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State Significant Development


Goulburn River Solar Farm

Upper Hunter Shire

Current Status: More Information Required

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of a 550 MW solar farm, energy storage and associated infrastructure.


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (2)

EIS (18)

Response to Submissions (2)

Agency Advice (12)

Amendments (8)

Additional Information (2)


Showing 41 - 60 of 69 submissions
warwick edden
MERRIWA , New South Wales
As i have previously indicated many problems with this application are related to access to this project using both Ringwood and Wollara roads.The areas of concern were raised with BP,and while some have been addressed,many have been overlooked.Listed below are some of these.The intersection of Ringwood rd and the Golden Hwy is of concern.The visibility of oncoming trafiic on the hwy is not good and it is stated in the EIS that the recommend safe intersection sight distance is defficient .It was mentioned to Stephen Archer that a good idea would be to install some sort of sensor mat on Ringwood Rd and have 2 flashing warning light signs on the hwy to warn motorists of trucks turning onto the hwy.He agreed this was a good idea and he would look into it but there is no firm commitment from BP that this will happen.This is a dangerous intersection and needs measures put in place to make it safe,especially with so many trucks pulling out of there onto the Golden Hwy.These two roads also have no posted speed limit.The issue of speeding heavy vehicles on these typical country roads was raised and was of major concern.Upon consultation with BP Stephen Archer said all there vehicles would be limited to a speed of 60kms.No mention was made of speed restriction signs and once again there is no firm commitment from BP that this will happen.
warwick edden
MERRIWA , New South Wales
Another problem regarding the access road to this project is the dirt road in the national park section.This road is in poor condition,badly corrugated and in places not very wide.With so many vehicle movements predicted especially trucks i dont know how this road is going to stand up.Also dust is going to be a big problem and i was wondering what the dust mitigation plan is.After rain this road becomes very muddy and a quagmire,so with so many heavy vehicle movements predicted the road would become decimated.What about the trucks dragging mud and then dumping said mud up on the tar section of road?These areas of concern need a firm commitment from BP to address and put measures in place to address.
Helen Paliokas
BROADMEADOW , New South Wales
As a property owner of 499 Hulks Road, Merriwa, access is from Ringwood Road and Wollara Road. Ringwood road has a few creek crossings, and Wollara Road is gravel (unsealed), which requires continual grading by the local council. These roads are currently used by local owners and not designed for the increased heavy vehicles during the construction stage of the solar farm. I understand during construction up to 90 heavy vehicles daily.

Lightsource Development has met with the Upper Hunter Shire council and has tabled two proposals:
- maintain existing unsealed road with a higher yearly cash contribution, or
- tar the road and a lower yearly contribution.
I believe that tarring the road is the only option that should be pursued given the scale of the project and the length of time this will be in operation. Significant risk of damage to vehicles for residents and the public accessing the Goulburn River national park will occur if the option of maintaining an unsealed road is chosen.
For the longer term benefit of tourism (access to Goulburn River National Park) and residents (minimising damage to vehicles from extra traffic including heavy vehicles caused by the development) makes tarring the road the only real option.
warwick edden
MERRIWA , New South Wales
I feel this large solar farm being constructed in a national park will have a big impact on native wildlife and birdlife in this area.Although the area being used is farmland,the impact on the environment during both construction and operation of said farm would be far greater than farming.Also due to a massive increase in traffic movements roadkill would increase dramatically.The human footprint created by this project in this area would be massive.Personally i feel more suitable locations for these type of projects could be found.
Name Withheld
GULGONG , New South Wales
My submission is attached.
Name Withheld
GULGONG , New South Wales
Please refer to my attached submission.
warwick edden
MERRIWA , New South Wales
Since this project to build this massive solar farm in our quiet country town came to light it has generated a rift in the community.Some see it as a positive but those who live near or along ringwood/wollara road and will be greatly affected by this feel anxious and apprehensive about the impact this will have on their lives.People live in this area for a quiet,peaceful exixstence and this project will completely turn this on its head and affect peoples mental health.Admittadly the 30 month construction period will be the worst ,ongoing traffic movements will continue well into the future.The ambience of the area will be completely transformed,not only by excessive traffic movements but also by this huge solar factory established in a national park.
Name Withheld
MERRIWA , New South Wales
I wish to comment on the original slab hut occupied by the Obrien family situated on Poggy Station the proposed Goulburn River solar farm.
Elizabeth Obrien and her 15 month old son were murdered by Jimmy Governor a aboriginal bushranger on the run.
I do not think any thought has been put into the heritage of this tragedy that occurred back in the early 1900s.
If this historic piece of history is going to be ignored and replaced with a solar factory our community and greater community are missing out on any further educational facts and learnings in the future.
I am sure if this site was turned into any other sort of production this one piece of very important heritage would be made and highlighted as to important to disturb. Here a 1 million solar factory can override all this important history and ignored possibly forever.
warwick edden
MERRIWA , New South Wales
I object to this project as i believe it is being constructed in an area that has a very high fire danger risk.It is surround by bushland and very extreme bushfires have gone through this area in the past.With the climate warming up and these extreme bushfire events becoming more common any fire plan lightsource have for this project would in my opinionpot be enough.A huge fire tearing through this solar farm would not only produce toxic smoke for nearby residents but create an environmental disaster and a huge problem to clean up.Not the right area for this solar factory.
warwick edden
MERRIWA , New South Wales
The main access road to this project is ringwood/wollara road.This road is a typical country road,narrow in places and in poor condition.Many areas of this road need attention and specific areas of concern were highlighted to lsbp at community meetings.A couple of areas mentioned have been addressed in the EIS but many others have been ignored.The safety of both residents and tourists using these roads will be impacted by little or no action being taken on areas of concern with the huge increase in both light vehicles and heavy trucks using these roads.
eunice hickson
MERRIWA , New South Wales
this project will cause nothing but problems to the residents of wollara rd , with traffic and wildlife in the area, i am concerned to what the property value will drop in sale price but rates will increase as land value with tar roads and council maintenance on these roads a lot of us have concealed driveways, and at times are dangerous enough with the amount of traffic we have at the moment, all so the fire risk as it is in the middle of the national parks, not to mention a eye sore to people driving through , all so the noise from these at 100 db to 95db every 15 minutes , and i could go on but you know all this.
Scott mccabe
MERRIWA , New South Wales
i am not at all for this solar farm. it couldn't be in a worst place with the danger of the road to raise of our rates and the devalue of our property, the danger to the locals who live on this road ,with concealed driveways, farmers who move there cattle along the road, the local wild life the noise from the farm and from the increase in traffic, we have rare honey eaters right across the road from this farm, the danger of fires, is a beautiful drive though the river now you want to wreak it
Save Our Surroundings (SOS)
Gulgong , New South Wales
Please refer to the attachment.
Mid-Western Regional Council
MUDGEE , New South Wales
Please see attached document.
Paula Brennan
Merriwa , New South Wales
My elderly father lives on the current stretch of Ringwood Rd that is to be sealed at 1930 Ringwood Rd. My questions relate to noise and level of traffic including trucks and transport in and out of the site. My other question is why would they consider providing electricity to the properties along the 4.7km stretch to be sealed as currently these properties are off grid with no access to the grid. This project is providing power to most of the state, why wouldnt it be important to provide it to those who are impacted the most. Alternatively, give each property the choice of connection now and in future by installing infrastructure to support on grid solution. These farms would have solar and other means of alternative energy and being on grid would support their sustainability.
My dad moved to Merriwa for peace and lifestyle. If trucks and transport will be using the road more than usual business hours, then this needs to be shared amongst the community. I would not support heavy traffic movement outside of hours 7am to 6pm. Is there any evidence to suggest this may not be the case. I have asked but the response was not definitive from the team.
My best outcomes as an owner of the property for me, and I believe the residents along Ringwood rd would be;
Access to grid
Upgrade of Road and culverts to ensure safe crossing in all weather including flood especially at Bow and killoe Creek
Commitment of no movement of heavy transport other than usual staff vehicles outside of 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
Community meetings ongoing to resolve issues
I am concerned it will provide little employment opportunities to our community. I would like to see traineeships offered to our high school students in yrs 10, 11, 12 for career opportunities and work experience
Lastly, can there be a naming convention of the stretch of road from Golden Highway to the OBrien River crossing or next major intersection. At the moment, my dad has at least 2 names and often Wollara is mentioned. Can the council and other parties agree it will be Ringwood rd.
Please contact me on 0418 413 994 to discuss.
Paula Brennan
Phillip Enderby
SPEERS POINT , New South Wales
I support this project to continue the transition to clean energy.
Name Withheld
BEACON HILL , New South Wales
The existing dirt road MUST be sealed prior to any works commencing on the project. Reasons for this is
1. Safety for workers and resident whom will be directly impacted by the significant increase in traffic flow and heavy vehicle movements.
2. Environmental impacts. The current dirt road creates significant dust and silt wash off with vehicles use, so this will not only accelerate the road degradation but the significant silting of dams and the creeks. What is the point in creating one environmental benefit for the neglect and destruction of another.
Under no circumstances are I a supporter of council obtaining funding for this work and then banking to use somewhere else at a later stage. I do not support the idea put forward from council that a bitumen road is more expensive to maintain compared to a dirt road.
If the existing dirt road to the boundary of the National Park is not sealed prior to the works commencing my fear and reservation is that human lives could be lost in accidents and the environment and surrounding farms will be extensively and extremely damaged. Local impacted residents would be forced to seek compensation and remediation
Name Withheld
Merriwa , New South Wales
I strongly object to the solar farm being built on our quiet country road. Also you don’t farm solar so it’s not a solar farm. Solar panels belong on roof tops not on prime agricultural land. I have been living on this road for over 20 years and moved from Sydney to rural Merriwa because of the peace and tranquility. We live close to the Goulburn River National Park and have enjoyed many bush walks and drives down to O’Briens Crossing for a swim with friends and family for years. I am absolutely disgusted that a Solar factory would be built on the edge of such a beautiful National Park. I drive this dirt road to Mudgee every week to visit elderly parents and if this solar factory goes ahead it will be to dangerous for me to share the road with over 300 hundred extra trucks and vehicals a day. The road is dangerous enough now, it is to narrow and I have had close encounters with trucks and vehicles before. BP solar are only tarring to the National Park Sign which leaves kilometres of dirt road still exposed. I pass dead wombats and kangaroos also emus every week, if they are going to allow an extra 300 hundred venhicles a day 6am to 6pm 6 days a week I hate to think how much wildlife will be lost. I don’t believe they are going to maintain the road whatsoever. Also the noise is going to be shocking. We live in this tranquil area because of the peace and quite. I have a few elderly neighbours close by and now they are worried that if they wanted to sell and move closer to town their properties will drop dramatically in value, who would want to buy on our road now with all this traffic and noise for the next three to four years. Ringwood Rd is the road they turn on to from Golden Hwy it is extremely dangerous on any day to turn in and out of. If their is fog it’s shocking I often have to put my window down just to listen for traffic coming. I am absolutely disgusted to think PB Solar would even think of building a solar factory on our peaceful road. I can guarantee you there will be accidents and probably deaths with the extra traffic on this already narrow and badly sealed road. Also the amount of wildlife that willl be lost by trucks and cars will be very very sad. They think they are doing the right thing by the environment but I can assure you they are going to hurt our National Park.

Please don’t let this solar factory go ahead find a road where trucks and utes can turn onto the site safely not down a narrow road and dirt at that.
Name Withheld
Merriwa , New South Wales
I do not support the Goulburn River Solar Farm. I am a young resident of Ringwood Road and am often driving along the road where the proposed Solar Farm will be. I am usually driving in dangerous times such as early in the mornings and late at night, this road is already dangerous with narrow areas of the road, sharp bends and causeways which often become flooded. I am actively concerned that the large presence of trucks and vehicles which will be driving along Ringwood Rd especially during the construction of the farm will become very dangerous for residents also occupying the roadway. There are also many young people along this road learning to drive which are obviously susceptible on the roads and driving alongside trucks will be very scary due to rough conditions of the road. I believe if this project is to go ahead there must be constant prior review of the road to ensure that it is wide enough and free from potholes allowing it to be safe for all road users.
Name Withheld
MERRIWA , New South Wales
I wish to submit a rejection to the Goulburn River solar farm located on Wollar road Merriwa, NSW.
This location is a prime parcel of agriculture land currently used for cropping and prime beef cattle production bordered by the magnificent Goulburn River national park.
This project is already fracturing the community and impacting relationships within the community.
BP Lightscource will turn this beautiful property into a industrial estate with its solar panels as far as the eye can see.
There is of great concern for bushfires considering the National Park in such close proximity, aboriginal artefacts, bulldozing more trees, flooding and erosion as well as interference with existing water courses.
I travel Ringwood Road and Wollar road daily for work and are constantly witnessing many wombats, kangaroos, wallabies, birds, lizards and other wildlife that have been hit by cars and trucks.
If this project proceeds the amount of vehicles, buses and semi trailers estimated to be 250-300 movements per day will only contribute to this destruction of our local wildlife.
Noise, dust and a considerable devaluation of existing landholders properties needs to be taken into account.

NSW National Parks have rejected BP Lightscource to tar seal their section of road due to the wildlife that live in the area. The existing gravel road is very narrow with some tight dangerous corners which need to be navigated cautiously.
The extra traffic on this road with staff and contractor employees, locals of the solar factory will only lead to more wildlife deaths, motor vehicle accidents and possibly fatalities.
Another issue I wish to raise is the 16km of existing Ringwood/Wollara road that stretches from the Golden Highway to the start of the gravel road. This road is in very poor condition which is in much need of a major improve to accomodate the extra traffic if this project proceeds. BP Lightscouce have committed to upgrading some parts of the road which are absolutely necessary. There is other sections of this road that have not been identified as needing to be upgraded.

1. Intersection Golden Hwy and Ringwood Road.
2. Some very narrow sections I have measured 4.0 metres wide (when 2 cars pass each other you need to be off the road in front of Settlement Hall) 3. Large potholes on the majority of the road 4. Poor tar quality on recent upgrades by the council already starting to break up.
5. Several school buses navigate this road daily has any consideration been taken for these students on their daily journey.

Whilst I am not opposed to Solar farms however there is currently another solar farm under production now within 20km of this project in Wollar.
Do we really need another solar farm so close to the one in Wollar and I am sure there are a lot better locations than to stick a million solar panel eyesore on our backdoor.


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Solar
Local Government Areas
Upper Hunter Shire

Contact Planner

Kurtis Wathen