Planning proposals
Cooks Cove Planning Proposal
A planning proposal for Cooks Cove was notified for public comment between 24 April and 6 June 2023.
The Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel is the Planning Proposal Authority for this planning proposal. The panel will now review and consider all submissions received.
The proposal seeks to:
- remove the site from State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts - Eastern Harbour City) 2021 (the Eastern Harbour City SEPP), and
- amend the Bayside Local Environmental Plan 2021 (LEP) to include the site.
New site-specific planning provisions will be included in the Bayside LEP 2021, including:
- New SP4 Enterprise zone across the majority of the Kogarah Golf Course land to permit trade related enterprises, commercial uses, retail uses, hotel or motel accommodation, serviced apartments and logistics and warehouse uses;
- New RE1 Public Recreation zoned land for the foreshore area of the site adjacent to the Cooks River and adjacent to Marsh Street;
- SP2 Infrastructure zone to the existing Marsh Street Roadway and Arncliffe Permanent Motorway Facilities;
- Maximum Building Height of RL51m;
- Limit gross floor area (GFA) within different areas of the site and insert floor area requirements to achieve intended logistics and warehousing outcomes for the site; and
- Reclassify Lot 14 DP213314 and Lot 1 DP108492 from ‘community’ to ‘operational’ land to facilitate local road access and the provision of infrastructure to support development within the SP4 Enterprise zone.
The project will deliver approximately 3,300 jobs near existing residential areas and transport infrastructure. Public land no longer forms part of the sites developable area. More than 85 hectares of public land will largely remain as open space.
More Information:
You can view all documents related the exhibition of this planning proposal via the ‘exhibited documents’ tab below.
For more information on this planning proposal, please visit the e-planning portal.
Exhibited documents
Exhibited documents
Exhibited documents
- PP-2022-1748 - Cooks Cove Planning Proposal Justification Report (April 2023)
- PP-2022-1748 - Cooks Cove Planning Proposal Summary (April 2023)
- Public Exhibition Fact sheet – Cooks Cove
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix A - Draft LEP Map Set
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix B - Urban Design and Landscape
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix C - Flooding, Stormwater and WSUD Report
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix D - Transport Impact Assessment ( as submitted to TfNSW 020323)
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix E -Survey and Reclassification
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix F - Aeronautical Impact and Airport Safeguarding
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix G - Wind Shear and Turbulence
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix H - Acoustic Assessment Report
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix I - Servicing and Utilities Infrastructure Strategy
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix J - Ethane Pipeline Preliminary Hazard Analysis
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix K - Flora and Fauna Assessment
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix L - Archaeological Report
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix M (Part 1) - Envrionmental Site Assessment
- P-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix M (Part 2) - Detail Site Investigation
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix M (Part 3) - Remediation Action Plan
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix M (Part 4) - Erosion and Salinity Assessment
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix M (Part 5) - Acid Sulfate Soils Management
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix N - Geotechnical Assessment
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix O - Cooks Cove Draft DCP
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix P - TfNSW Infrastructure Letter of Officer and Exhibition Endorsement Part 1 - CCI Submission to TfNSW
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix P - TfNSW Infrastructure Letter of Officer and Exhibition Endorsement Part 2 - TfNSW Pre-exhibition comments
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix P - TfNSW Infrastructure Letter of Officer and Exhibition Endorsement Part 3 - CCI Response to Pre-exhibition comments
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix P - TfNSW Infrastructure Letter of Officer and Exhibition Endorsement Part 4 - TfNSW Response
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix P - TfNSW Infrastructure Letter of Officer and Exhibition Endorsement Part 5 - CCI Further Response to TfNSW
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix Q - Commonwealth Letter
- PP-2022-1748 - Planning Proposal Appendix Q - Sydney Airport Corporation Limited Letter
Activity Details
Arncliffe (Pp-2022-1748)