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State Significant Development


Mangoola Coal Continued Operations Project

Muswellbrook Shire

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

The Project involves the extension of open cut mining at Mangoola Coal Mine to a new mining area immediately north of the existing operation. The Project would extract approximately 52 million tonnes of additional ROM coal.

Attachments & Resources

Request for SEARs (1)

EIS (27)

Response to Submissions (2)

Agency Advice (23)

Amendments (1)

Additional Information (11)

Recommendation (3)

Determination (3)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (34)

Agreements (1)

Community Consultative Committees and Panels (1)

Reports (4)

Notifications (1)

Other Documents (11)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 161 - 180 of 333 submissions
Robert Kennedy
SINGLETON , New South Wales
Enough damaging the environment. No benefits to future generations, poor water and global warming. Dust is killing our once beautiful valley
Geoffrey Bowditch
SANDY HOLLOW , New South Wales
I am a local indigenous landowner and have owned the land less then 6 kilometers from mining activities before Mangoola Mining operations commenced, I am also a member of the local Wanaruah Land Council and fully support the approach that Mangoola applies to their practice of rehabilitation, which will bring the land back to or better than before they started.
You can already see the improved visual difference to the land.
The improvements to Wybong road funded by Mangoola have made traveling safer for the whole community, and the local community as a whole benefits from the project in many day to day areas.
Any minor negative short term impacts are greatly outweighed by the positives that this project has contributed to this community.
I am making this submission in a hope that members of the local community can be heard.
I should also like to note that I am a local contractor who employs locals working at Mangoola Coal Operation.
Name Withheld
SCONE , New South Wales
I support this project on the basis of first hand experience in observing the benefits that this project will bring to both myself , my family and others in the general community. I am employed by the company and am engaged on this site, my son also works for the company on another site and my partner also works for the company on a third site. We all compare Glencore - Mangoola's involvement in the community and can testify that the efforts and rewards gained from further operations as per this project would greatly benefit the region. We all live locally, we shop locally and participate in local events regularly. My partner moved from the city (Sydney) to commence employment in the industry and moved here with her famly who all attended locals schools to complete their education. A project such as the Mangoola extension will facilitate more people moving to the area which can only benefit local business.
The Mangoola site is seen by others in the industry as being leaders in rehabilitation of the environment it mines and it is openly praised by all employees. There is pride in the outcomes of the existing operation shown by all employees.
The resources mined from the site will benefit both local and federal governments by way of royalties, these royalties are then reinvested in the local area in supporting local business and infrastructure.
I totally support the extension f this project.
Name Withheld
MOUNT OLIVE , New South Wales
Mangoola Coal has proven to be a dependable employer and a responsible manager of the environment. I can see the continuing operation of this mine as an ongoing support to the community and local businesses.
Name Withheld
MUSWELLBROOK , New South Wales
Will provide continued employment for close to 400 people. Existing mine facilities to be re used and good track record on rehabilitation and community output
Tyler Wolfgang
JERRYS PLAINS , New South Wales
Mangoola Coal provide a lot of funding to local charities, sporting teams and events. Their mine site rehab is some of the best in the world, therefore knowing full well what you will get in regards to the rehab on the extension. I support the project.
Name Withheld
NEW LAMBTON , New South Wales
Support project
Glen Chapman
MUSWELLBROOK , New South Wales
As a longterm member of the local Muswellbrook Community I believe this project will provide tremendous benefits for the entire upper hunter through ongoing employment security of approx 480 people + an additional 145 jobs during the construction phase. With a high ratio (approx 88%) of local upper hunter people being employed in the project the flow on effect of that money being re-spent locally will create significant local business growth. The Mangoola Coal Operation already contributes extensively to local business through the purchase of consumables and other items. The continued operations of Mangoola Coal through this project will see these direct benefits to local business continue for the additional life of project. In addition to the community prosperity that will come with this project the upper hunter will also receive wide ranging financial benefit's through voluntary contributions and community funding initiatives. The NSW Government would also receive ongoing royalty revenue payments through the extended life of project.
Many people are concerned with the condition the land will be left in after mining operation have concluded, however Mangoola Coal have already demonstrated their commitment to successful rehabilitation of the land. I have had the opportunity to view the rehabilitation areas at Mangoola Coal and have been extremely impressed. Areas where mining concluded 6 years ago are now almost indistinguishable from untouched areas. Not only is the ground contoured to represent natural ground levels, The wide range of plants that have been re-established makes the whole rehab area look completely natural. In addition to those efforts the habitat for every type of animal has also been considered from insects and lizards to frogs, birds and larger animals.
For the reasons outlined above I believe this project represents a win / win situation for all. If this project does not receive approval the entire upper hunter will suffer the effects of an Opportunity Lost.
Mick Fenton
ABERDEEN , New South Wales
I’m a local resident, living in Aberdeen, have 2 sons and grandchildren that live in Hunter Valley, Mangoola Coal has been providing employment here in Muswellbrook for the past 8 years the extension that will run till 2030 would create local employment and dollars to the area, Mangoola rehab is the top if not the best in the Hunter Valley, I fully support the project to go ahead it will provide much needed employment for the area.
Jason Gordon
Aberdeen , New South Wales
Mangoola Coal has been in operation for over 9 years. During this time Mangoola Coal has demonstrated a strong commitment to providing direct employment to local people as well as indirect employment to a wide range of supporting businesses. Mangoola Coal has provided an enormous amount of funds to the local shire, local community groups, charities and royalties. Supported events such as local tree planting, clean up Australia day, local sporting events and the Upper hunter show to name a few. Mangoola Coal, at great expense has delivered impressive best practice mine rehabilitation and maintains absolute commitment to environmental monitoring and management. Mangoola displays open and transparent communication with local residents and the wider community. I would consider all direct and indirect employees to be heavily reliant on Mangoola's continued operation to provide for their families and support the local community to which they reside.
Name Withheld
MUSWELLBROOK , New South Wales
The expansion of mangoola mine benefits not only myself but my family and the community. They make substantial donations to local organisations and volunteers. They help with up keep on sporting grounds and major upgrades. We also have the national leading rehabilitation
Ian Hunt
MUSWELLBROOK , New South Wales
I have worked in the local coal industry since January 1974 and I firmly believe that Mangoola has embraced all the legal and community requirements for the mining industry in community relations, environmental management and safety of all who work at the mine. They support community projects and employ many local people and use many local suppliers and service providers which helps keep money in the local community. I fully support the proposed extension and I know that Glencore Mangoola Coal will continue to comply with their obligations as far as being a responsible miner that supports the local community, local government and the broader state and federal governments but most of all they will do it safely.
Nathan Bagnall
DARLINGTON , New South Wales
I am a current Mangoola employee residing in Singleton approx. 50 minutes from the mine site. I have been a very proud employee here since November 2010 having witnessed sustainable practices in both the mining and processing of the Mangoola coal resource and industry leading environmental management as well as positive community engagement throughout my employment. The continued operations approval will provide long term employment security for not only myself and the other 400 current employees, but will sustain the employ of an additional 500+ sub contractor employees and their respective families. Failure to gain approval of this extension of the mine life will put a significant strain on the local community unemployment rate and significantly impact the local businesses now dependent on the income streams that Mangoola employees provide. I am confident that Mangoola will continue set the highest of standards in consulting, working with and financially supporting the local community as well as maintaining industry leading environmental management a rehabilitation programs.
Mathew Hutchison
SCONE , New South Wales
Mangoola Coal has been providing a positive impact to the local economy by employing over 200 staff and many hundreds of contractors that support the mine through various roles. Mangoola has is environmentally responsible in its mining practices having won awards for its rehabilitation work, it is also very culturally aware of Aboriginal heritage. With the recent closure of Drayton causing financial stress to many local families, the Mangoola extension provides the opportunity to continue economic stability within the local community.

I fully support the continued operations of Mangoola Coal.
james forster
Muswellbroo , New South Wales
Jbf engineering is a small family business that relies on the mangoola north project to ensure our company can grow with mangoola coal
Scott Bannerman
YARRAWA , New South Wales
I support the project on the basis of ongoing employment with Mangoola.
I live in the local community and I am very aware of the positive contribution that Mangoola Coal makes to our community.
They have supported all our local suppliers and contractors.
Edward Harriden
CESSNOCK , New South Wales
This project will help sustain a the Hunter region
Name Withheld
DENMAN , New South Wales
I support the MCCO project because it supports the local community by employing locals, providing income to the local economy and encourages associated contractors by providing business
Name Withheld
MUSWELLBROOK , New South Wales
Mangoola is a great mine! The support they give to the communities around the hunter valley is outstanding and I believe the extension of Mangoola is for the best not only for workers but the whole of the hunter valley
Kieran Cameron
SANDY HOLLOW , New South Wales
I support the mangoola continued operations project as a local contractor to provide further job security and maintain current lifestyles supported by the mine operations.


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Coal Mining
Local Government Areas
Muswellbrook Shire
Determination Date

Contact Planner

Joe Fittell