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State Significant Development


Mount Pleasant Optimisation Project

Muswellbrook Shire

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Extend the life of the open cut operation by mining deeper coal seams, using existing and proposed new infrastructure.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (2)

SEARs (13)

EIS (48)

Response to Submissions (3)

IESC (2)

Agency Advice (25)

Amendments (2)

Additional Information (26)

Recommendation (3)

Determination (3)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (2)

Community Consultative Committees and Panels (2)

Notifications (1)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 121 - 140 of 267 submissions
Travis Zolnikov
MUSWELLBROOK , New South Wales
I support this project. Regardless of what a bunch of out of touch with the real world academics state; the usage of coal is not going to go away especially overseas. If we do not fully utilize our natural resources and benefit from them, then some other country will sell their lower quality coal and benefit from it. So in the end the results are the same, but we could have pumped millions of dollars back into the local economy, state and federal economies over the life of the project. So let's make peoples lives in Australia better!

If said people are so keen on having Australia setting the example; they can shut off their AC in the summer and not use their heaters in the winter. I strongly believe that strong act of solidarity would be a good step in the right direction to reduce Australia's carbon footprint and global change or was it warming change and acid rain change or warming change climate control? I get confused.
Adele Walsh
SUMMER HILL , New South Wales
The people in this rural area should not have to breathe coal dust any longer than necessary.
No mine expansions or extensions should be approved.
Name Withheld
MUSWELLBROOK , New South Wales
Name Withheld
COOKS HILL , New South Wales
I am an employee of MACH energy working monday to Friday at the Mount Pleasant site. Through the week I live in Musswellbrook from Monday to Friday where I rent renting from one of the mine's near neighbours. I am a member of gthe local gym and do the majority of my shopping in Musswellbrook.
I am in favour of the submission because I really enjoy working for MACH, their approach to the community and the environment is the best that I have seen in my time working in the mining industry and it is refreshing to work with an employer that actually cares. If the optimisation is not approved I will eventially lose my job and liekly have to leave Mount Pleasant/Musswelbrook to find another opportunity.
Narelle Jarvis
GOOLMANGAR , New South Wales
Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission about the Mount Pleasant mine.
Any expansion to the mine will cause a major impact on air quality for nearby residents of Muswellbrook and rural residents. The air quality is already bad and affecting residents and I assume livestock.
Prime agricultural land must not be decimated by a mine expansion with visible, ugly spoil mounds, ruining the landscape.
Clean air and people's lives have priority over mining development.
It's time to move to clean, renewables.
Larry Hamson
SEGENHOE , New South Wales
I wish to object to the Mount Pleasant Optimisation Project and particularly to the suggestion that it would be in any way acceptable to double the production of this thermal coal mine and to extend it's unwanted social and environmental impacts on our community through to 2048.
It is absurd to suggest that this would be in any way a sound decision given that our community is already subject to the worst air quality in the State, to significant groundwater and surface water deficits (in the order of 12 billion litres annually) and to significant human health impacts as a direct result of the cumulative impacts already being experienced from coal mining in this area.
We simply don't have the capacity to withstand another 10.5 million tonnes per annum coal mine in an area which has already seen production more than double in the space of 20 years.
Our community has a long standing history of opposing this project and being ignored by your Department. This is unacceptable.
I ask that you now listen to the valid concerns being raised by this community and reject this application.
Averil Drummond
Brunkerville , New South Wales
Can I put it to you that, if your grandparents had been told they could sit at an electronic device and link up in real time with their family anywhere in the world, and for free, they wouldn't have believed you. Now the very same group of people, scientists, that made this possible, are telling you that the world is on the verge of catastrophic climate change. You chose to disbelieve them and seriously want this coal mine to go on functioning at at even bigger scale for twenty years. You are the grandparents playing dice with the future of your grandchildren who stand to lose everything that we have achieved, if, or almost certainly when, climate change becomes out of control. This isn't whimsical ramblings, this is fact. Lets just add another fact, the United Nations General Secretary has just issued a 'Red Alert' on climate change for the world.
Now to more immediate matters. Australian ships have been sitting off the coast of China for months because they cannot unload coal that has already been dug up.
Most of the worlds nations have committed to net zero emissions in 30 years time. That's longer than the proposed extension, but they also have to commit to lower targets by 2030. Not looking so good for mining and exporting coal.
Mines are already closing in the Hunter valley.
Many of the local community don't want this devastation to continue and have asked for help. Hence my submission.
Those that do, probably want the mine to continue because they work there. But they wont be working there for long will they? It is your responsibility as the state government to facilitate the transition of the Hunter area away from coal to other jobs that can continue into the future. You know there is no future for coal. If this mine expands it is only to increase the income of its owners. Not for the workers, not for the local community or tourism, food production in the area, or air or water quality. It would be an act of great irresponsibility to approve this project.
Kasandra Smith
BAR BEACH , New South Wales
I commenced employment with MACH Energy Australia in December, 2020, and can attest to the positive community involvement and support provided by MACH employees and their contractors by way of environmental awareness, fundraising initiatives, sporting groups, local procurement of goods & services, and local community & traditional land owner consultation.
I can also confirm that MACH were viewed positively in my previous position within the Port of Newcastle business community.
I am a proud member of the MACH Energy family and will continue to support and be involved in our company vision of accountability, respect, integrity, care and delivery.
Name Withheld
VAUCLUSE , New South Wales
Mining is not sustainable - the hunter has grown too dependent on it as a source of employment ignoring the fact that all mines have a limited life span, and that mining is has terrible negative environmental implications.
Mining has destroyed much agricultural land in the Hunter Valley region. It is horrific to drive from through Muswellbrook to Jerry's Plains. The environmental damage is an eyesore that impacts native species dramatically.
We need to be protecting our environment and promoting industries other than mining to ensure the viability of the Hunter region in the future.
Jackson Beirs
Aberdeen , New South Wales
I object to the Mount Pleasant Optimisation proposal and seek that an Independent
Planning Commission reviews the proponent’s technical reports, particular water and
final void impacts, Hunter River impacts, and cumulative impacts particularly on water,
air quality and dust
This is not a straightforward or simple extension of activities – it is increased rate of
activities with expansion of mining.
We need more time to properly considerthis new proposal and its impacts on our future,
our businesses and community – 4 weeks is not enough time to expect individuals,
farmers and small businesses to get across over 6,500 pages of technical information.
The mining company takes years to prepare these documents and has deep pockets and
access to experts. We do not. It must be remembered that for the people this mine
negatively impacts – it is not their day job to monitor and respond to ongoing and
draining government mining proposals. If the Department and Government were
genuine about community consultation they should give us enough time to respond.
There will be significant changes to landform and many negative inter-generational
impacts once the mine closes
We are/I am concerned about the negative effects mining is having, and that this mine
will have, on our community and environment.
We are /I am concerned about the damaging effects mining is having, and that this mine
will have, on the Upper Hunter’s air quality and health.
I/We need certainty so that we can invest and grow our businesses with confidence. This
mine only adds to the uncertainty and will threaten economic diversity in the area.
Previously the EPA and Department of Health during the Modification assessment
criticised the proposal for discharge in to the Hunter and cumulative air quality
deterioration. An acceleration and expansion will increase all impacts.
The lack of any cumulative environmental assessments, particularly for air quality and
water resources, provides no confidence in this EIS assessment and the entire mining
assessment process.No further mining encroachment (physical or visual) should be allowed to affect the
township of Aberdeen
The coal mining industry is on the decline. It is permanently dislocating more prime
agricultural land. The Upper Hunter is already saturated with dust cumulative impacts
travelling up the valley. We are under siege and want this to stop.
Mining is destroying our landscape and environment, devaluing our properties and
dividing our communities. This needs to stop.
The impact of mining on communities in and around Muswellbrook and encroachment
on Aberdeen has grown much worse since operations started at Mt Pleasant. This
proposal will exacerbate this situation and harm people’s health and wellbeing.
The mining operations proposed by this “OPTIMISATION” will create more noise and air
quality exceedances. When is enough enough???
MACH has previously admitted that air quality and noise exceedances already occur due
to the cumulative impacts of both Mt Arthur and Bengalla mines. This is an indisputable
reason why this mine should not have proceeded and should not be allowed to increase
its extraction rate or its length of operation. Enough harm to the environment and the
community has been done already. The community cannot tolerate any more.
Land use conflicts continue to heighten in this area – especially between local agricultural
land holders and mining companies.
The proposed remaining void size will leave a devasting legacy for future generations and
the NSW tax payer. It is a risk and legacy that should not be contemplated and should
be rejected outright.
Mining is destroying our landscape and environment, devaluing our properties and
dividing our communities. This needs to stop.
Mining companies are destroying our agricultural lands and not rehabilitating the voids
and moonscapes they leave behind. No-one is holding them accountable. This is not
Mining is in decline. We need to look to the future and support our agriculture and
tourism industries. They are here for the long term and provide sustainable jobs and
strong diverse regional economies. They should be respected and protected not
constantly under siege.
A 2 metre draw down is not acceptable
Mining companies will come and go but agriculture is here forever. Agricultural
industries and jobs need protection.
The Hunter has a growing tourism industry that should be encouraged and
Jonathan Moore
CASTLE ROCK , New South Wales
Please see Attached File.
J Moore.
Diana Fraser
PADDINGTON , New South Wales
There is no need to mine coal, and especially via making a massive mine even bigger. There are far more clean energy options than coal and we should be implementing these to save the environment and prevent severe climate damage in the future.
Name Withheld
Berowra , New South Wales
Having lived in scone and moved around this area I have seen the extent of the mining increase and the effects of the trucks, trains and facilities such as the coal washery, I have heard those and felt the rumble of the dynamite used to create easier removal of the coal. I have seen the landscape being destroyed all the farming land is now either ripped up or under unnumbered piles of spoils, I’ve seen the dust and experienced the degradation of life style attributed to the mines no matter who owns them or runs them. It is time for this madness to stop the health and amenity of humans, the animals and environment must prevail no extension Mach Energy and its Mt Pleasant mine expansion by 2040 must not go ahead. I pay your wages thus I am your employer and I mandate that you insist with everything at you disposal To vote against the expansion of Mt Pleasant mine.
Tarlach Mac Giolla Cheara
SCONE , New South Wales
I am concerned about the impacts of the expansion of the open cut mine on the viability of thoroughbred breeding in Aberdeen and Scone.
Name Withheld
SCONE , New South Wales
Again and again, we have had to fight for the right to fresh air and clean water
When will the government learn that the coal industry is determent to the Hunter Valley and the people who live here .. If only one politician would use common sense and actually make an effort to encourage renewable energy operations to this area of NSW..
I strongly object to this project, the last thing we need in the Hunter Valley is more mines bringing in dirt, along with air and water pollution, as I expect Mount Pleasant will have no interest in abiding by any laws/regulations however tightly they were to be enforced.
Stop mining
Start renewing
Name Withheld
ABERDEEN , New South Wales
I believe this is a fantastic opportunity for many locals around the area in supporting our small towns, with employment growth, supporting small local suppliers, and our community. I have been fortunante enough to be employed at Mount Pleasant Operation for over three years, allowing me to purchase my first home within the area. There is great value to continue the works of this project with a diverse range of areas being supported, from providing income to familes, sponsoring the local sports team, development and sustabainable employment career opportunities.
Tayah Clout
Kars Springs , New South Wales
The cumulative impacts to both the local area and to the planet in general are far to large and serious for this expansion project to be a good idea. I strongly object to the approval of this project which will prolong the life of this mine until 2048. There are many major issues the expansion of this mine will cause, including but certainly not limited to air pollution, groundwater issues, destruction of Indigenous artefacts, destruction of biodiversity and economic impacts on local towns due to the issues this expansion will create.
The air pollution in Muswellbrook already exceeds the national standards, which is a shocking enough fact in and of itself. Clearly, further increasing the capacity of this mine will worsen already poor air quality. With the climate already becoming hotter and drier, it is unreasonable to allow this mine to take an initial 32 million litres from the Hunter River and then an estimated 40 million litres per year. After one of the worst droughts in many years, we have all seen the impact of not having enough water. To allow a mine to have so much is not just shortsighted but outrageous, as climate change will only make droughts a more frequent feature. Clearly groundwater will also be impacted upon. Indigenous artefacts have been found throughout the proposed site. This mine will destroy these artefacts.
Biodiversity is collapsing across Australia, especially in woodland ecosystems such as in the proposed site area. As the Hunter is a habitat migration area for both animals and plants, further destruction of woodland ecosystems could be cataclysmic to the biodiversity as a whole, but especially the threatened species that are found in this area. There are two threatened species of animal found on the proposed site (which should be reason enough alone not to continue in my opinion), namely th striped legless lizard and the squirrel glider. There is also an endangered plant, the tiger orchid.
In conclusion, all our lives and future generations lives of both humans, plants and animals depends on preventing any further habitat destruction and maintaining what biodiversity is left, not to mention reducing global emissions in order to maintain a temperature that we can survive in! While many may not want to accept that, it is clearly the reality, and as such, I hope this planning department can do the right thing for the majority, and not allow this proposed expansion to occur.
Name Withheld
MCCULLYS GAP , New South Wales
We currently have enough coal mines too close to town, this mine should have never been approved in the first place. I'm sure who ever approved it doesn't live in the town full of dust and the noise of rumbling of machinery tracks day and night. I'm also sure that if they are allowed to progress and dig a hole a large as Mt Arthur it will never be filled in when their finished raping our country. This short term gain will leave enormous burden on the future generations of Australians who will have to pay more to fix the country than this current generation got from destroying it.
Matthew Page
LAMBTON , New South Wales
The project will bring many economic and social benefits to the local and regional community. The business has a great relationship with the community and procures a lot of goods and services locally and regionally. It supports indigenous community through the ACDF fund and many other community sponsorships. Providing an additional 22 year mine life extension will mean that many local employees of the mine and the industry that supports it will have a secure future and provide great economic support to the local community for many years to come.
Michael White
MANOBALAI , New South Wales
I live at Wybong approximately 10 kms from the western side of this project and drive past the current operation every time we go to Muswellbrook. The current mine is already a significant contributor to noise, negative air quality impacts including PM10,PM2.5 and spontaneous combustion pollutants, blast overpressure and vibration impacts and blast fume generation which has already impacted nearby residents.

The Cumulative Impacts are not acceptable
This project wants to double intensity in annual output from 10.5 Mtpa to 21 Mtpa. This operation at that location is too close to the community, too large and goes for far too long given our need as a nation to reduce emissions and become carbon neutral as soon as practically possible.

Air Quality
Air quality in the Upper Hunter is already the worst in the state. The health of our communities here has already been negatively impacted by overdevelopment in open cut mining. Its time we start improving air quality not incrementally making it worse. The proponent does not even commit to all diesel equipment having the latest and highest standard diesel emission technology fitted

Visual Impacts - increasing the Eastern emplacement area to more than 360 metres AHD will have unacceptable visual amenity impacts

Water Impacts
Groundwater drawdown looks to be very significant and surface water impacts are extensive. The clean water run-off to the Western (Sandy Ck) catchment will be further negatively and significantly impacted by construction of 2 new water storage dams and the doubling in size of the tailings dam.
This tailings dam does not meet the initial design and operational methods that were proposed by the initial applicant Coal and Allied for managing the fines rejects emplacement area. The original design and management method formed a key element of the case for approval by the Commission of Inquiry.
Final void - creation of any large final void should not be approved. This final void will be 3km long and 0.5Km wide and take 500 years to reach equilibrium. The EIS document shows salinity in this final void continues to increase in a steep linear fashion forever.
This project is in direct conflict with a regional transition away from thermal coal to other sustainable industries.
This project would create a very poor legacy for our future generations
This project should not be approved. I object to this project


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Coal Mining
Local Government Areas
Muswellbrook Shire
Determination Date

Contact Planner

Joe Fittell