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State Significant Development


Dubbo Firming Power Station

Dubbo Regional

Current Status: Prepare Amendment Report

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

60 MW gas fired power station, hydrogen generation plant and 2.5 km and 500 m gas pipelines.

Attachments & Resources

Early Consultation (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (8)

EIS (14)

Exhibition (1)

Response to Submissions (7)

Agency Advice (13)

Additional Information (18)

Recommendation (3)


Showing 1 - 12 of 12 submissions
Name Withheld
LAKE ALBERT , New South Wales
I Object to any part of this plan that supports/‘firms’ up the Fake Green RenewaBULL Solar/Wind Energy Poverty Grift & Ponzi Scheme/Scam that is creating a catastrophic disaster - wrecking rural Australia for no benefit whatsoever.
The Central West is already a ticking time bomb - with the Dubbo Shire full of toxic contaminating electronic garbage - a substantial Toxic Fire/Smoke hazard risk with totally irresponsible - if any - plans for essential fire suppression action & evacuation.

Explosive pipe dreams of hydrogen - wasting extensive amounts of delusional and public subsidy money - is clearly unaffordable, especially during our totally unjust & cruel - Gov inflicted - Cost of Living Crisis - with Albo & Grim Jim driving us over a cliff!!
It’s pretty obvious that NSW State & Federal Government RenewaBULL/RuinaBULL plans have no scientific certainty or engineering basis - with Hydrogen decades away & big players like Twiggy have nothing to show for their grand, disgracefully wasteful, monumentally costly delusions.
Fortescue investors split over influence of Andrew Forrest
Fortescue Metals investors are split over whether Andrew Forrest is damaging its culture, with a former major shareholder selling down his stake over fears the company’s chairman might “wreck” the iron ore major.
But manufacturing millionaire Peter White’s suggestion that Dr Forrest should “get the hell out” of Fortescue’s daily operations came as other large investors said Dr Forrest deserved more respect.
The diverging views of the two wealthy shareholders come at the end of another turbulent week that saw mining chief executive Fiona Hick exit on Monday, her chief financial officer Christine Morris exit on Thursday and former Reserve Bank deputy chairman Guy Debelle quit the Fortescue Future Industries board on Friday.Those exits added to the extreme churn that has almost entirely cleaned out Fortescue’s executive ranks over the past three years.

“I’m very concerned about Twiggy, they’ve got a revolving door there, and he is too focused on green [initiatives] and particularly [when he says] we are all going to die from humidity,” said Mr White, in reference to a presentationabout “lethal humidity” that Fortescue filed to the ASX on Wednesday Wednesday’s presentation contained slides that suggested that “this is the beginning of the end” and “this time there’s no cure”.
Asked whether Dr Forrest should step down from the chairmanship of Fortescue, Mr White said: “Yes”. “He should leave it to a CEO and get the hell out. But he never will. He has gone over the top, I am a bit concerned he might wreck the company, I have got him on a close watch,” he said.

Fortescue’s Andrew Forrest is suffering founder’s syndrome as Guy Debelle departs as Fortescue Future Industries CFO

Former Reserve Bank of Australia deputy governor Guy Debelle’s decision to stand down from his role as chief financial officer at Fortescue Future Industries is a heavy blow to FFI’s market credibility.
Fund managers and analysts have every reason to grill Fortescue founder Andrew Forrest about the heavy turnover of talented people at the iron ore business, Fortescue Metals Group, and FFI, the world’s largest and most generously funded hydrogen energy start-up.

On Sunday 3rd Sept 2023 Ross Greenwood spoke with Gerry Harvey, who stated that:- “The Energy Transition is a Disaster!”
He was going to invest in manufacturing - NOT now, because of the skyrocketing electricity prices & the uncertainty as to expected blackouts!

It is essential to have scientific determination & engineering facts underpinning energy & hydrogen assessments - currently non-existent.
2. Delete 2.64 and replace 2.64 with the following
Amendment Text:
Labor supports an independent scientific body to review, examine and investigate resource industries and large scale power generation impacts, including industrial solar, battery and wind installations at every stage of operation, i.e. planning, operational and rehabilitation.

I OBJECT to all NSW Government plans that progress the totally illogical, unsustainable, environmentally destructive, Fake Green Hydrogen, Industrialised Wind/Solar/BESS RenewaBULL infrastructure as it is an unconscionable waste of public funds for the most illogical & harmful Fake Green, imaginary power delusion that could ever be orchestrated & forced on the Australian public against their will & for no benefit whatsoever!
It is a Hydrogen Delusion & Destructive, Fake Green Wind/Solar Energy Poverty Grift & Ponzi Scheme Scam!

These obnoxious, intrusive, anti-Australian plans have no environmental or public benefits whatsoever & have neglected to accurately address all of the following:-
**Food Security + Australian Energy Security = National Security
**Australian Independent Energy = Coal, Gas & a clean, safe, Nuclear SMR Power future.
**Which companies involved & all of their Hydrogen/Wind/Solar/BESS connections are subject to the CCP’s National Intelligence Law?
**Public Health & Safety Risks - Electromagnetic Radiation, Soil/Food/Water Contamination, Energy Deprivation.
**Proper Research Needed - No Scientific Rigour.
** Engineering Facts Have Been Ignored.
**Connecting Subsidised, Mandated Weather Dependent - Intermittent Wind/Solar to the Grid is the Worst Policy Failure in History.
**Fake Green - Not Clean, Green, Sustainable at all - the Full Lifecycle of Hydrogen/Wind/Solar/BESS has to be accounted for.
At least 1,000% more Mining + intensive energy & toxic pollution during processing.
**Power Sources Needed in major City areas instead - avoiding long distance transmission loss, ruination of rural Australia & harming Agricultural productivity.
**Unconscionable scale of Industrialised Wind/Solar land mass required.
Michael Shellenberger says it's approx 300-800 times more land required for Wind/Solar than for far superior conventional power generation.
**Massive Toxic Waste Burden being intentionally created for future generations that will NEVER be economically viable to recycle - if ever even possible.
**Energy Security risks from inferior, unreliable, weather dependent, Dunkelflaute based Wind/Solar which will NEVER be base-load power available on demand.
**Economic Suicide - Skyrocketing Energy Prices = Cost of Living Crisis. The more Mandated, Subsidised Wind & Solar in the system = the Higher the Prices.
**National Security Risks - we need to rely on our own AUSTRALIAN Energy Sources rather than our Most Hostlie Enemy - the CCP.
**Fake Green Wokeness = Weakness
**Unethical Slave Labour Supply Chain Reliance - Solar’s cruelly tortured Xinjiang Uyghurs & Cobalt for Wind Turbines + Batteries reliant on shocking treatment of the Congolese - with Child Labour - children as young as 6 years old forced to mine toxic cobalt in the Congo with their bare hands!
**No Social Licence - Failed Planning, Consultation & Assessment/Approval process by the Government, Dodgy Developers, politicised AEMO & self benefiting Electricity Networks.
**Immediate Moratorium & Independent Federal Inquiry Needed.

**Public Health & Safety Risks - Personal Discomfort & Health Impacts from Electrical Force - EMR & Deprivation or Contamination of Life Sustaining Food Resource Land, Food Supplies & Water Supplies.
**Unplanned for, Not Even Researched & Not Appropriately Assessed, Toxic Carcinogenic & Teratogenic Fire/Smoke Hazard Risks.
**Energy Deprivation - Lack of Reliable, Affordable Electricity - Resulting from Inferior, Unreliable Solar/Wind Generation causing Austerity, Suffering, ill Health & Loss of Basic Services.
**Consequential Skyrocketing Electricity Prices - Causing Energy Poverty, Cost of Living Crisis, Hardship & Potential Death from Hyperthermia.
**Unjust Mistreatment of Landholders & Rural Communities Forced to Endure Such Detrimental Plans - Causing Extreme Distress, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Family/Social Fracturing & Loss.
**Deprivation of Rural Outlook & Quality of Life - With Unhealthy, Distressing Noise, Infrasound & Visual Pollution.
**Emotional Distress, Suffering & Hardship Caused by Government Inflicted Skyrocketing Energy/Cost of Living Crisis.
**Detrimental Consequences of increased SF6 emissions.
**Increased Economic Hardship due to Failure of Councils to do their Due Diligence, to Address Compliance, to be Transparent & to be Honest, to Address the Facts & Community Concerns, ie. Additional Council charges for Flawed Assessments & Wrong Approvals - Leading to Unplanned for Clean up & Remediation Costs for Abandoned, Derelict, Contaminating Hydrogen/Solar/Wind EG Works & BESS.
**Any Detrimental Cost Implications for Ratepayers from the Council's & any Government Body’s Persistence in Ignoring Their Duties Regarding the Unethical Hosting, Procurement & Power Purchase Agreements With Energy Generation Reliant on Unethical Slave Labour Supply Chains.
**Loss of Productivity & Income Due to Contamination, Increased Fire Risk & Heat Island Impacts from Hydrogen/Solar/Wind EG Works & BESS.
**Any Cyber Security Breaches or National Security Threats & Harm Caused.
**Any Costs Incurred for Ratepayers & Taxpayers by Dealing With the Obvious, Economic Suicide - the Financial Consequences for the Future of Making Seriously Retrograde Decisions by Hosting & Approving Such Harmful Hydrogen/ Solar/Wind EG Works, BESS & Associated Unnecessary Transmission Infrastructure.
Sydney Knitting Nannas
MARRICKVILLE , New South Wales
As we decarbonise our energy sector, the need for firming power to guarantee supply is clear.

However, the proposed 60MW gas-fired Dubbo Firming Power Station (with greenhouse emissions in the order of 33-40kt of CO2e per year, depending on the fuel blend) raises serious concerns.

No one outside the gas industry considers gas a first-call energy source for firming. Indeed, the recently announced Commonwealth/NSW government firming scheme pointedly excludes gas. The Commonwealth will simply not fund gas-fired firming. As Energy Minister Chris Bowen has said, “It has to be renewable, it has to be dispatchable”.

We therefore submit that the following constraints be placed on this project:

1. The project should only proceed if it has battery as the primary firming option, with gas-fired back-up.
Battery power is the preferred source of firming power for any future builds (CEC report "Battery Storage: The New, Clean Peaker"), yet this proposal disregards battery as a primary firming option. It’s true that batteries can’t supply firming over longer periods (days rather than hours), but battery should be the first option for shorter-term firming. Only when battery power is inadequate should gas-fired power be considered.


2. Timeframes for transitioning to renewable energy-only in the plant must be made conditions of approval.
The project as it stands is a dual-fuel (gas/hydrogen) plus biofuel, with a view to 100% hydrogen and biofuels, and capacity to produce hydrogen when there’s excess electricity on the grid. We support the transition to hydrogen plus biofuel, and we call for this project to be given an end date for use of fossil gas if it is to be approved. The transition from fossil gas should be completed as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,
Bernie Hobbs
On behalf of Sydney Knitting Nannas
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I object to this project because it could catch on fire if it is built. Many smaller batteries catch on fire every day, and the small batteries need about 40,000L of water to extinguish them. We do not have enough resources to support the risk these batteries pose to our community, this project should not be approved
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I object to the project. I go to school in Dubbo and if this project is built and catches fire I could die due to the toxic smoke this will produce. These batteries are dangerous and should never be approved
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I hate these projects because they are ruining my home, it makes me sad everyday when I have to drive past the Maryvale solar farm, it is disgusting and it makes me sick. I will not support anything to do with these projects and I think it should not be built
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I object to this project as I do not agree to the way that energy projects are taking over our area and taking valuable farm land away from it's purpose, to produce food for our country. By approving this project it will only encourage the development of more energy projects and I do not agree to this. I strongly object and this project should not be approved
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I object to this project because the materials used in these batteries are highly toxic and if it catches fire are very difficult to control and pose a huge risk to this area that is already fire prone. I do not support this project and it should not be approved
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I am writing to object to this project. These firming stations significantly increase the risk of fire and catastrophic outcomes for the surrounding area. I do not support this project and it should not go ahead
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I object to this project as I am concerned about the sourcing of the materials for this firming station. Many of the mined components for batteries have been extracted using slave labour and international companies do not disclose the source of these materials. I would recommend a thorough inquiry into the source of these materials before this project should proceed and determine whether the project can be compliant with modern slavery laws, otherwise the project should not be approved.
Ian McDonald
WALCHA , New South Wales
I object to this firming station because it is both physically and economically flawed. It will never in it's short lifespan facilitate renewable energy to be despatchable. Hydrogen generation is a total waste of tax payers money because the hydrogen atom is so small it can never be safely contained and transported on a commercial basis. What we need is more reliable affordable and environmentally friendly base-load power generated by coal, gas and nuclear. Not unaffordable dangerous hydrogen fuel.
Name Withheld
COOLAH , New South Wales
Renewables are no good
Name Withheld
Waverton , New South Wales
Comments attached


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Other
Local Government Areas
Dubbo Regional

Contact Planner

Brittany Golding