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State Significant Development

Response to Submissions

Karuah South Quarry


Current Status: Response to Submissions

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Due to a recent amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy (State and Regional Development) 2011 the consent authority for this project is now the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces. The Minister has delegated determination of the project to the Department

The Applicant is proposing to develop and operate a hard rock quarry located approximately 4 km northeast of Karuah, to extract the known hard rock resource of the site from a single extraction area covering up to approximately 12 ha.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (1)

EIS (29)

Response to Submissions (4)

Agency Advice (13)

Amendments (11)

Additional Information (4)


Showing 41 - 60 of 76 submissions
Planning and Environment - Resource Regulator
HRMC , New South Wales
Office of Environment and Heritage - Heritage
Parramatta , New South Wales
Rob Trotter
KARUAH , New South Wales
Simon Emanuel
KARUAH , New South Wales
Stanley Emanuel
KARUAH , New South Wales
Environmental Protection Authority
Newcastle , New South Wales
Office of Environment and Heritage
Dangar , New South Wales
Rod Zemanek
The Branch , New South Wales
Department of Industry - Crown Lands and Water
SYDNEY , New South Wales
Roads and Maritime Services
Hunter Region , New South Wales
Port Stephens Greens
Port Stephens , New South Wales
Di Morrissey
Tinonee , New South Wales
Amanda Albury
Ironstone Community Action Group
Limeburners Creek , New South Wales
Attention C/- James McDonough - Claiming submitters rights as objectors re: Proposed Karuah South Quarry 'proposed amendment' SSD-9795 and proposed Karuah South Quarry SSD 17_9795

On behalf of these people and organisations listed below, who are all objectors to the above mentioned proposed developments.

We would like to “claim submitters rights” as objectors to the above SSD proposed developments.

ICAG Inc. would like to “claim submitters rights” to be able to lodge further documentation as this entire project should be refused from an environment point, and that the “goal posts were changed” underhandedly and deceitfully, after the community raised over the required objections in the 2019 submission period, to take the proposed Karuah South Quarry to the PAC Panel, and regardless of PAC being re-organised etc., this was fraudulent in continuing with this company as DPIE is currently doing over all these years, even to their proposed Amendment.

• Stephen Albury is an objector to above proposed developments. His letter is being finalised.

• Amanda Albury – objects to the proposed developments. My letter will come to form the 2nd part of my objection (after this email), though with typing backlog it will come in after the submission period at this stage.

• Wallaburra Wildlife Reserve & Eco Tourism Accommodation – our business has been destroyed from owner/operator of his multiples of quarry pits. How disgusting to cause health impacts to people, destroy people homes/properties, peoples accommodation businesses and wildlife reserve 10.5km away to our East, which is also impacted dreadfully from dust, fumes and noise and obviously visual, destroying the visual amenity of the area, the enjoyment on our property, destroyed the healthy property we had before this quarry empire lodged opposite us, killing all our lichen colonies, dust inside our home, in our tank water, all over the furniture and house and garden plants, and the blasting dust and fumes has also affected my cats in their cat run on numerous times etc.

• ICAG Inc. Committee is claiming submitters rights for Committee, our Membership and Community Representatives who oppose the proposed developments (as listed above) and will submit their letters through us. We will also continue to raise the corruption and fraudulent behavior of people running these submission periods change the goal posts.

• Rivers SOS Regional Representatives continue to object to the proposed developments.

Please accept this as our (first part of our objections for each party).

Thank you
Amanda Albury
& ICAG Inc. Secretary
Wallaburra Wildlife Reserve & Eco Tourism Accommodation
Limeburners Creek , New South Wales
Attention C/- James McDonough - Claiming submitters rights as objectors re: Proposed Karuah South Quarry 'proposed amendment' SSD-9795 and proposed Karuah South Quarry SSD 17_9795

On behalf of these people and organisations listed below, who are all objectors to the above mentioned proposed developments.

We would like to “claim submitters rights” as objectors to the above SSD proposed developments.

ICAG Inc. would like to “claim submitters rights” to be able to lodge further documentation as this entire project should be refused from an environment point, and that the “goal posts were changed” underhandedly and deceitfully, after the community raised over the required objections in the 2019 submission period, to take the proposed Karuah South Quarry to the PAC Panel, and regardless of PAC being re-organised etc., this was fraudulent in continuing with this company as DPIE is currently doing over all these years, even to their proposed Amendment.

• Stephen Albury is an objector to above proposed developments. His letter is being finalised.

• Amanda Albury – objects to the proposed developments. My letter will come to form the 2nd part of my objection (after this email), though with typing backlog it will come in after the submission period at this stage.

• Wallaburra Wildlife Reserve & Eco Tourism Accommodation – our business has been destroyed from owner/operator of his multiples of quarry pits. How disgusting to cause health impacts to people, destroy people homes/properties, peoples accommodation businesses and wildlife reserve 10.5km away to our East, which is also impacted dreadfully from dust, fumes and noise and obviously visual, destroying the visual amenity of the area, the enjoyment on our property, destroyed the healthy property we had before this quarry empire lodged opposite us, killing all our lichen colonies, dust inside our home, in our tank water, all over the furniture and house and garden plants, and the blasting dust and fumes has also affected my cats in their cat run on numerous times etc.

• ICAG Inc. Committee is claiming submitters rights for Committee, our Membership and Community Representatives who oppose the proposed developments (as listed above) and will submit their letters through us. We will also continue to raise the corruption and fraudulent behavior of people running these submission periods change the goal posts.

• Rivers SOS Regional Representatives continue to object to the proposed developments.

Please accept this as our (first part of our objections for each party).

Thank you
Amanda Albury
& ICAG Inc. Secretary
Stephen Albury
Limeburners Creek , New South Wales
Attention C/- James McDonough - Claiming submitters rights as objectors re: Proposed Karuah South Quarry 'proposed amendment' SSD-9795 and proposed Karuah South Quarry SSD 17_9795

On behalf of these people and organisations listed below, who are all objectors to the above mentioned proposed developments.

We would like to “claim submitters rights” as objectors to the above SSD proposed developments.

ICAG Inc. would like to “claim submitters rights” to be able to lodge further documentation as this entire project should be refused from an environment point, and that the “goal posts were changed” underhandedly and deceitfully, after the community raised over the required objections in the 2019 submission period, to take the proposed Karuah South Quarry to the PAC Panel, and regardless of PAC being re-organised etc., this was fraudulent in continuing with this company as DPIE is currently doing over all these years, even to their proposed Amendment.

• Stephen Albury is an objector to above proposed developments. His letter is being finalised.

• Amanda Albury – objects to the proposed developments. My letter will come to form the 2nd part of my objection (after this email), though with typing backlog it will come in after the submission period at this stage.

• Wallaburra Wildlife Reserve & Eco Tourism Accommodation – our business has been destroyed from owner/operator of his multiples of quarry pits. How disgusting to cause health impacts to people, destroy people homes/properties, peoples accommodation businesses and wildlife reserve 10.5km away to our East, which is also impacted dreadfully from dust, fumes and noise and obviously visual, destroying the visual amenity of the area, the enjoyment on our property, destroyed the healthy property we had before this quarry empire lodged opposite us, killing all our lichen colonies, dust inside our home, in our tank water, all over the furniture and house and garden plants, and the blasting dust and fumes has also affected my cats in their cat run on numerous times etc.

• ICAG Inc. Committee is claiming submitters rights for Committee, our Membership and Community Representatives who oppose the proposed developments (as listed above) and will submit their letters through us. We will also continue to raise the corruption and fraudulent behavior of people running these submission periods change the goal posts.

• Rivers SOS Regional Representatives continue to object to the proposed developments.

Please accept this as our (first part of our objections for each party).
Amanda Albury
Limeburners Creek , New South Wales
Attention C/- James McDonough - Claiming submitters rights as objectors re: Proposed Karuah South Quarry 'proposed amendment' SSD-9795 and proposed Karuah South Quarry SSD 17_9795

On behalf of these people and organisations listed below, who are all objectors to the above mentioned proposed developments.

We would like to “claim submitters rights” as objectors to the above SSD proposed developments.

ICAG Inc. would like to “claim submitters rights” to be able to lodge further documentation as this entire project should be refused from an environment point, and that the “goal posts were changed” underhandedly and deceitfully, after the community raised over the required objections in the 2019 submission period, to take the proposed Karuah South Quarry to the PAC Panel, and regardless of PAC being re-organised etc., this was fraudulent in continuing with this company as DPIE is currently doing over all these years, even to their proposed Amendment.

• Stephen Albury is an objector to above proposed developments. His letter is being finalised.

• Amanda Albury – objects to the proposed developments. My letter will come to form the 2nd part of my objection (after this email), though with typing backlog it will come in after the submission period at this stage.

• Wallaburra Wildlife Reserve & Eco Tourism Accommodation – our business has been destroyed from owner/operator of his multiples of quarry pits. How disgusting to cause health impacts to people, destroy people homes/properties, peoples accommodation businesses and wildlife reserve 10.5km away to our East, which is also impacted dreadfully from dust, fumes and noise and obviously visual, destroying the visual amenity of the area, the enjoyment on our property, destroyed the healthy property we had before this quarry empire lodged opposite us, killing all our lichen colonies, dust inside our home, in our tank water, all over the furniture and house and garden plants, and the blasting dust and fumes has also affected my cats in their cat run on numerous times etc.

• ICAG Inc. Committee is claiming submitters rights for Committee, our Membership and Community Representatives who oppose the proposed developments (as listed above) and will submit their letters through us. We will also continue to raise the corruption and fraudulent behavior of people running these submission periods change the goal posts.

• Rivers SOS Regional Representatives continue to object to the proposed developments.

Please accept this as our (first part of our objections for each party).

Thank you
Amanda Albury
& ICAG Inc. Secretary
Ian Hill
Otford , New South Wales
Dear Sir/Madam,

RE: My objection to Karuah South Quarry Proposed Amended Application SSD-8795 and Karuah South Quarry 17_8795, impacts; on Environment, Creeks to Karuah River & impacts on people.

• I object to the continued expansion of quarries, which is also happening at (The Branch Lane, Andersite Lane and Blue Rock Close Karuah area) and is also impacting (The Bucketts Way and Forest Glen Road Limeburners Creek & surrounding areas), by removing the remaining valuable native biophysical habitat, including headwaters of Yalimbah Creek and Bulga Creek, which both flow to the Karuah River, Port Stephens Marine Park.

• The existing Hunter Quarries operations (Karuah Red pits, Karuah Quarry, Karuah East Quarry and MOD10) have been responsible for clearing native bush and rainforest over all these properties. In doing so, they are removing wildlife and flora species. Where MOD10 was given approval to remove the wildlife offset area, should never have happened.

• The expanding quarries, and in this area; clearing native bush and rainforest, must be stopped.

• Loss of native bushland reduces valuable habitat for wildlife. In this remaining natural bush/rainforest areas, Hunter Quarries has removed large areas of the environment, for quarry workings and infrastructure, hall roads. This is a vast area of the remaining bush on north side of Pacific Highway for (Koalas, Quolls, Phascogales, Giant Barred Frogs and other wildlife species). Wildlife need protection and yet are not, as their habitat continues to be reduced. Therefore the Karuah South Quarry and the Proposed Amendment of Karuah South Quarry must be refused.

• Expansion of Hunter Quarries operations with approval for MOD10 this year (2023); and should approval for proposed Karuah South Quarry and the proposed Karuah East Quarry Proposed Amendment, be approved in anyway, this will have major detrimental impacts on water quality and aquatic wildlife species living on Lot 11, and affecting downstream with any offsite discharge that occurs, making its way to creeks and Karuah River. Hunter Quarries is impacting the environment, without adding a new quarry/company.

• I am also especially concerned with concrete batching plants and the waste-water they produce, and the impacts to downstream, (off site impacts).

• Dust effects of quarry dust on surrounding natural environment and also the impacts on residents.

• I have been a guest staying with Stephen & Amanda at Wallaburra Wildlife Reserve. They are already impacted visually, seen clearly standing on their driveway and walking around their property from Hunter Quarries (Karuah Quarry and Karuah East Quarry pit/cliffs). To approve another NEW quarry anywhere or in this area, where they are already affected by dust, blasting noise/dust. I have been advised by them they get blasting dust, fumes and smell over their property and the incident with fumes affecting Amanda is alarming. Not only has these impacts affected their health and wellbeing, this has stopped them having people stay as guests on their property, or enjoy their property and surrounding environment, as it has been spoilt by the operating quarry to their east. Their concern for people staying with them, they don’t want people to suffer health impacts as they and other neighbours do, and has stopped them gifting accommodation to people, and they could not compromise people already health compromised as staying on their property would be detrimental to their health. So therefore this operating quarry has impacted; Stephen & Amanda’s health, visual amenity, lifestyle, their business, the amenity of their property, including their wildlife reserve, surrounding areas and devalued their property.

• I have not made any political donations in the last 2 years.

• I accept the Departments Statement Disclaimer and Declaration.

• I have read and understand the Departments Privacy Statement.

I reject the proposed developments for the above reasons. I request the DPIE refuse the entire proposed quarry projects.

Ian Hill
37 Station Road
Otford NSW 2508
Edward Gardner
Warners Bay , New South Wales
Dear Sir,

Subject: My objection to ‘Proposed Karuah South Quarry Proposed Amendment’ SSD-8795 and ‘Proposed Karuah South Quarry’ SSD 17_8795

I am writing to lodge my objection to the proposed (Karuah South Quarry Proposed Amendment SSD-8795) and proposed (Karuah South Quarry SSD 17_8795).

I object because; Hunter Quarries is already operating and has six separate areas they are mining, having just been approved MOD10 this year to remove areas of their wildlife offset areas. Hunter Quarries should not be approved any further land to impact, or be given approval with the proposed Karuah Red Quarry pit.

As the owner of Lot 11 is receiving royalties from Hunter Quarries for quarrying the western side of his property, the remaining forests on the Eastern side of the mountain and the entire remaining forest areas of the proposed Karuah Quarry and proposed Karuah Quarry Proposed Amendment, must all be refused. The impacts to wildlife species over all these properties has been extensive and the continued impacts are too great, therefore the remaining forests on Hunter Quarries and proposed Karuah South Quarry land must be preserved “offset in Perpetuity” for wildlife species including Koalas to live.

My name is Tony Gardner, retired Mechanical Engineer, most recently from Caterpillar Global Mining at age 72.5. I am appalled at the proposed quarry and associated works and believe the only responsible stance is to refuse approval.

This entire proposed quarry and associated works must be refused.

Yours faithfully
Edward Anthony Gardner. 50 Mills St., Warners Bay. 2282.


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Extractive industries
Local Government Areas

Contact Planner

Carl Dumpleton