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Insights and Demography

Online submission of planning data

Planning data, including maps and spatial datasets, must be submitted by councils and other planning bodies.

Councils and other planning bodies are required to provide maps and spatial datasets to the Department as part of the plan-making process.

Copies of Development Control Plans (DCP) and Contributions Plans (CP) are also required to be submitted to the department once they have been adopted by council for publication on the NSW Planning Portal.

What are development control plans?

DCPs are detailed planning and design guidelines that support the enforcement of Local Environment Plan controls.

View in force DCPs here

What are contributions plans?

CPs enable consent authorities to levy contributions for public amenities and services required because of development.

View in force CPs here

Planning data requirements

The department has developed standard technical requirements for spatial datasets and maps contained within environmental planning instruments and other plans, such as DCPs and CPs.

These requirements took effect on 30 November 2015. Councils need to prepare spatial data and maps as per the specified standards and submit to the Department at draft and final stages. 

Read the Standard Technical Requirements for spatial datasets and maps

Submitting information to the department

The department has developed an online submission system to allow councils to submit DCPs and CPs, Variations to Development Standards (VtDS), Local Strategic Planning Statements (LSPS) and Local Voluntary Planning Agreements to the Department for consideration.

Councils need to login to the NSW Planning Portal using their existing account and password to start their submission. 

Access the Online Submission System

Last updated: 10/04/2024