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State Significant Development


Bellambi Heights Battery Energy Storage System

Mid-Western Regional

Current Status: Determination

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  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of a 408MW battery energy storage system and associated infrastructure.

Attachments & Resources

Request for SEARs (2)

SEARs (1)

EIS (19)

Exhibition (1)

Response to Submissions (5)

Agency Advice (21)

Additional Information (3)

Determination (3)

Approved Documents

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Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 1 - 20 of 53 submissions
john Gormly
COPE , New South Wales
Over the last week, the Bellambi Heights Battery Storage location has been brought to my attention, by many Gulgong residents.
Residents are worried on many levels and public perception is that the present Government will give Consent to the Project, contrary to their fears.
In 2019, the previous Liberal Party Premier stated that Rural Citizens, were not to be second class citizens.
Rural public perception is that these statements were pure political rhetoric and they are still forced by Government to endure risks, that are higher than those of their Sydney relatives.

I live at Rocklomond, 1303 Blue Springs Road Cope, which is about 15- 18 kms from the proposed Tallawang solar project and Bellambi Heights battery storage area.

My concern relates to fire and I have first hand experience with the Sir Ivan fire, which came within 7 kilometres of our farm, in 2017. The fire engulfed 55,000ha.
It travelled more than 100 kilometres.
The tremendous issuing of smoke and flame front travel, at vehicular speed, was indeed a lifetime nightmare memory.
Sadly, major bush fire event frequency has increased from every 30 years, to smaller fires yearly or every second year.
You may be aware that an uncontrolled fire event, occurred at Tallawang, two days ago.

The Gulgong, Tallawang and Cope Residents fear is that there are limited escape routes.
Many Residents only have one road frontage and these are overgrown with eucalypt saplings and Sifton bush, a combination of which, is explosive.
If the prevailing winds are perpendicular to the road direction, the escape route may be breached, at a number of locations.

So to ‘fast forward’ to after a possible completion of the Bellambi Heights BESS.
It is an excepted fact that everything is capable of burning, even masonry and concrete.
The NSW Rural Bush Fire Brigade will only contain the outer perimeter of the complex.
No aerial water ‘bombing’ will occur.
The Batteries will emit very toxic pollutants, when burned, including hydrogen cyanide, Sulphur dioxide, lethal phosphorus and more.
The ensuing smoke from the batteries may cross, escape routes and cause possible fatalities, as most people will not have breathing apparatus.

Coupled with fire from a battery storage complex, is how to escape from a particular location, with short notice and little knowledge of the present fire danger.
Noel Hicks
Griffith , New South Wales
I wish to raise an objection to the installation of a 408 MW .Battery Energy Storage System and Associated Infrastructure at Bellambi Heights in the Mid- Western Region of N.S.W.( SSD-33344237)
It would be appreciated if you could upload my submission as I am unable to do so.
In the first instance, as I understand it, these batteries contain Lithium a highly toxic and inflammable substance. Does the local fire fighting authority have the training, the manpower or the fire fighting hardware should a battery or batteries ignite as they have in other parts of the world?

In this attractive and productive region of N.S.W. the erection of this infrastructure would be a blight on the landscape, ugly to both the local population and tourists alike.
Why would any responsible authority or government allow this to occur, indeed promoting it, in this Nuclear Age when there are other reliable and cheaper alternatives available?
There a myriad of reasons why I object to this development however one of my major concerns is that most of this technology derives from the P.R.C. with whom we are on tenuous terms. Whilst this allows the P.R.C. to become wealthier and strategically more powerful, it weakens the Australian economy by providing an unreliable power supply, no matter how it is dressed up. If much of the supposition is correct they could certainly interfere with our limited power supply in an instant. I ask for the committees earnest consideration of my objections.
Name Withheld
Lake albert , New South Wales
I absolutely OBJ ECT to all of the NSW Government’s Irresponsible, Contaminating, ECOCIDAL, Energy Poverty, Economically Ruinous, National Security Disastrous RenewaBULL Solar/Wind/BESS/Transmission Nightmare plans - including this LIFE THREATENING, TOXIC BELLAMBI HEIGHTS TICKING TIME BOMB BESS - SSD-33344237.

Incapable Big Lumps of Filthy Toxic Lithium Batteries are a Destructive, Shameful
Disgrace - ALL Unethically Reliant on Cruelly Tortured Slave Labour Supply Chains - including little children as young as 6 years old forced to mine Cobalt with their bare hands!

The predatory RenewaBULL Industry has NO place in Australia! The sooner it is eliminated forever by logical, beneficial, 24/7 Australian Power FOR THE GREATER GOOD the better!

The shonky RenewaBULL Corporation thrives on lies, deceit, injustice, greed, environmental destruction, energy deprivation & the worst cases of human slavery in at least the past century!

Yet, here we have State & Federal Energy & Environment Ministers deliriously complicit in shameful, predatory behaviour - defying all of the Principles of Ecological Sustainable Development, cruelly torturing rural communities such as Gulgong - with NO Social Licence whatsoever, exterminating en masse koalas, greater gliders, wedge-tailed eagles, numerous other precious creatures around NSW & the critically endangered Plains Wanderer & our wonderful Whales - amongst many others - next on their destructive hit list!

Whilst Tanya Plibersek hypocritically said:- “I’ve been clear I will have zero tolerance for businesses who refuse to provide adequate information about the impact their projects will have on nature. … If companies aren’t willing to show how they will protect nature, then I’m willing to cancel their projects – and that’s exactly what I’ve done.” 5th May 2023
Hypocritically that all goes out the window in their Totalitarian State, where THE LIE is the Core.
In the Fake Green RenewaBULL Solar/Wind Grift & Ponzi Scheme/Scam it’s carte blanche for the dodgy RenewaBULL scandal!

“Some of the potential challenges related to LiB fires for emergency responders and other stakeholders include: a greater fire intensity often accompanied with the violent ejection of vapours and other materials; exposure to toxic and corrosive vapours, gases and fire effluents; increased risk of vapour explosion in confined environments; stranded electrical energy from energised high-voltage battery cells; protracted processes for extinguishing and cooling the reaction; the risk of secondary ignitions following the initial event; difficulties rendering the site safe; the containment of contaminated fire water; and issues with handling, transporting, and disposing of fire-affected batteries.
There is a general lack of guidance and provisions in building codes, standards, and legislation in relation to safety to address the potential risks from these emerging technologies. Part of the problem is that we do not yet know enough about their probability of failure, their mechanisms of failure and potential consequences of failure.”
Despite these glaring omissions as clearly described in this SARET Research - Fire and Rescue NSW link -
Policy Makers, Developers, Planning, Assessment & Approving Bodies irresponsibly carry on regardless - ‘cart before the horse’ in NSW - with their outrageously costly, egregiously incapable, deliberately risky MORAL HAZARD.
Bouldercombe battery fire sparks warning for residents in regional Queensland - 26/09/23

Solar/Wind Electricity Generating Works, BESS & Multiplication of Transmission Line Infrastructure Plans & Irresponsible Approvals Have Neglected to Accurately Address All of the Following:-
**Food Security + Australian Energy Security = National Security
**Australian Independent Energy = Coal, Gas & a clean, safe, Nuclear SMR Power future.
**Which companies involved & all of their Solar/Wind/BESS connections are subject to the CCP’s National Intelligence Law?
**Public Health & Safety Risks - Electric Force & Electromagnetic Radiation, Soil/Food/Water Contamination, Energy Deprivation.
**Proper Research Needed - No Scientific Rigour.
** Engineering Facts Have Been Ignored.
**Connecting Subsidised, Mandated Weather Dependent - Intermittent Solar/Wind to the Grid is the Worst Policy Failure in History.
**Fake Green - Not Clean & Green or Sustainable at all - as the Full Lifecycle of Solar/Wind/BESS has to be accounted for.
At least 1,000% more Mining + intensive energy & toxic pollution during processing.
**Power Sources Needed in major City areas instead - avoiding long distance transmission loss, ruination of rural Australia & harming Agricultural productivity.
**Unconscionable scale of Industrialised Solar/Wind land mass required.
Michael Shellenberger says it's approx 300-800 times more land required for Solar/Wind than for far superior conventional power generation.
**Massive Toxic Waste Burden being intentionally created for future generations that will NEVER be economically viable to recycle - if ever even possible.
**Energy Security risks from inferior, unreliable, weather dependent, Dunkelflaute based Solar/Wind which will NEVER be base-load power available on demand.
**Economic Suicide - Skyrocketing Energy Prices = Cost of Living Crisis. The more Mandated, Subsidised Solar & Wind in the system = the Higher the Prices.
**National Security Risks - we need to rely on our own AUSTRALIAN Energy Sources rather than our Most Hostlie Enemy - the CCP.
**Fake Green Wokeness = Weakness
**Unethical Slave Labour Supply Chain Reliance - Solar’s cruelly tortured Xinjiang Uyghurs & Cobalt for Wind Turbines + Batteries reliant on shocking treatment of the Congolese - with Child Labour - children as young as 6 years old forced to mine toxic cobalt in the Congo with their bare hands!
**No Social Licence - Failed Consultation process by GOVERNMENTS, AEMO, NETWORKS & DEVELOPERS.
**Immediate Moratorium & Federal Independent Inquiry is Essential.

INFRASTRUCTURE IN NSW/AUSTRALIA - including but not limited to:-
**Public Health & Safety Risks - Personal Discomfort & Health Impacts from Electrical Force/ EMR & Deprivation.
**Contamination of Life Sustaining Food Resource Land, Food Supplies & Water Sources.
**Unplanned for, Not Even Researched & Not Appropriately Assessed, Toxic Carcinogenic & Teratogenic Fire/Smoke Hazard Risks.
**Energy Deprivation - Lack of Reliable, Affordable Electricity - Resulting from Inferior, Unreliable Solar/Wind Generation causing Austerity, Suffering, ill Health & Loss of Basic Services.
**Consequential Skyrocketing Electricity Prices - Causing Unnecessary Cruelty & Hardship, Cost of Living Crisis & Potential Death from Hyperthermia.
**Unjust Mistreatment of Landholders & Rural Communities Forced to Endure Such Detrimental Plans - Causing Extreme Distress, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Family/Social Fracturing & Loss.
**Deprivation of Rural Outlook & Quality of Life - With Unhealthy, Distressing Noise, Infrasound & Visual Pollution.
**Emotional Distress, Anxiety & Fear Caused by Government Inflicted Skyrocketing Energy/Cost of Living Crisis.
**Damaging Consequences of Increased SF6 emissions.
**Increased Economic Hardship due to Failure of Councils to do their Due Diligence, to Address Compliance, to be Transparent & to be Honest, to Address the Facts & Community Concerns, ie. Additional Council charges for Flawed Assessments & Wrong Approvals - Leading to Unplanned for Clean up & Remediation Costs for Abandoned, Derelict, Contaminating Solar/Wind EG Works & BESS.
**Any Detrimental Cost Implications for Ratepayers from the Council's & any NSW/Federal Government Body’s Persistence in Ignoring Their Duties Regarding the Unethical Hosting, Procurement & Power Purchase Agreements With Energy Generation Reliant on Unethical Slave Labour Supply Chains.
**Loss of Productivity & Income Due to Contamination, Increased Fire Risk & Heat Island Impacts from Solar/Wind EG Works & BESS.
**Any Cyber Security Breaches or National Security Threats & Harm Caused.
**Any Costs Incurred for Ratepayers & Taxpayers by Dealing With the Obvious, Economic Suicide - the Financial Consequences for the Future of Making Seriously Retrograde Decisions by Hosting & Approving Such Harmful, Industrialised Solar/Wind Electricity Generating Works, BESS & Associated Unnecessary
Transmission Infrastructure - none of which is FOR THE GREATER GOOD.

There is nothing in the EIS to ensure that energy infrastructure and the production of wind and solar infrastructure, comply and adhere to the Modern Slavery Act, with a focus on international imports, not
an independent scientific body to review, examine and investigate resource industries and large scale power generation impacts, including industrial solar, battery and wind installations at every stage of operation, i.e. planning, operational and rehabilitation - despite precedents being set by Oxley Bridge
Solar Uranquinty Planning Panel Determination Meeting:-


Hail Storm Photos & Industrialised Solar Contamination Risk to Our Reliably Productive Food Bowl at Bomen, Wagga Wagga Photo are included via this link also - the Hail Stones & some of the Fractured Solar Panels from the damaging 31s
Name Withheld
Spicers Creek , New South Wales
Fire danger. No easy or safe way to fight lithium fires, as a chemical reaction is involved
Lack of Data and Research into battery life-cycles.......waste disposal, electricity supply, contamination, fires
Short lives of batteries and inverters. 5000 charge/discharge cycles = maximum of 13.5 years life. Result.......replacement needed.
Very close to residences and Town of Gulgong. 72 residences within 4km of site. Gulgong township 6.5 km distance from site.
Does not generate electricity. Consumes 20-30% more than it delivers!!
Very expensive to construct. Electricity costs to consumers will be forced up!!
Lynda Lloyd
EMERALD BEACH , New South Wales
I am putting forward my support for the Bellambi Heights Battery Energy storage system, located in the Mudgee Shire just outside Gulgong.

With ongoing threats to power supply and predictions of blackouts during peak times a development of this kind makes enormous sense. Battery storage facilities will help ensure power currently generated is utilised during times of need, and will hopefully provide some relief from the predicted power supply shortages without the ongoing production of green-house emission, or the desecration of prime agricultural land. That this project will utilise

The project will provide short term employment opportunities, and a number of long-term employment opportunities.

The visual impact of the battery is minimal, and it allows for the majority of the land to continue being used for agricultural purposes. The development and planning approval processes ensure appropriate risk planning to the implementation of mitigation strategies for any concerns raised.

In times of climate change it is important we move away from activities such as coal mining to support our power utilisation needs and utilise a broad range of options to ensure ongoing power supplies.

Name Withheld
Spicers Creek , New South Wales
Increased risk of fire with very toxic smoke and specialised equipment and training is needed to fight these fires.
Occupies agricultural land thus limiting food production
Very expensive to construct, forcing an increase in electricity prices
Name Withheld
Kooringal , New South Wales
I Object to Bellambi Heights 408MW Battery EnergyStorage System and Associated Infrastructure - SSD-33344237 - in Mid-Western Regional Shire as it is a total waste of public money - for unethical, toxic rubbish - that is part of a very contaminating, unhealthy & energy depriving Solar/Wind Nightmare that is extremely damaging to Australia.

Australians deserve reliable, affordable Australian power instead.
John McBratney
Lancefield , Victoria
I Object to Bellambi Heights Battery Energy Storage System - SSD-33344237 because it is part of an unworkable plan - as exposed by the following technical questions:-

1. How do you propose to provide reliable fill-in power generation when the average capacity factor of wind and solar systems CANNOT exceed approximately 30%?

2. If your answer is storage (any and all forms) how do you propose to re-charge spent storage facilities on a cloudy windless morning? (which could last for days or weeks)

3. What is the REAL cost of solar and wind systems - which MUST include ALL peripheral establishment and operational costs, that is :" manufacturing, transport, ALL subsidies, fill-in generation by whatever means, construction, land reclamation, disposal and treatment of toxic fail units, recycling of battery materials, grid batteries (that are useless for storage), Transmission Lines …the list goes on BUT MUST include ALL costs for a realistic estimate.

John McBratney B.Tech (Electronic Engineering)
Retired Telecommunications Engineer, formerly MIE Aust. MIEEE.
Brian Bowman
DUNEDOO , New South Wales
I strongly object to any form of renewable energy structures being built on agricultural land in this district , in fact all farming districts of the country. There are plenty of national parks, deserts, old coal mining sites where these structures would not interfere with the lives of people trying to make a living and providing food and fibre for the country as well as export income.
There is a lack of data and research into battery life-cycles and impacts on resources needed, life spans, waste disposal, contamination and fires especially in Australia's harsh weather conditions.
There would be an increased fire risk to fire-fighters and residents from fires spreading, explosions, especially when there is no safe way to fight lithium fires as a chemical reaction is involved and very toxic smoke.
Batteries do not generate electricity but consume 20%-30% more than they deliver.
Expensive to construct so forcing up electricity prices to unsuspecting consumers.
They are made with lithium which requires a massive amount of mining. A very small percentage of lithium is produced per tonne of ore mined.
Charging capacity is unreliable as dependency is on intermittent and unreliable wind and solar generators (little wind & no sun = flat battery = blackouts).
Air conditioning for battery packs requires electricity input 24/7. to keep them below 30 degrees celsius. Where does this power come from? False economy.
Batteries, equipment and infrastructure is expected to be trucked over 300 kms to Gulgong causing road damage, millions of litres of diesel usage and kgs of emissions as well as road congestion on an already CONGESTED AND HIGHLY USED GOLDEN HIGHWAY.
There is a risk of contamination of soil which will be rendered unusable when these structures are dead and buried.
There is only one chance to protect our pristine farming country. They are not making any more of it.
When these people who are unfortunate enough to live in the city with their congestion and pollution want to come out west to enjoy the scenery and what the country offers, they do not want to see the unsightly infrastructures that the REZ and the politicians and bureaucrats can't seem to understand WILL NOT PROVIDE THE AMOUNT OF BASE POWER FOR INDUSTRY LET ALONE MR. & MRS. CONSUMER.
The REZ Energy Companies & Bureaucrats are prioritising idealogy over practicality and think that Renewable Energy must happen at all cost.
Uarbry Tongy Lane Alliance Inc
Coolah , New South Wales
World wide experience indicates that fire in BESS is commonplace and this is a proposal to build a BESS in a bush fire zone.

In the last 12 months there have been a number of out of control bush fires at Gulgong. To date little information has been released on the fire that damaged solar panels in the area and now the plan is to build yet more toxic and incendiary infrastructure in the community.

When the toxic mess has to be removed where is the waste dumped? Have the risks of hosting the BESS been communicated to the local community: noise of the cooling fans, risk of fire, the fact that water will not extinguish a BESS fire, the risks of toxic smoke.

Would the proponent choose to have this BESS in their community?

How much land clearing will take place in order to establish an asset protection zone?

Lithium mining is deadly for the environment and somehow we are meant to believe this is clean and green. The lithium batteries we use every day deteriorate in their efficiency rapidly, why will this BESS be any different?
Name Withheld
Subject: Objection to Bellambi Heights Battery Energy Storage System, Gulgong

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed Bellambi Heights Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Gulgong. I believe that this development raises significant concerns.

1. Industrial Complex in a Rural Setting:
The proposed 408MW industrial complex on 23 hectares of land in a rural setting is disproportionate and incompatible with the surrounding environment. Such a large-scale development would disrupt the tranquility and natural beauty of the area, negatively impacting the quality of life for both residents and wildlife.

2. Proximity to Residential Areas:
The fact that there are 72 residences within a 4km radius of the site raises concerns about the potential adverse effects on the health and well-being of nearby residents. Additionally, the visibility of the complex from Gulgong township, even at a distance of 6.5km, would have a visual impact on the town's aesthetics.

3. Cumulative Impacts:
The guidelines for renewable energy projects emphasize the need to minimize cumulative impacts. However, the Bellambi Heights BESS is situated in close proximity to existing and proposed solar farms, including the Beryl Solar Farm, Tallawang Solar Farm, and Mayfair Solar Farm. This concentration of renewable energy projects in one area contradicts the principle of minimizing cumulative impacts and could lead to an overburdened and unsustainable energy infrastructure.

4. Fire Safety Concerns:
Lithium batteries, which are commonly used in energy storage systems, have a known risk of spontaneous combustion. The presence of such a large battery energy storage system in close proximity to residential areas and on Bushfire Prone Land poses a significant fire safety risk. The specialized equipment and training required to combat these fires may not be readily available, putting both immediate residents and the residents of Gulgong township and surrounds at risk, especially considering the site's location to the northwest of Gulgong.

5. Lack of Local Employment Opportunities:
Once the Bellambi Heights BESS is completed, there will be no employment opportunities for local people. This not only undermines the potential economic benefits for the community but also fails to contribute to the sustainable development of the region.

6. Absence of Decommissioning and Rehabilitation Bond:
The absence of a bond system for the eventual decommissioning and rehabilitation of the site is concerning. Relying solely on a 'guarantee' from the project owner at the time leaves the community and landowners vulnerable to potential financial and environmental liabilities in the future. A robust bond system should be in place to ensure the responsible and timely decommissioning and decontamination of the site, as well as the restoration of the land to its original state.

Increased use of limited water supply. We are heading into an El Niño. Water is precious and scarce, especially in drought prone areas like Gulgong. Existing communities should not have to share precious water supplies with multinational renewaBULL energy corporations. All water for the site must be trucked in from high rainfall areas and not locally sourced.

In light of these concerns, I urge you to reconsider the approval of the Bellambi Heights Battery Energy Storage System in Gulgong. It is crucial to prioritise the long-term well-being of the community, the environment, and the sustainable development of the region. I kindly request that you thoroughly assess the potential impacts of this project and explore alternative energy sources such as Nuclear that is Co2 free & uses far less development footprint than renewaBULLs.

Thank you for considering my objections. I trust that you will give due attention to the issues raised and make a decision that aligns with the best interests of the community and the environment.
A Cairns
GUYRA , New South Wales
You are a Disgrace, Australian Government, and I Say So.
I'll send my Objection to Ms Plibersek, because she Threatens All On Country, she does, yes she, she.
Gotta a lotta Money have you, eh government, Australian, from where? You Tell me Where? You have to say Where you have All this Money coming from, to Waste on Renewables in a Gigantic Continent, under Mismanagement, Correct.
I Demand a Royal commission into Renewables and those Batteries, Toxic to the Environments they are Made, and Delivered to, and where this Despicable government named Australian never monitor, or do you government, Australian, is it, is it ? Don't think so if you Still want Renewables as what, what percentage now, 4th October, 2023, where I say NSW Dry is Due to The Added Cumulative Impact of Renewables, since 1984, 2043, yeah, 2032, yeah, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, missed a few years in the 20's because La Nina Saved the Entire NSW state. Saved it. Saved it.
Get Off My Nation, and I mean it, Aus govau. Get Off my Nation you abuse each and every day and Add More Impact To, To, To, To, yet Never notice what you're doing to a Dry Continent I need Cared for, Oh Yes I Do.
Batteries of Lithium Ban Now. Fire Risk they Are, Are, and Have been, but get Ignored, of course, by our Disgraceful government , Australian, Australian, but not, is it?
One day you can observe a Fired Land. It's been that way since 1948. Still haven't noticed, have you government, Australian.
Batteries will Fire where, government, Australian? Where? Where? Food Bowl, Australian, Murray Darling, did you know, did you? I hold you Responsible, government of Australia, for Added Toxic Impact to the Aquifers under Threat from the government, named Australian, who must Banned from Our Continent, Australia, Now, Now, Now, for Harm and Loss To, All On Country is it, Yes, it is, is, is.
I Demand a Royal Commission into Renewables on Prime Agricultural Land, you see, because I Feed Off It, you see, do you? Do you? Why would you do that to your Own Nation, put Batteries, toxic and a Fire Risk , called Increase To, Harm and Loss To , Your People, Australia's Food Production Community, plus the Wildlife you Never Ever Ever Ever Consider, do you, government, Australian, being who, who, who?
What do you say to this Disgraceful government named Australian, who want Renewables on the largest Continent named Driest.
What do you say to this group of Idiots wanting Renewables still.
It is in View, You, government, Australian, the use of Batteries on the Australian Food Bowl, Murray Darling Basin Food Bowl.
I Vehemently Object To Bellambi Heights Battery Storage System BESS Gulgong. Object. Object. Object.
Take a Good Look at a Map , you in government, named Australian, Completely Unaware Australia is a Dry Continent, eh.
Get a Good Look at the Coast,eh.
And Get Your Understanding of a Dry Continent Understood when you Add Heat. You Must Never build another Solar Farm In Our Nation , A Dry Continent, eh.
If you dwell your Life in a Coastal region, eh, then Go and See the Sea as your Future Energy Supply, named Tidal Energy Supply, Not Wind Farms you must Never Ever Ever Ever Ever allow In Whale Calf Home of a Sea, Pacific, where the Precious Masters of a Sea Ocean, Calve Into the area of Australia East Coast on the Very area Idiots offer Wind Farms. Wind Farms, Idiots have No Idea, Infrasound a Highly Intelligent animal, eh, The Highest Intelligence Ones, who are trying to Awaken the Ignorant White race to their Disgraceful Land Management, now entering Pacific Ocean, eh,. Better Not, or you Will be The People I Will visit in person and take to a Calf that may lie on a shore near you, if you dwell on a Coast of Australia. Of Australia, under Threat from Idiot Game of Destruction Renewables, to All On Country, into Oceans. Renewables, that are Impacts to Climate, oh Yeah.
God . Tell our government , Australian, Australian, Australian, to go to Hell.
Yes, I am here in me, Trying to Stop a Hideous Action, named Renewables upon a Dry Continent, very Much under Threat from the Australian Government, eh. God is in me, you see.
God is in me.
God is All Life In Me, eh.
God says, please please please Awaken, please, Humanity, to government corruption, oh yeah, eh.
Next Map. Get a Good Look at this One, because you will be Learning about a Dry Continent that is Drier than Ever Before, eh, yet our government is Unaware of this fact, eh. A Fact. A Fact. Impacting Farmland is Not a good idea, My government I Must Teach Awareness To.
Next Map is showing you lot, eh, in a Office, NB, eh (But Not Farming For The People of A Dry Continent ) a Dry Continent in Full View. Say you understand. Do you understand this Map shows you Dry Continent Australia. Once upon a time it was more than that. Unfortunately control this Land, once very Cared for by Mob who left it alone. Watch it dry this year in NSW, where those Unaware BOM forcasters suggest El Nino. El Nino won’t be here til 4 years from now, 2023. El Nino isn’t here now. Is Not here now. Is Not. Ban BOM, is it ? It is Dry. I Know Why. Stop These Things named Renewables, that Impact
Get Out and work on a Farm and Grow Food for your Nation, and Then decide Their Future, eh, Theirs, you Idiots I need Under Investigation for Impact to Climate, from Renewables.
Righteo.If you Observe the Cloud, C l o u d, upon a Dry Continent, then Ask Yourself what Impacts Cloud. I will Need a Report on your Observations of Gulgong to Tasmania Land Ocean Tasman into Pacific Ocean , where Tassie has Lost 98 % of the Forests on the Inland region of Tassie , eh, Not Ever Noticed by Office workers, Completely Ignorant of a Dry Continent, oh God, you Are, eh.
In My area of Northern Tablelands , NSW, where do we get our Rain from ? That is a Question to you reading an Objection to a Infrastructure plus a Battery In Farmalnd, for Gods Sake, eh. Go and Farm, you lot who decide our Future as Unaware Aussies, or Are You Aussies, eh ? Are you ? Do you know you live in a Dry Continent ? Let me know. I say you Don’t.
Air flow over a Nation oh God So Different Each and Every Day the White-Race-Mind-Set-Upon-Destruction-of-Country and Forests and Wildlife and Water, and, into 88 Human Impacts to a Dry Continent, Increasing in Number Each and Every Day this government Has NO Awareness Australia Is A Dry Continent, and Not Europe, and Not the Americas, and Never Ever is it like Netherlands, is it, is it ? Netherlands. Well, when will you Learn, eh government. When will you Learn ? What ?
Who are you as a human, on Earth today ? Answer it. Where do you get your Food? Fridge? Shop? Paddock? Garden? What Waters it, Garden, Paddock? What?
Well, Look at the Map and Notice some Cloud crossing Eastern half of Australia Tassie. Australia Tassie, Once Upon a Time a Forest En Masse, but Not Now.
Once Upon a Time, these Forests on the East Coast of Tassie into the middle of Tasmania, an Island once a Forest, once a Forest, not now.
Once upon a time these Forests on the Eastern side of Tassie brought up the Antarctic Cloud, yeah Cloud, into the QLD southern regions, where the Hideous white Land Management has Taken Away All the Trees the QLD Land Needs to Rain into the Desert , west.
A way of saying this.
What do you do in a Climate Emergency ?
You Plant Trees, En Masse, En Masse, En Masse, don’t you. Get It.
You don’t. You won’t. Well you Don’t know Anything about a massive area called Australia, you see, losing Her Forests Still, because the Ignorant in are Just So Ignorant, and it’s Wrong they get a Say, isn’t it, isn’t it, isn’t it, in our Future, we Must Alter Immediately If we can.
What do you do ? Well I would sack the government and get Mob to take it on, eh. They can Tell you Where to do things . Yeah they can.
A Dry Continent needs a Different Way.
And Trees.
And Wetlands Under Protection, And those Rivers fenced off Forever for Our Future Generations you see.
We Have power but you don’t know that, why ? Tell me Why ? You Lie, yes you Do.
Stop Lying and I Mean It, and I Do, and I Do, and I Do, oh God I Do.
Coal leave Here, in a Dry Continent.
Stop selling Blessed Coal to China Now. Stop Selling Coal to China, you Idiots as our government, who are Threatening us, eh, and they are, why don’t you Know that, Why? Why? Why? You Should. Should. But don’t, and that‘s why you are Not able to decide our Future, you see, Because you are Too Ignorant, and Threaten us All in NSW into QLD, do you Get It. You won’t Get It, until I Say, Murray Darling Food Bowl, under Threat from Renewables, plus 94 Direct Impacts of power source methods that are very much Not Needed when we Know Tesla Had the Way, the US Banks Hid.
OK. Where’s Gulgong? Work it out. What is it on? Land, not Sea, not Ocean. Land. Become Aware of another 18 Generations that need Farmland upon it.
Become Aware that Mob Always Cared For Country into 7 Generations. Whites don’t do that, don’t. Never have. They Destroy it all, and never notice what it is they destroy, oh yes, Destroy.
Gulgong was Wetland country. Isn’t now.
What is it now. Part of the Murray Darling Food Bowl , Get It.
Get Renewables Off the Murray Darling Food Bowl, and Go Offshore using Tidal for power. Tidal. Tidal. Tidal. An ever continuing method of power generation , people on the Coast can Use, can’t they, yes they Can, and Must, Must, Must, because the Murray Darling Basin Must Grow Food Forever you see, not Things that Impact Climate .
Wake Up. How? You go and Farm for a Living. 4 years you’ll need to Get It.
Fire Hazard , Batteries Are, Proven.
Toxic Water into our Australian Food Bowl, Why ? Tell me Why.
Batteries Consume 20 – 30 % more energy than they Deliver ? Why would you do that.
Batteries On Prime Agricultural Land in the Murray Darling Basin Food. Why would you do that ?
I Vehemently Object to BESS toxic future on Prime Agricultural Land, the Murray Darling basin Food Bowl.
Nat Barton
WELLINGTON , New South Wales
I object to this project on the basis that Battery Storage's are not safe. Tragically an employee was killed when he climbed onto the top of a battery storage at WELLINGTON SOLAR FARM recently. It is understood he may have died from nitrogen poisoning from an undetected leak. Lithium battery storages are notorious for catching on fire . See Other alternatives such as nuclear energy should be considered. They provide 24 hour power and do not emit greenhouse gases.
Name Withheld
COOLAH , New South Wales
The Bellambi Heights BESS is not in the public interest.

There is enormous fire risk, as demonstrated multiple times in California and New York and most recently in QLD. When the BESS catches fire it will burn for weeks. The resulting smoke is toxic.

This is not green or clean.

BESS are not recyclable, will have linited life and be unable to provide backup power for long periods to any households.

Where is the landfill for the expired BESS. Is it in the same place as the burnt solar panels? Where is that toxic waste.

The noise pollution alone is concerning. The cooling fans, which are as loud as a train blast, are powered by what?

If the cooling fans don't work then the BESS overheats. How are the cooling fans powered? It won't be from the solar panels at night or during cloudy days. Likewise the power required to run the cooling fans won't come from wind turbines on still days and nights.

Where is the power coming from to run the cooling fans? They absolutely cannot stop working or thermal runaway is a certainty.
Name Withheld
ELDERSLIE , New South Wales
The reasons for my objection are as follows. There is a lack of data and research into the battery life-cycles and impacts on resources needed, short life-spans, waste dosposal issues, unstable electricity supply, soil contamination risks, increased fire hazards, high construction costs leading to increased prices to consumers, links to renewables means ureliable charging, occupies prime (limited) agricultural land, slave labour is used to mine rare earth metals needed.
Name Withheld
Coolah , New South Wales
If these battery facilities are safe, they should be built where they the bulk of the power is to be used i.e. the cities.
This makes sense given that power has much less distance to travel, and much less loss due to resistance.
A likely reason these facilities are planned in the regions is the known potential for huge runaway fires that are virtually impossible to put out, and produce highly toxic fumes.
If this is the reason for not building them in the cities, they should not be built anywhere as shoving them into the regions is not fair or equitable.
The city electorates that vote for these renewable related projects should be prepared to host them. If they are not safe in the cities they are not safe anywhere.
Nikki Kelly
Kalapa , Queensland
Subject: SSD-33344237 - Objection to Bellambi Heights Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Installation -=

To whom it may concern,
I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed installation of the Bellambi Heights Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in our community. While I understand the importance of renewable energy and the need for innovative solutions to address our energy challenges, I believe that BESS, in its current form, raises serious concerns and risks that must not be overlooked.
Increased Fire Risk:
Instances of BESS-related fires are not unique to Australia. Globally, there have been numerous incidents where BESS installations caught fire, raising concerns about fire risks. For example, in the U.S., the McMicken BESS facility in Michigan experienced a significant fire in 2019, releasing hazardous smoke and posing risks to nearby residents. Recent incidents, such as the fire at Victoria Big Battery near Geelong, and the 50MW/2Hr Bouldercombe BESS near Rockhampton in Central Queensland on 26 September 2023 exemplify the heightened fire risk associated with BESS, even when newly installed. The fire not only posed a danger to residents from toxic smoke fumes, including warnings for residents to stay indoors, but also required substantial firefighting efforts and monitoring while waiting for them to ‘burn out’. This incident underscores the potential risks to communities living near BESS installations.
Firefighting Challenges:
Lithium-ion battery fires, common in BESS, are recognized as difficult to combat worldwide. The 2019 Arizona Energy Storage Facility fire in the United States serves as a stark example. Firefighters had to use specialized techniques and equipment to control the blaze safely due to the release of highly toxic gases during the fire.
Short Lives of Batteries:
The limited lifespan of BESS components is a global concern. For instance, the Tesla-built Hornsdale Power Reserve in South Australia, while celebrated for its capabilities, will require periodic and costly battery replacements due to the natural degradation of lithium-ion batteries, mirroring concerns in other countries.
Limited Job opportunities in the post-construction phase:
Beyond construction, there will be limited full-time, skilled jobs for local people so this project does not create jobs for the future.
Inefficient Energy Conversion:
The inefficiency of BESS systems is a common global issue. Research from the University of California, Irvine, has shown that BESS installations waste approximately 20-30% of the stored energy due to charging and discharging losses, impacting energy grid efficiency, as seen in various countries.
BESS systems' dependence on intermittent renewables is a worldwide concern. The 2021 Texas power crisis, triggered by a severe winter storm, exposed the vulnerability of energy grids relying heavily on wind and solar, illustrating the global challenge of BESS reliability during adverse weather conditions.
Agricultural Land Usage:
The conversion of agricultural land for BESS is a concern worldwide. The Warwick Solar Farm in Queensland, while boosting renewable energy capacity, reduces the land's potential for food production, a recurring issue in many regions seeking to balance energy needs with agriculture.
No rehabilitation bond required:
There is no bond system for the eventual decommissioning and rehabilitation of the site. This is dependent on a 'guarantee' given by whoever owns the project at the time, and due to the nature of the business structure, there are concerns for who will be responsible for the decommissioning and clean-up of this site at the end-of-life of this project.
Energy Consumption:
The continuous energy input required for cooling BESS battery packs is a common global requirement. The Neoen Bulgana Green Power Hub in Victoria, Australia, is an example of the electricity consumed 24/7 to maintain battery temperatures, mirroring challenges in other countries.
Supply Chain Concerns:
Ethical concerns surrounding the mining of materials for BESS batteries are global. Reports link cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a significant source of cobalt, to unethical labour practices, including child labour, raising questions about the global supply chain for BESS materials. These practices are in direct contradiction of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act.
Increased Greenhouse Emissions:
BESS installations can contribute to increased greenhouse emissions, as the production of lithium-ion batteries emits substantial carbon dioxide. A study published in Nature Communications highlighted that the production of batteries contributes to emissions, a concern shared worldwide
Mining Impact:
The expansion of mining activities for BESS materials has environmental consequences globally. The Greenbushes Lithium Mine in Western Australia, one of the world's largest lithium mines, has faced criticism for its environmental impacts, including habitat destruction and water pollution, similar to concerns raised in other regions.
Transportation Emissions:
The transportation of BESS components over long distances and road transport raises environmental issues globally. The logistics of shipping large batteries and equipment can lead to road damage, increased diesel consumption, and additional emissions, reflecting challenges in various countries.
Risk of Contamination:
The risk of soil contamination from BESS installations is not unique to Australia. Chemicals and materials used in battery production and maintenance can leak into the ground, potentially contaminating soil, a concern seen in other parts of the world where BESS facilities are situated.
In conclusion, these examples and evidence from similar situations emphasize the need for comprehensive research, safety measures, and rigorous environmental assessments when considering BESS installations. Addressing these concerns is vital to ensure the safety, well-being, and sustainability of communities affected by these energy storage systems.
Thank you for you consideration of my submission.
Name Withheld
Ben Lomond , New South Wales
I object to the culture of revenue raising by companies "sopping up"negative prices without due regard for the regional, rural residents at risk. I reference the advent of the "Big Bessie" battery that was deemed to treble revenue for Genex in Queensland. What it achieved was a toxic fire that contaminated the region.
In the light of such a claim of so much benefit that resulted in so much damage and environmental harm such projects have to be considered in a new light. They are not the 'good guy' they have been portrayed to be.They have to be seen for their risk, their consumption of raw materials, the potential calamity they can generate, the inevitable decommissioning whether sooner - as in the case of this fire- or later if it were to reach its anticipated end of life. Where is the plan? Are we once again playing 'moral hazard'? - taking greater risks than otherwise would be the case if there was not such carbon cult and a significant financial benefit at stake for the proponent in subsidies and profit?
Are we forgetting the massive mining venture complete with demand for rare earth minerals or its extensive petroleum commitment to dig, transport, ship manufacture, freight, build , install, manage and secure?
Further more, I cannot support this battery project in the light of Bureau Of Meteorology (BoM) predictions for extreme temperatures that will put such facilities at risk of devastating counterproductive fires to the detriment of all electricity consumers , because we will all have to share in the guilt of allowing this type of infrastructure to contribute to our energy consumption .
It is a NO from me!
Climate and Energy Realists Queensland
BUNDALL , Queensland
There is no question that Battery Storage is woefully unable to supply back-up power for long (in fact it's minutes rather than hours). In any substantial rolling blackout Traditional Proven Organic Power sources will be needed. Apart from this, as amply demonstrated at the newly opened Gladstone facility last week there can be Lithium fires, which give off toxic fumes, are unsafe to nearby citizens, burn at 2,000 degrees centigrade and have to continue for days on end. In short there's nothing 'clean', 'green' and 'cheap' about them. I am very confident there is now zero 'social licence' at Gladstone and the more so in other areas, who can see exactly what could happen to them.
Save Our Surroundings (SOS)
Gulgong , New South Wales
See attachment for our objection.


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Solar
Local Government Areas
Mid-Western Regional
Determination Date
Executive Director

Contact Planner

Megan Ramsdale