that their interests are adequately represented.
In conclusion, I respectfully request that you reconsider the proposed solar farm project in its current location. While I support the transition to renewable energy sources, I believe that we must carefully evaluate the potential impact on our community and environment and explore alternative sites that are less disruptive to our residential areas and ecosystems. I urge you to engage in a more extensive dialogue with the community and consider their concerns seriously before proceeding further with this project.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing your response and hope that we can work together to find a solution that benefits both our environment and our community.
The Darby Family.
MUSCLE CREEK , New South Wales
Refer attached document
LeRoy Currie
Leeton , New South Wales
The entire concept that you can produce the quantity of energy produced by wind and solar to meet our and the worlds energy demands is flawed!

The laws of physics will not allow the renewable concept of wind and solar to be a practical solution and the cost of producing and efficiently using the hydrogen dream is a long way off – Japan has been working on hydrogen production for the last 20 years – storage being one of the biggest problems - hydrogen can even seep through glass and takes massive amounts of energy to produce, not withstanding that currently most hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels – Twiggy Forrest laughs all the way to the bank with the current “gift” of one billion dollars!

The energy expended in the creation of renewables is not recoupable in the life of the renewable project

The renewable “hypocrisy” industry currently supports human atrocities in China by the their use of slave labor or next to it and other human rights such as child labor abuses in other countries mining the rare earths required by the renewable industry.

In the event of local or international hostilities, the control systems are easily hacked and/or the installations are very vulnerable to attack and repair is not quick, We are a nation becoming ever more defenseless!

The pollutants created from mining, manufacturing, the life of the project and the final disposal are a far larger problem than nuclear waste. These wastes created by the renewable pollutants such as expired turbines and blades and heavy metals leaching into our food producing water and land invading our food chain.

In short, the renewable industry in its current form is a taxpayer funded worldwide rip off!
A classic of how caring people can be conned by a few! This shows so well the statement of “repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” is a law of propaganda, often attributed to the Nazi, Joseph Goebbels

The convenient blind acceptance by the authorities of the presented EIS’s as a “perfect” document, not questioning the validity of the content.
The convenient ignorance of human rights
Enemy attack both physical and cyber
Negative impacts on local industry, by land loss, causing community population decline
Negative impacts on the environment with transmission lines
Negative impacts on the affected communities by the transmission lines
Negative visual impact
National negative impact on GDP with agricultural production loss
Divides communities
Clean up at end of project life - No indication or concept of how this will take place or how it will be enforced – no bond or similar system created to protect the communities and tax payers from damage, or other unforeseen problems that these projects may cause including the end of life clean up that is used as a big “selling” point.

Presently there is no complete recycling system for a high percentage of the expired components, so local land fill and ratepayer are penalised.
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I object to this project. It has been evident in many areas that renewable projects have no regard to community or current land uses, and this project is no exception. This project will take away valuable land in an area where already much of the valuable land has been taken by mining. It will also significantly increase risk of fire to the surrounding area. This project should not be approved
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I object to this project. There is evidence showing that our communities do not have the resources to support the development of so many renewable projects due to the fire risk they pose. It has been identified by RFS that firefighting cannot be undertaken in a huge range of circumstances, and therefore increases the risk of a catastrophic fire event. This project should not be approved on these grounds
Ian McDonald
WALCHA , New South Wales
Presently the DPE, EPA and all LGA's do not have a Contamination or Waste Management Plan for monitoring of chemical leaching from/or disposal of PV Solar panels. Until this absurd situation is satisfactorally resolved and an environmentally acceptable plan is legislated, I call on the NSW government to initiate a moratorium on the further approval of all solar farms.
Name Withheld
COOLAH , New South Wales
Solar waste valued land.
Bob Leffler
KILLARA , New South Wales
Do not waste our money on inefficient and unreliable solar farms occupying prime arrable land in the Hunter Valley. Acres of solar panels & many kilometres of transmission lines are a blight on the landscape and pose a dangerous fire risk.
The hunter valley has endured a long period of being plundered for the sake of providing power & fuel for the big cities.
Please take the logical & sensible answer to the renewables mania by establishing nuclear powered electricity generation on the existing sites of the closed down coal fired generators. Transmission grids are in place , management staff are nearby and supporting infrastructure existing.
Nuclear reactors have a life span of over 50 years whereas the thousands of solar panels will gradually lose their efficiency and need to be scrapped in less than 20 years posing a disposable nightmare.
Please prevent this wasteful, dangerous, destructive and inefficient development from proceeding and encourage the only logical and sensible answer to our renewables efforts by promoting the nuclear option.
benjamin simpson
DARAWANK , New South Wales
i run a security business and would love to be apart of the project i have guards available for day and night shifts
Adenike Adeyemi
MUSWELLBROOK , New South Wales
I object to this planning project (SSD-46543209) for the following reasons. 1. The health and wellbeing of residents in and near the proposed area will be compromised. 2. The value of the properties in the area will be be affected. Our properties will devalue. 3. concerns about the disposal of these items and their waste products?. A lot of home owners and residents in the area hold the same views.
Andrew Forbes
COOKS HILL , New South Wales
This will be a great step forward for the Muswellbrook community to help to transition away from Mines and coal fired power plants and create more jobs .
Name Withheld
HAY , New South Wales
Why and how has Australia lost its heart?
Once upon a time not so very long ago, we cared about each other and our land, that so beautifully provided good for the world.
Now. Almost Everyone, and every level of government have soul their souls for the almighty dollar.
These renewable farms are useless on the practical level and will be billions of our dollars overseas. Not only that they are INCREASING our electricity prices. If you all actually believed in “saving the planet” then you’d make sure that we didn’t sell ANY of our natural resources to China. We are the laughing stock of the world with our gutless mess to stand up to this!!
Grow some, more and stand up against ruining our farm lands and environments. Do not advance these renewables, be a real Aussie and do our diggers proud. SAY… “not on my watch”!
I love my country!
I love the culture… mate for mate!
Let’s bring that back together and stop this money grab now!
very concerned
Name Withheld
Please reconsider the Muswellbrook Solar Electricity Generating Works
300,000 solar panels will have devastating and permanent damage on agricultural land, resources and threatened species
We need to be protecting our land for growing food
We need to protect land for bush, birds, native habitat
Solar farms create extensive toxic waste burden into the future
I am passionate about our land wherever that may be in Australia
They are weather dependent so not a good source of permanent energy supply
Pure and simply stated they are risky on many levels
Name Withheld
I object to the Muswellbrook solar electricity Generating works and Battery energy storage system and all in infrastructure.
The flora and fauna that will be impacted by this development is a long list. From vulnerable to threatened endangerment including fly fox and the migratory -Fork tailed Swift. These will be very impacted (dead) with a turbine blade day & night.
I'm concerned about these installation being erected on agricultural land and rendering the land no longer to produce food. There will be an impact on Australia's food production.
I will use irrigated rice for example:- the rice crop can produce 11 tonnes to the Ha. Let work with the area being covered in solar panel with no more able to produce food of 482 Ha ( which I have made a round figure for easy calculation ) including a 20yr usage on solar panels,

with 50 gram as the average serve per person.
484 Ha of rice produces 5,640 T of rice
22,000 serves per tonne.
124,080,000 individual serves
2,481,600.000 serves loss over 20year.
49,632,000,000 if panels are working for 40 yrs (solar panels)

This is defiantly a food security issue for Australia.

The figures for other crops would also be massive. Eg Wheat ,barley ,Canola ,Sugar cane.
If each of these foods have a reduced production of 49 Billion. That is 245 Billon tonnes of lost food production. This should be very alarming to all Australians and all of Government.
Who is responsible for decommissioning all of the infrastructure? the installer ? the host ? the government?

300,000 solar panel- what is the percentage of embed cost of construction and deconstruction?
Once they are installed, what it the rate of deceleration/ At what rate with heavy metal be leached from the panels onto the ground and washed into the waterway to impact again the flora, fauna. These heavy metal can flow into the sea to also impact Martine live and coastal coral
eg. The Great Barrie Reef.

We definitely need a federal royal commission into the rush to RE.
John McBratney
I Object to Muswellbrook Solar Electricity Generating Works + BESS by exposing the fatal flaws of Industrialised Solar/Wind Generation with the following basic technical questions:

1. How do you propose to provide reliable fill-in power generation when the average capacity factor of wind and solar systems CANNOT exceed approximately 30%?

2. If your answer is storage (any and all forms) how do you propose to re-charge spent storage facilities on a cloudy windless morning? (which could last for days or weeks)

3. What is the REAL cost of solar and wind systems - which MUST include ALL peripheral establishment and operational costs, that is :" manufacturing, transport, ALL subsidies, fill-in generation by whatever means, construction, land reclamation, disposal and treatment of toxic fail units, recycling of battery materials, grid batteries (that are useless for storage), Transmission Lines …the list goes on BUT MUST include ALL costs for a realistic estimate.

The foolishly planned, weather dependent, Industrialised Solar/Wind Transition will NEVER work!

Yours Sincerely

John McBratney

I have made NO Political Donations & my name & credentials are fine to publish but please withhold my contact details from Publication.
Thank you Jai.

John McBratney B.Tech (Electronic Engineering)
Telecommunications Engineer (Rtd)
Name Withheld
KOORINGAL , New South Wales
I object to the 135 MW Muswellbrook Solar Electricity Generating Works & Battery Energy Storage System on 481.9ha of irreplaceable Agricultural Land for the following reasons:-

*Caring for our healthy soil & water supplies responsibly is essential for our lives.
Good agricultural, pastoral land should not be covered in solar panels for decades to come, as this land is limited & must be prioritised for growing life sustaining food supplies.

*This Solar Works has the potential to contaminate the Solar site & surrounding land & water - especially when the solar panels degrade, if they are damaged by hail storms - which is common in this area, or if they are burnt in a fire event & as they age.

*Solar Electricity Generating Works are an increased fire risk & toxic smoke hazard - which has not even been researched yet by NSW Fire & Rescue.
It therefore, is completely inappropriate to locate this fire hazard in this uncontaminated rural food producing area near numerous threatened woodland communities & endangered precious species where it would pose a serious danger to all forms of life & numerous human beings in the surrounding district.

*It is very important for the local community, that the liveability of the pretty area is enhanced for all future generations & our visual amenity does not include ugly eyesores - such as this Solar Electricity Generating Works & filthy lumps of BESS!

*There is nothing about Muswellbrook Solar Electricity Generating Works that is helpful or beneficial to the environment, to the local community or to Australia at all. It is actually very damaging, so please do not ruin this area or Australia further with these ugly, contaminating, intrusive, industrialised Solar Electricity Generating Works & Big Toxic Battery burdens.
Name Withheld
DALBY , Queensland
What is happening to our Eucalyptus Forrest's Jai?
Koalas , they go on about save the koala, where's the Greens, lies ... hypocrisy?
Endagered Black Cockatoos, Swift Cockatoos. Disgraceful. Bird choppers.

These monstrosity will be pulled down or removed from our pristine landscape at some stage.
Nothing's mentioned about the child labour in China! No one has a concise anymore.
Name Withheld
DENMAN , New South Wales
My family and I are supportive of the Muswellbrook Solar Farm application. We privately own a portion of the land on which the project is located and this land will be leased to the project.

We are satisfied with the assurances made by the project proponents that they will work hard with us to ensure excellent co-use of the land beween the solar farm and with our existing agricultural enterprise that produces food (Beef cattle) for the Austrailan and export markets. We have reviewed the plans with the proponent and are confident that at the end of the life of the project, the project infrastructure will be removed with negligible impacts to the underlying land and its associated heritage, flora and fauna attributes.

As parents of 3 young children who have live in this area our entire lives, my wife and I feel strongly obligated to assist in whatever way we can with the rapid acceleration of our societies conversion from fossil fuel usage to clean renewable energy. This conversion is necessary and urgent for both the health of our community and the sustainability of our planet. We see this project as with other similar projects as key contributors to this important conversion.

The project strongly supports the NSW Government’s transition from coal to clean energy in the Hunter region and as such we are pleased to be part of this change.

On a local level, we believe it is important to have local workers be involved in local projects. This project will require a construction workforce of up to 200 people, sourced from the local area as far as practicable and along with accommodation and related requirements, will provide significant flow on effects to the local economy. The proponents advise us that potential partnerships with local businesses and contractors are already being investigated.

We are eager to see the success of the Muswellbrook solar farm and witness the important part it will play in the transition to our shared clean energy future.


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Solar
Local Government Areas
Muswellbrook Shire

Contact Planner

Cameron Ashe