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Public Exhibition

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Deed of Variation to Planning Agreement for Sydney Science Park

Penrith City Council

Penrith City Council is publicly notifying a deed of variation to a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) between Council, and Celestino Development SSP Pty Ltd. The amended VPA has been prepared in support of a Planning Proposal relating to 565-609 Luddenham Road, Luddenham.

The original executed VPA provided monetary contributions and infrastructure to meet the demands generated by the development of the site. Additionally, it outlined that the developer would manage some publicly accessible areas to deliver innovative uses and integrate technology, subject to an agreed management plan.

The varied VPA seeks to replace the management plan process with new legal mechanisms and associated agreement for lease to better ensure management standards align with Council priorities and public access is maintained to these publicly accessible areas.

Please contact Abdul Cheema, City Planning Coordinator, on (02) 4732 8120 or email [email protected]  for enquiries. 

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Project Details

Exhibition Case Id
565-609 Luddenham Road, Luddenham
Developer name
Celestino Development SSP Pty Ltd
Exhibition start date
Exhibition end date

Consent Authority

Consent Authority Name
Penrith City Council