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State Significant Infrastructure


Central-West Orana REZ Transmission

Warrumbungle Shire

Current Status: More Information Required

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of new twin double circuit 500 kV transmission lines between Wollar and the proposed substations at Merotherie and Elong Elong, and connections from these lines to renewable energy generation and storage projects in the CWO REZ


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Application (1)

SEARs (18)

EIS (28)

Response to Submissions (2)

Agency Advice (17)

Amendments (18)

Additional Information (2)


Showing 321 - 340 of 401 submissions
Jude Flint
Coolah , New South Wales
The wind farms are actually bad for the environment, wild life is affected trees are pushed down to clear the area, not to mention the concrete for the bases of the wind towers , oil , water used in the turbines how is all that good for the environment , let a lone destruction of farming land for the power transformers, what happens if we have another sir Ivan bushfire !
Name Withheld
WARRAWEE , New South Wales
GREEN KILLING MACHINES - GWPF Report 36 - Andrew Montford
Renewable energy has developed itself a reputation as being environmentally friendly. This report will show that this reputation is entirely undeserved. Far from improving the world around us, wind, solar, biomass and even hydropower can be highly damaging. A renewables revolution on the scale envisaged by global warming activists will see our landscapes desecrated, our fields industrialised or turned to monocultures, and our wildlife slaughtered.
Far from making the world a better place, renewable energy will destroy all we hold dear.
Is this really what environmentalism has come to mean?"

This proposed project supporting unreliable, unaffordable and environmentally destructive energy generation technology, is another contribution to the environmental disaster in Australia being imposed upon our regional communities, our farming communities, our unique flora and fauna, and for intergenerational equity. The solution is Ultra Super Critical Low Emissions Coal Fired Power Stations and Nuclear Energy and not a patchwork quilt of environmentally destructive wind projects, PV solar projects and batteries covering large areas of Australia connected by a web of HV transmission lines. There is no social licence in country and regional communities for this wanton destruction. We are starting to see the pushback and anger that these projects are generating, from North Queensland to Tasmania and across to South Australia. It will increase.

Rainforest Reserves teaser – “TRANSITION TO EXTINCTION”

These projects are being driven by ideology not reality and are not addressing the reliable, affordable, dispatchable energy needs of Australian citizens and businesses.

Simply put – coal fired, gas fired and nuclear power stations can provide energy generation 24 hours a day and are reliable, affordable and dispatchable. Wind and solar generation is intermittent when the wind blows and the sun shines, so they are unreliable, unaffordable (they have to be backed up by gas fired generators) and not dispatchable 24 hours a day.
Energy security is national security, so we also need to focus on energy independence. Currently, we are, lemming like, fundamentally changing our energy generation capability from reliable coal fired generation (which can easily be upgraded to nuclear generation) to unreliable PV solar, wind generation and batteries. We need to construct modern energy generation, using technology from Australia's allies and not rely upon the tenuous supply chain of wind turbines, PV solar panels and batteries.

Images of coal fired power stations being blown up is a metaphor for the disastrous energy policies of governments of all political persuasions, both State and Federal.

Short term solution – remove the subsidies being provided to renewable energy generators and redirect them to coal fired power stations. This will give security to the owners of the generators, enable them to provide proper maintenance to the generators to improve reliability and increase longevity. Similarly, payments to companies for loadshedding could be redirected to the generation companies.

Long term solution – Small Modular Reactors (SMRS) can be used to repower existing coal-fired power stations. SMR Technology, an Australian company, has published a report entitled “A Just Transition to Low-Emissions Technology. Repowering Coal Fired Power Stations in Australia with SMRS”.
Name Withheld
COOLAH , New South Wales
I object to this project in its entirety. We live in a beautiful scenic district that is made up of prime valuable farmland and national park/conservation areas. The area will be ruined aesthetically and farmland devalued. It will also make it hard for farmers whose properties will be divided. I do not want to live in an industrial looking area full of powerlines, wind turbines and thousands of acres of solar panels. The environmental cost for all these projects is disgusting and should be stopped immediately.
Clancy Sullivan
MOLLYAN , New South Wales
I would like to formally object to the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone development by EnergyCo.

Rural NSW holds a natural beauty; one that is not seen in the highly populated cities, and this is predominantly evident within the Central-West Orana districts. There is a reason those within such high-density cities visit rural NSW: to absorb and enjoy the picturesque landscapes and admire the tight-knit communities that solidify these locations. Upon reading chapter 20 of the EIS Main Report, EnergyCo reveals that our landscape will be permanently changed to industrial. I do not believe that sufficient community consultation has been obtained to allow such a negative and major transformation to progress. As such, I do not believe that EnergyCo’s project should continue.

My family and I live within the Central-West Orana districts, and we do not believe rural NSW is a suitable location to accommodate EnergyCo’s project and subsequent infrastructure. We do not believe that EnergyCo’s project should continue.

How many landowners will lose their land via means of compulsory acquisition? What would such forms of acquisition and subsequent changes to the overall landscapes do to the mental health of landholders and communities in the long-term? Further, it is my belief that those of neighbouring properties to the Project’s infrastructure will also suffer at significant levels (both financially and mentally). Many of these impacted properties have been that of generational assets, and the pride in the landowners’ land – our ability to produce and provide for not only our families, but our nation – is an integral structure of Australia’s backbone. I do not believe that EnergyCo’s project should continue due to these concerns.

Have EnergyCo been 100% transparent with their hosting agreements? Have landowners been fully educated about the caveats they will have over their properties once they have signed up, thus making the ability to seek finance a rather difficult process should that need arise in their futures?

What measures will EnergyCo take to ensure the biosecurity of each property? Not only is this of upmost concern during construction, but the risks throughout the Project’s lifetime should remain at high levels when maintenance crews are working. What procedures and direct communication measures will be in place for landowners for their piece-of-mind regarding the life of the Project? If the landowner does not feel that such measures as suggested by EnergyCo (or future organisations should EnergyCo sell their project) are sufficient, does the landowner have a say as to what biosecurity measures are to take place upon arriving and leaving their properties? I do not believe EnergyCo’s project should continue due to these concerns.

Have the magnetic fields/EMR impacts of renewable infrastructure been significantly investigated? What measures have EnergyCo put in place to remove ALL ill-health impacts for landowners, communities and animals? EnergyCo based their ‘health and safety’ findings on the Giggs Report from 1991. This is 30 years old and had limitations. The EU recommends children under 15 years of age are not expose to more than 40mG due to an associated increase in childhood leukemia. The EECOM study has predicted that 63mG at edge of the easements and 414mG underneath transmission lines. At the Dunedoo Information Session, the EnergyCo EMF advisor advised that it is “BAD to stand under the powerlines, if you stand there for too long it will boil your skin”. When asked on what the safe distance and maximum exposure time was for both humans and animals, this same advisor would not comment to members of the community. Why was this? EnergyCo must provide an answer as a matter of public safety. We need to know what impacts these transmission lines will have on livestock that graze under and around this infrastructure. We also need to know what impacts these power lines will have on people who need to work under/around them on a daily or regular basis. What health impact will these transmission lines have on nearby homes and the health of those within? I do not believe EnergyCo’s project should continue for these concerns.

I have concerns about the local economies and local employment numbers. In the future if and when project construction is operational, what are the implications if and when landowners become absentee farmers and they rely solely on their renewable incomes? This will impact local businesses through no requirements of goods and services. This will impact local employment with a decrease in local employment opportunities due to farming operations shutting down. This will impact local schools with a decrease in enrolments. The list goes on. As a result, I do not believe EnergyCo’s project should continue for these reasons.

With the land that is required to be cleared for both construction and easements, I fear that this will have a negative impact on both livestock and wildlife. Rural Australia is the home to a variety of beautiful native animals and their habitats are situated all where EnergyCo’s project is expected to be constructed. Koalas are that of an endangered species. How many koalas will EnergyCo kill when they destroy their natural habitat? Native Australian animals/wildlife are also that of a protected species. If we were to shoot a brown snake in our yards, we could face financial fines and time in prison. Why is it acceptable that EnergyCo can come and kill our protected animals and they are not held to any accountability? Given these concerns, I do not believe EnergyCo’s project should continue.

I formally reserve the right to add additional information to my objecting submission should the need arise.
Name Withheld
AVOCA BEACH , New South Wales
I am a 5th generation farmer on our current land holding, running a farming and grazing business within the CWOREZ.
We have 2 more generations living on the farm ie. son & family with grandsons.
My concern is for our future family with the renewable energy madness that our governments are forcing on us.
The instigators of this renewable energy madness have no idea what goes on west of the divide. I'm sure they sit in offices in Sydney and Canberra and know nothing of the businesses and lives they are affecting. We grow the food and fibre that they take for granted and now they are expecting us to provide the power for their wasteful use.
I would liken this RENEWABLE ENERGY MADNESS to THE VOICE - A waste of money for something that won't work.
When will this country take some notice of what has happened already in overseas countries who have built turbines that our now decommissioned for a variety of reasons and solar works only when the sun is shining.
BASE POWER FOR INDUSTRY needs far more power than renewables will ever provide. Keep our coal mines and power stations going just like the REST OF THE WORLD!!!!
The amount of infrastructure and affect on our district is ludicrous.
My objections:
1. FI/FO workers in "camps" larger than our town. What of security in the district and crime when the local town doesn't even have a resident police officer.
2. Biosecurity - travelling over foreign areas and then on farmland - not on.
3. Need for water - NOT OUT OF OUR TALBRAGAR RIVER - which is dry most of the time anyway!!!
4. Visual impacts -uglines on our beautiful landscape that city people enjoy (The ones who do venture out of the cities).
5. Economic - lost agricultural income as a result of farms being destroyed. Purchases from local stores probably minimal.
6. Property values - loss in property value of hosts and what of neighbours? Compulsory acquisition of property is not democratic and what of land values of neighbours who see the neighbour acquired.
7. Removal of vegetation and wildlife in corridors - not acceptable - where are our "GREEN" friends?
8. Bushfire Risk from transmission lines is very real - who is going to fight fires? - not our local volunteers.
9. Negative social impacts - people suffering depression from the worry already - not knowing what is really going on.
10. Roads in the area WILL NOT CARRY the proposed traffic 24/7. Unrealistic volumes of vehicles are proposed on our highways and back roads. 100 additional vehicles per hour during peak construction on local roads - what a joke - the traffic now is hundreds of stock transports and fuel tankers weekly or even daily. Proposed increase on back roads of 1 vehicle/day to 32/hour - not on for the residents who live on these roads.
11. No mention of decommissioning these hideous structures when their life is over. Where do all the turbines and panels go then?
12. Flooding - floodplains of BLACK SOIL are totally unsuitable to ANY STRUCTURES. These people proposing all these upgraded roads and new bridges have no idea what happens in a BIG FLOOD.
13. It was stated that the EIS contained 29 sections not finalised or explained. - WELL - DON'T BOTHER.
Name Withheld
COOLAH , New South Wales
I strongly object to the Central West Orana REZ transmission

I am directly impacted by multiple wind projects. This transmission project is set up to facilitate these very wind projects.

The biodiversity losses that will result directly from wind/solar/battery/transmission projects is serious and irreversible. No amount of biodiversity credits or offsets will replace our threatened, vulnerable and protected flora and fauna. This project overseas the destruction of our environment. Energy Co admit that current wildlife corridors will be removed and 1032 ha of native vegetation will be cleared. They are only referring to the transmission line project, what about the endless number of wind and solar projects in the Central West Orana region? The cumulative impact is disastrous.

The increased bush fire risk, the decreased number of volunteers, the inability to effectively conduct aerial fire fighting and the lack of availability of emergency services has the enormous potential to make this an environmental and humanitarian disaster.
Name Withheld
COOLAH , New South Wales
I strongly object to the Central West Orana REZ Transmission

This project is bound to run over budget in similar fashion to many other Government projects, think Snowy Hydro 2.0.

This project will never supply base load power to industry or consumers. Energy Co admit that gas will be needed to provide base load power. Where will the gas come from for this base load power? Does this mean more gas projects will be approved? Does this mean less gas will be exported? Are we building two energy generation projects? One unreliable short term wind/solar/battery and the other, as per Energy Co, gas fired power stations. If we are building two systems the cost will most definitely be astronomical for industry and consumers.

Consumers will pay for all cost overruns. Energy Co CONSISTENTLY state that CONSUMERS WILL PAY.

It is well known fact that overhead transmission lines are a bush fire risk. Yet Energy Co and the NSW State Government are determined that ALL transmission in the CWO REZ will be overhead. There are overhead transmission lines planned to run within 80 metres of peoples homes and there is zero consideration for the fire and EMF risks that will result.

Even the RFS states: 'Planning for Bush Fire Protection (PBP) 2019 recommends electrical transmission lines are located
underground to limit the possibility of ignition of surrounding bushland and to enhance protection of critical
infrastructure in the event of bush fires.' Obviously Energy Co and RFS head office don't consider that people lives and homes are worth protecting.

The Victorian regional residents have discovered that once saddled with enormous transmission towers and lines there is not only a bush fire risk but the extensive transmission line network is not maintained and sagging lines cause further fire and safety issues. Is this our future as well? Undoubtedly.

There are clear examples of homes in this transmission line project that have multiple transmission lines plus a switching station (substation) proposed within 500 metres of their homes. Many people have found that Energy Co's consultation process goes like this: "if you make things too difficult for us we will put the transmission lines on your neighbours property and you will have to look at them without any financial compensation". Is this type of social engagement the reason why Energy Co is pushing this EIS through before the Federal Government rule change that comes into effect on 5 December 2023.

Switching stations are noisy and they will be lit up 24 hours per day 7 days per week. So if the visual disturbance is not enough the noise and lights will definitely make your life miserable. View the photomontage for dwelling 717 in Appendix J, page 102. Energy Co call these people "hosts" - really. Energy Co would like us to believe that these people elected to have two x 500 KV transmission lines, a switching station (substation) and associated 85 metre towers at the bottom of the garden.

What about dwelling 399, Appendix J, page 21. Looks like Energy Co forgot to take out all the trees in their photomontage on this one. Again pretty sure this is another "host", what about threats of compulsory acquisition? Were these residents supplied with the photomontage that shows how it will really look with no trees in the 250 metre easement?

What will be the result on the water table of not just this project but the other 47 (numbers still growing) wind/solar/battery projects in the area? This project is labelled "critical" state infrastructure so does not even require a water licence.

"Critical" - this project will result in critical and permanent damage to the environment, agriculture and social fabric of regional communities.
Name Withheld
Coolah , New South Wales
I object, we do not want any transmission lines
on or anywhere near us, they are massive eyesores and posess multiple risks to the residents and ecosystem both during construction and after completion. They do NOT have social licence to proceed. Energy Co always says they will “consider” feedback from the public but do not state they will act on that feedback. A number of concerns were raised in the limited interviews/surveys that they did offer but none of these have been adequately resolved.

These things will transform our home and environment into a industrial waste land, when we live there and enjoy being there due to the peaceful rural environment. In doing this they will also obviously affect the areas biodiversity, with them saying they will effect over 100ha of native vegetation and habitat through impact to current wildlife corridors.
These constructions will also increase the risk of bushfires while also making it harder to fight any that occur, and will be a massive drain on the available water due to the fact that they will draw on groundwater, bores, Talbragar River and potable water from town supplies, which will have untold result on water table and impact all properties and surrounding communities that rely on these sources for survival, as they require approx. 700,000,000 million litres of water per year during construction (which will last supposedly 3.5 years).

There are also many uncertainties and unclear project details not yet confirmed or fully planned, so all possible risks are not yet known. These things will have negative impacts on our health, on livestock, and wild animals that regularly traverse near or under it.
The construction will also cause traffic in the area to explode out of control, which will increase biosecurity risks and completely change the local environment, not to mention the impact that traffic and any changes to existing roads/contour banks etc could do, meaning any future l as the rain/flood event would cause extensive irreparable dammage .
Name Withheld
WELLINGTON , New South Wales
I do not support this project. It will take from farming & agriculture in the area which will impact livelihoods. Our area does not have the resources to sustain such major projects & it feels like it's become a dumping ground for projects no one else wants wothout regard to the local people & impacts it will have. It will also present fire hazard risks.
Name Withheld
KANYA , Victoria
This is an undemocratic impost onto the land, businesses and people that live in the Central Orana West area. No one should be subject to what they will face if this progresses. The once productive farming area will become an industrial waste land, no one will want to live in, visit or even see the area. Food security will be threatened. Tourism will be obliterated. Communities will be divided, fractured and will no longer operate in a supportive cohesive framework required for people to thrive (in this case survive). No amount of money can solve this problem and it will be the saddest and most depressing thing to witnesd the decline of these communities into ghost town statuses. DO NOT ALLOW THIS DESTRUCTION OF ENVIRONMENT, AGRICULTURAL LAND AND RURAL COMMUNITY TO OCCUR, IT IS HUMAN RIGHTS DISASTER.
Alex Matthews
Rupanyup , Victoria
I object to the transmission plans in the CO REZ. These plans will industrialise the REZ, causing catastrophic damage to health, the environment, the landscape, the economy and affected communities.
Name Withheld
JOHNS RIVER , New South Wales
I don't want the district covered in high voltage transmission lines and towers and I don't want the area to be turned into an industrial landscape of wind turbines on the hills, fields of solar panels and the associated environmental costs is enough!
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I am objecting to this project because it is going to destroy the Central West. I am only young and I have already watched lots of beautiful places be destroyed by Solar and Wind producing factories. If these transmission lines come through more trees will be destroyed and more farmers will not be able to farm. It also means more projects will get built and wreck my area even more.
It makes me really sad because people try to say these things are saving the environment, but how can trees being bulldozed and native animals being killed be good for the environment?
I am too young to vote, but I feel this is really unfair because what is being done now is going to impact my future the most, and no-one has asked me what I want for the environment.
I have seen on the news how transmission lines caused the Black Saturday fires. I have seen on the news how the battery storage systems explode and wind turbines catch on fire. These are not safe to have in the Central West because already it is hot and dry here and we have lots of fires that are hard to control. Why would anyone think this is a good idea? I haven't been to university yet, but I can see how dumb this all is.
This project should not be approved because it is going to destroy the environment even more and it is destroying my future. If you care about anyone that lives in the Central West you will not approve this project.
Name Withheld
CASSILIS , New South Wales
I understand transmission is required for the REZ zone, but I object to the undervaluing and subsequent poor mitigation measures applied for the key areas of agricultural, road safety and social impact of the transmission project in the Cassilis area and especially the planned Neeley's Lane TWA.
Amanda Bowman
MEROTHERIE , New South Wales
• Impact on the Merotherie Road: 1.7km of Merotherie Road is a flood plain – it is marked on the maps however not recognized by local councils, therefore most probably won’t be recognized by Planning NSW.
• Floodwater currently comes up, crosses the flood plain and subsides without serious and long-lasting disruption to agricultural activity and flows through to the Macquarie River.
• Upgrades with culverts and other engineering solutions will cause flooding upstream and intensify and concentrate flows downstream which will result in significant erosion and reduction in available agricultural land and create new drainage lines and artificial water courses. There is absolutely no doubt that any engineering solutions will always impact the natural environment.
• Secondary roads being upgraded to create access for Transmission lines, wind and solar developments will also impact the whole catchment’s water courses. The Talbragar River flows into the Macquarie River near Dubbo which impacts the Macquarie Marshes and other significant environmental areas. The health of the river system is paramount!
• Biosecurity – Energy Co has not addressed biosecurity – there needs to be a stringent biosecurity plan. There will be many vehicles travelling through multiple properties causing high risk eg: speading of noxious weeds, leaving gates open and allowing stock to get out of their paddocks.
• The ‘Merotherie’ Hub is misleading because it is not on the property ‘Merotherie’. This property has been in the same family since the early 1800’s. How dare Energy Co just use this name with absolutely NO consultation with the property owner.
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I am objecting to this project because I am worried about the affect it is going to have on the cost of living. I am about to graduate high school, so I will soon be looking to move out of home. I have read that there are thousands of workers coming into the area to build these projects. I know it says there will be workers accommodation, but this does not take into consideration the extra people that will move to the Central West, such as businesses and families of workers, that will also need accommodation. There are also lots of other Renewable energy projects that are not building accommodation, so this has already taken homes away from young people and families living in my area. There are many other young people like me that are also worried about this, already there is a housing shortage across the entire Central West area.
Please do not approve this project, it is hard enough as a young person trying to get ahead in life
Jim Bowman
MEROTHERIE , New South Wales
• Loss of productive agricultural land – approx . 4000ha, that is, loss of acreage to grow crops, raise sheep and cattle which contribute to feeding people both in Australia and overseas.
• Visual impact of power lines to both landowners who are directly impacted by the lines and to those neighbours who are indirectly impacted.
• Water supply for construction of eight projects – where will that come from? There is also the question of water, general waste and sewerage waste for the proposed camp sites.
• Transmission towers will take away animal watering points, restrict aerial firefighting and hundreds of shade trees will have to be removed to build these towers. That is NOT ‘green’, that is destroying the countryside by removing trees that are over 200 years old.
• All the movement of heavy and light vehicles on these little back roads will stop the movement of livestock from one paddock to another.
• Emergency services are already at full stretch – how are our little communities meant to cater an extra 2000 people – Police, Ambulance, Doctors, Hospitals, Rural Fire Service.
• Instead of ruining prime agricultural land, Nuclear Power should be further investigated.
• If theses solar and wind developments do proceed the transmission lines should be all underground.
Name Withheld
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I am objecting to this project because I am worried about my safety. I am a young girl living in the Central West. I have read that big powerlines cause fires, and this could burn down my farm and my house. I am also worried about the strangers that are going to come into my community to work. I have been told there are going to be thousands of workers. This makes me feel very unsafe. Please don't build this project if you care about all the young girls in the Central West
Andrew Glencross
GOLLAN , New South Wales
As a primary producer in the affected area, I have not been consulted or been able to voice my concerns in the development of this EIS. Due to the enormous scope of this project, it is going to significantly increase the risk of catastrophic fire danger for all residents living in the central west. As an agricultural producer living in a REZ, my insurance costs are sky rocketing, with my premium doubling from last year to this, I am concerned that I will not be able to afford to adequately insure my assets.
I have seen in other areas that there are inquiries into undergrounding transmission lines to increase safety and allow agricultural production to continue in it current capacities. I can't understand why this project has not had the same considerations applied? It makes me feel like EnergyCo are not concerned about NSW Central West residents safety and prosperity, and are only concerned about profits.
I am also concerned about the biosecurity risks overhead transmission lines will pose. It is identified in the EIS that landowners that will have towers and lines crossing their properties will certainly have biosecurity impacts. I think this is short sighted as there are certain times when large scale pest control needs to take place, such as in the event of locust plagues that our area has experienced in the past. I can't see how the same level of control will be able to be applied when there will not only be a large scale transmission line project, but also the cumulative effect of large scale wind and solar projects also interfering with the ability of agricultural producers being able to collaborate to control the decimating affects of such pests.
I am deeply concerned and I don't think EnergyCo have social licence with the people of the Central West to proceed with this project.
Unless these lines can run underground, I will not agree with this project.
Rebecca Glencross
GOLLAN , New South Wales
I am objecting to the Central-West Orana REZ Transmission project due to deep concerns about social, health and mental health impacts this project poses on the residents of the Central West, particularly those that will be located to and sharing resources with the enormous worker camps, and all the know social problems that come with such camps. Please refer to the attached objection for further discussion and actionable points.


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Infrastructure
Development Type
Electricity supply
Local Government Areas
Warrumbungle Shire

Contact Planner

Natasha Homsey