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State Significant Infrastructure


Central-West Orana REZ Transmission

Warrumbungle Shire

Current Status: More Information Required

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of new twin double circuit 500 kV transmission lines between Wollar and the proposed substations at Merotherie and Elong Elong, and connections from these lines to renewable energy generation and storage projects in the CWO REZ


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Application (1)

SEARs (18)

EIS (28)

Response to Submissions (2)

Agency Advice (17)

Amendments (18)

Additional Information (2)


Showing 221 - 240 of 401 submissions
Name Withheld
ELONG ELONG , New South Wales
Submission to OBJECT to the CWO REZ Transmission Project (Energy Co)

• THE REZ LINE AND THE PROPOSED ENERGY (SOLAR/WIND) PROJECTS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A WHOLE PROJECT. The cumulative impacts of both the REZ line and the proposed projects are not being addressed in its entirety. You cannot have one without the other.
• Energy Co advises the reason they are constructing the REZ line in this area is to service the proposed energy (solar/wind) developments within this area, HOWEVER, the proposed energy developments advise that they are only proposing their developments in this area due to the location of Energy Co’s REZ line?? Please confirm?
• Very few people will have the time, expertise and capacity to review the noted attachments for this submission, which is approx. 8,000 pages.
• Some of the initial landowners approached to host a proposed energy project were all absentee land owners, this has left the neighboring land owners, who actually RESIDE at their property, in a very difficult position and left with very limited options. This has created rifts within the community and created enormous pressure for the neighboring families, not to mention the time involved. Families will leave the community, creating more absentee land owners!
• Who will want to live here among transmission lines, large scale solar projects, wind turbines – it will become a large scale industrial site. Would you encourage your children to stay here, what are we leaving behind for the next generation?
• Why is this REZ area not constructed on reclaimed mining land? In an already industrialised area? Land that has already been disturbed? Allowing large scale solar projects to be constructed on agricultural land that has been continuously cropped should not be allowed – this is what the CWO REZ line is encouraging. When will food security take priority? Its not essential that solar be constructed on agricultural land.
• Loss of visual amenity not addressed in its entirety?
• Community impacts not addressed in its entirety?
• Will the CWO REZ area be really beneficial to the environment? How many mines will need to be established in order to mine for the required rare earth minerals? Are all the materials for these projects manufactured within Australia? And if not, is their carbon footprint noted in the overall footprint of these projects? Can Energy Co ensure all aspects of the supply chain will be transparent if the manufacturing is conducted off shore, especially with regard to Modern Slavery?
• Consultation activities have not been focused on all stakeholders, in particular the land owners and local businesses. The community has been kept in the dark with regard to the enormity of the potential impacts, directly and indirectly.
• The district will become an industrial landscape of power lines, wind turbines and solar panels covering prime agricultural land.
Name Withheld
Yarrabin , New South Wales
I Strongly Cannot Agree with this Project. This is destroying our communities, Farms , Families , Homes plus Bodies. Energy Co Transmission lines...Creating Bushfires- Using water. Why is Australia letting overseas companies ( Many which cannot be trusted) take us over??? It is scientifically proven these wind turbines are not the long lasting way to go. Australia is sending our $$$$$$$ plus electricity and gas overseas! CLOSING EVERYTHING..... HOW much Longer before They SHUT US DOWN and MARCH IN ???!!! What a Joke ! Many coal mines being opened over- THere !!! Why are we So Naive? WAKE UP AUSTRALIA ....
Name Withheld
Yarrabin , New South Wales
I Strongly Object to these Energy Co Transmission lines... Concerns - Bushfires - Using much needed Water- Destroying Farms - Health - Town and Family unity. Overseas Companies - Not to be trusted! Our $$$ going overseas while they are mining Coal !!!! Lines - Attached to these 250 m Turbines which is now OLD Technology!
Sandra Browning
Terrigal , New South Wales
I do not want any high voltage transmission lines or towers turning any agricultural land into an ugly, expensive and ultimately non productive landscape of windturbines and solar panels. This amounts to exploitation. The tracts of land needed to be cleared for wind turbines are ridiculous and how do you propose to get rid of the outdated turbines? They are dangerous to wildlife (particularly the larger birds) and the noise produced makes human habitation in the vicinity near impossible. Farmland would be destroyed, livelihoods lost and mental health compromised as a result. Where are the contracts? At the very least there should be full disclosure to the public before any attempt is made to destroy the environment with this pretend "green" energy production. Who is making all the money here? It will not be the locals.
Name Withheld
PORT MACQUARIE , New South Wales
I object to the transformation of the district into an industrial landscape. Are to rape the landscape just to reduce CO2? This is a ridiculous proposal. We already have solar panels throughout the district and there is an associated environmental cost to those... are we to damage the environment and wildlife further with wind turbines?

As I dwell in a rural setting I travel or pass through these areas often and enjoy the landscape.. but this is going to completely ruin the land. I strenuously object to this proposal.

A couple of sentences stating you don't want the district covered in high voltage transmission lines and towers and you don't want the area to be turned into an industrial landscape of wind turbines on the hills, fields of solar panels and the associated environmental costs is enough!
Name Withheld
CASSILIS , New South Wales
Please see attached my submission and the issues that I have raised regarding the Energy Co's EIS, that need be addressed before it goes ahead.
Name Withheld
PIAMBONG , New South Wales
I strongly object to this project. It is ruining our environment and destroying our land. It is dividing communities. Stop dumping your 'solutions' to city problems out in the country side where you can't see them or have to worry about them.
We don't want them. Put it elsewhere. Don't destroy our backyards.
Joseph Hopkins
DENMAN , New South Wales
I have spoke with my friend who has a farm there and has told me that the farmers in the area do not surport it. I surport farms and the right to their land. As an electrcian that has been to SMA Solar Acadamy we know that solar and wind are not the solution. In Germany right now they have to use nuclear power the “green energy “ has been a disaster to the people and the environment. There is only 4 peak hours of sun per day this creates a MASSIVE. Volatage spike in the grid. There are solutions that are better for everyone. The power grid should have never been privatised. We should have the cheapest energy in the world yet we send it to China what a joke.
The every day australian knows we the people are been taken advantage of and making it very hard to live with the price of basic goods costing an arm and a leg.
Craig Watson
EDEN , New South Wales
What is wrong with you? Seriously? Increases in food costs in the future will be because of these wreak less Windfarms and solar farms being placed on farmland? Why? If every house had domestic wind and solar panels it doesn't eat up our farmland. Nuclear power for our industry's and factory's. Why put unnecessary pressure on food production and food prices? I will keep this email and reproduce it once these wreak less projects have been finished. There are better ways and blind freddy can see it. We the people are fed up with this crap. ALP/Greens and LNP have no place running Australia they have both proven to be useless. Stop ruining our farmland! Start making residences green and not effect our overall footprint. Enough is enough. The greed these donors display to the country makes us all sick. Fix it or go away terrible government decisions being made ATM. No commonsense being used at all.
Name Withheld
TOUKLEY , New South Wales
This proposal is visual pollution to the Australian environment. It has many reported detrimental health effects. We must maintain the health and beauty of our Australian landscape. Wind turbines very quickly deteriorate and the overall cost is far beyond the cost of installment.
Name Withheld
SALT ASH , New South Wales
I regularly travel through the area in question, the negative impact this will have on the community and farmers will be devastating, not only visually (destroying the natural beauty of the bush) and financially (land values and productivity) but health impacts which are already evident (the mental stress is obvious even to a layman).
Jeannette Coulson
BLACKTOWN , New South Wales
This project will destroy the land and is not needed. Plant more trees. These are good for the environment. Stop the take over of precious resources.
Name Withheld
ELLAND , New South Wales
I object to the prime farmland being polluted. High energy transmission lines, wind turbines and solar wastelands are a recipe for environmental disasters.
Name Withheld
Condobolin , New South Wales
Why is Energy Co choosing to construct the REZ line within a highly productive agricultural area? The potential impacts and the loss of visual amenity will be enormous - it will become an industrial landscape. Disappointing to also hear that families will leave the area as a result.
Name Withheld
DUBBO , New South Wales
The cumulative impact of the solar and wind projects this CWO REZ line will encourage is enormous - why is the government targeting prime agricultural land for these projects, which they are when they choose to construct a transmission line through the area? The CWO REZ line and the associated/proposed projects should be viewed as an entire project. When will food security take precedence?
The district will become an industrial landscape of power lines, solar panels and wind turbines - covering prime agricultural land.
When the initial land owners targeted for these proposed energy projects are ABSENTEE land owners, the neighboring land owners are left with very little options, creating a huge divide within the community as a result.
This entire CWO REZ area and the lack of consultation is so wrong, the enormity of the potential impacts are not being outlined clearly to the community. It seems community consultations and submissions of objections such as this, are merely a "tick and flick" to satisfy Energy Co's procedure.
Is the government willing to listen to the community?
Name Withheld
Cremorne , New South Wales
These turbines will turn this into a high votage transmission area. These turbines are an absolute eyesore and are defacing our beautiful land and sea.
Phillipa Bruce
This project is a huge concern, there are much better options for energy production. It is also uneconomical. It will be bad for the environment, livestock, wildlife and human health. I strenuously object.
Name Withheld
Myself and the family travel up to that area regularly, it is beautiful country. Please do not cover the district in ugly high voltage transmission lines and towers. We do not want to see the landscape covered with solar panels, wind turbines etc and turned into an industrial estate. People living in the area do not want to see this infrastructure installed and certainly not on their properties. We certainly do not want to lose prime agricultural land for ugly and inefficient infrastrucure and certainly not during these uncertain times. Most people have realised electricity from renewables is expensive and it is unreliable. The net zero push is really coming from billionaire globalists overseas interested in getting people out of the country areas and into smart cities. We cannot run a modern economy on renewable, it is a blight on the landscape and is not good for national security. Let's keep Australia beautiful and not go back to the stone ages with unreliable and expensive electricity.
Elizabeth Peoples
GEROGERY , New South Wales
I object to the destruction of beautiful agricultural land by the building of wind turbines and solar panels, leaving the monumental, unsustainable problem of huge landfill requirements, likely to be the size of the unsightly farms themselves.

Please drop this hideous project, as ethically and economically you cannot possibly have such irksome programs that seriously lack all environmental concerns into the future, as these do, (especially re. their disposal, which is vague at best). If this goes ahead it's an ever growing problem that becomes more problematic as years go on. Let alone the misery the unsightly project causes to human beings and their own home land values.

This plan is objectionable to the human spirit and the environment, to, literally, the nth degree!! It must be DROPPED.
Shaun Ellis
MAROUBRA , New South Wales
I object to this proposal because I do not want to see the area become industrialised, with wind turbines on the landscape and on the hills.

The thought of high voltage power lines in addition to turbines would transform the area into something i would hate to see as the natural beauty would be devastated.

I just don't want this!


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Infrastructure
Development Type
Electricity supply
Local Government Areas
Warrumbungle Shire

Contact Planner

Natasha Homsey