Greater Sydney Commission
The Greater Sydney Commission is leading metropolitan planning to make Greater Sydney more productive, sustainable and liveable.
Independent Planning Commission
The Independent Planning Commission of NSW was established as a standalone agency under Part 2, Division 2.3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
NSW Land and Environment Court
The Land and Environment Court of New South Wales is the first specialist environmental superior court in the world.
NSW Legislation
This is the official legislation website of the Government of New South Wales, Australia. The site contains authorised versions of NSW legislation (including the Gazette).
Sydney and Regional Planning Panels
Planning Panels were introduced in NSW on 1 July 2009 to strengthen decision making on regionally significant development applications (DAs) and certain other planning matters.
Local Planning Panels (IHAPS)
The Department is collecting data on the performance of Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels (known as Local Planning Panels under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979)
Local Housing Supply – Strategy Tool
The Department of Planning and Environment has developed a new online tool to help councils develop their local housing strategies.