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DA Exhibitions

Under Consideration

Static Advertising Sign, Great Western Highway, Huntingwood

Department Of Planning Industry And Environment

The application seeks consent for new advertising signage (replacement of advertising skins) on an existing illuminated static advertising sign installed on the southern side of the Great Western Highway, approximately 340 metres north-west of Reservoir Road, Huntingwood. No changes or physical works are proposed to the existing structure.

Application Documents (13)

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Report
Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Aboriginal Heritage Advice Letter - RFI Response
Architectural Plans
2. Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Architectural Drawings
Heritage impact statement
Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Non-Indigenous Heritage Advice Letter - RFI Response
Great Western Highway_DA 23-11557_Notice
Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Visual Impact Assessment - RFI Response
Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Revised Lighting Impact Assessment - RFI Response
6. Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Public Benefit Statement
Statement of environmental effects
Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Revised SEE - RFI Response
Structural engineers report
Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Structural Assessment Report - RFI Response
Structural engineers report
Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Structural Assessment Letter - RFI Response
Survey plan
12. Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Survey Plan
Traffic report
Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Revised Traffic Safety Assessment Eastbound - RFI Response
Traffic report
Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Revised Traffic Safety Assessment Westbound - RFI Response

Determination Documents (1)

Advertising Structures/ Signage Details
7. Huntingwood Billboard Signage - Site Card

Project Details

Portal reference number
Consent authority's ID number
DA 23/11557
Property Address
Lot 19 In Dp 1024111
Type of application
Development Application
Type of development
Signage, Advertising structure, Advertising and signage
Exhibition start - end date

Consent Authority

Consent authority name
Minister for Planning and Public Spaces / Independent Planning Commission