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State Significant Development

Response to Submissions

Gregory Place Build-to-Rent

City of Parramatta

Current Status: Response to Submissions

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Proposed concept development for an affordable housing and build-to- rent development comprising approximately 483 dwellings within three freestanding four to eight storey buildings.

Attachments & Resources

Early Consultation (11)

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (1)

EIS (41)

Response to Submissions (1)

Agency Advice (10)


Showing 101 - 104 of 104 submissions
Name Withheld
MERRYLANDS , New South Wales
The Development will obscure to the landscape and view of the Our Lady Of Lebanon Church. Due to other near by developments of apartments of which there are too many near by. This will add to the already heavy traffic to the very congested roads. This will also interfere with the church’s events of which the side walk are used for prosessions. Also this will damage the natural beauty by adding this construction to the area.
Pauline Kazzi
I have concerns about the impact the proposed development will have on the aesthetics, character and liveability of the area.
The development is not only in a heritage area but will be built less than 100 metres away from a registered heritage site, hambeldon cottage. The area is also home to trees that are 200 years old. The development is not sensitive to this fact at all. I also find it bizarre that many residential developments in our area keep getting knocked back due to the impact they may have on heritage sites such as Elizabeth Farm or Hambeldon Cottage even though they are kilometres away but this development is deemed to be sympathetic to that, especially considering how close the buildings are to a registered heritage site.
Furthermore the only entry in and out of the site is through a cul-de-sac which raises questions regarding traffic and congestion within the area. This will result in more cars, more foot traffic and therefore more congestion in an already densely populated area. Surely 483 apartments will result in at least 1,000 new residents to the area and just as many cars.
The development is also close to the to Our Lady of Lebanon co-cathedral which is one of the largest parishes in Australia. The parish is extremely busy and when mass and events are on this has a significant impact on traffic and congestion in the area. This development is just going to add to these issues. Furthermore the proposed development will affect the lookout and view of the church.
Finally what additional amenities are being built in order yo cater for an increase in residents to the area- supermarkets, car parking, etc.
David Hoffman
HARRIS PARK , New South Wales
I provide my submission in dot point format
* The current height of the main industrial building on the site is noted as 23.54m (RL 28.85) which equates to 6 or 7 storeys. The whole proposed development should be no higher than the current building.
* The proposal is a massive over-development of the site.
* The proposal during construction and once completed will have a huge impact on traffic entering Gregory Place from Parkes St, especially right-hand turns into/from Parkes St.
* The current car park area should be a transition from the 2 SHR reserves to the new development and not have such a massive detrimental impact on the visual and amenity of the surrounding reserves. The proposed development on the current car park site will disect the reserves and lose the historic open space connection between Hambeldon Cottage and Experiment Farm Cottage (including their reserves)
* The proposal speaks of being 'progessively scaled' yet there is very little evidence of this , especially for Building C in the current car park area which is 7 & 8 storeys high.
* The proposed development will have a massive impact on views and solar access across te historic area from the residences and church on Ruse St, Alice St and Gregory Place.
* The proposed development will have a huge visual impact that will set a dangerous precedent. It will be like a massive sentinel standing over the 3 SHR sites, 3 HCAs and several LEP heritage items that together form a nationally significant heritage area.
* The Visual Imapct analysis is full of incorrect and misleading information. The 7 selected locations do not reveal the full extent of the visual impact of this massive over-development on the local area. The visual impact on all 7 locations hase been significantly downplayed. Views 1-4 should be High - Moderate and Views 5-7 should be High. This is the difference of a person attending on a single day to take a photo from set location to a person who lives near to the site and understands more fully the visual impact on the area.
* The Visual Impact analysis also neglects to consider the visiual impact from various points of the neighbouring HCAs, LEP heritage items, nor the local amenities, particularly Our Lady of Lebanon Church.
* Apart from the roof top gardens it is difficult to see how the Connection with Country principles have been applied to this massive over-development proposal.
Response Summary
Whilst I understand this development is very likely to go ahead, I sincerely hope this is not granted SSD status and that the DPE recognise the mas sand scale of this proposal is too great and detrimental to the heritage, traffic and amenity of the local area. I am particularly concerned that the current car park site - Building C - is too too great and must be scaled down substantially or is refused altogether.
David Hoffman
Harris Park
Name Withheld
parramatta 2150 , New South Wales
Re: Property 2A Gregory Place HARRIS PARK -

Your urgent attention is needed -you have a duty of care to protect the Community of our rich heritage from these over illegal developments that will have a catastrophic effect on the community

How in Gods name a Development Application – Planning proposal would even be considered.

You only need to see the property directly in from of the proposal known Hambledon Cottage Museum one of the oldest historical homes in the Parramatta -Harris Park region

In the past you have demonstrated good reasoning in other parts of NSW and Parramatta against non compliant with all the planning controls in place

The Parramatta City Council along with the Heritage Council of NSW have stated-this is an over development as it lacks sufficient infrastructure – as it only has one entry from Hassall Street into Gregory Place

Wouldn’t this be the perfect place to commence a new business in a fitted out factory creating jobs

Finally what happened to rate paying citizens that have to comply with the legislation and develop what is currently permissible under the current L.E.P.(Land Environment Plan)

We urge you to take the approiate action to stop this development


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Build to Rent
Local Government Areas
City of Parramatta

Contact Planner

Tia Mills