Planning proposals
Melrose Park North - Rezone land to non-industrial uses, increase FSR and height controls [5,500 dwellings / 1,923 jobs]
City Of Parramatta
The planning proposal seeks extensive changes to the planning controls that apply to the Melrose Park industrial precinct for three sites: 38-42, 82-84 Wharf Road, 33 Hope Street and 27-29 Hughes Avenue, Melrose Park (Area 1); 15-19 Hughes Avenue & 655 Victoria Road, Ermington (Area 2); and 8 Wharf Road Ermington (Area 3)
The amendments include:
• rezoning the land to part R4 High Density Residential, part B2 Local Centre, part RE1 Public Recreation and part SP2 Infrastructure (Educational establishment);
• increase the maximum building height across the site to heights ranging from 28m to 95m;
• increase the maximum FSR applying to the site to 1.85:1; and
• include a site specific provision relating to the maximum residential gross floor area, appoint a design excellence panel to provide design advice, and apply a minimum non-residential floor space requirement where residential flat buildings are permissible in the B2 Local Centre zone.
Documents (104)
Activity Details
44 &Amp; 44A Wharf Road Melrose Park 2114
15-19 Hughes Avenue &Amp; 655 Victoria Road Ermington 2115
8 Wharf Road Melrose Park 2114
Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 (Map Amendment No 1) -
Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 (Map Amendment No 1) -