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Release Notes

May Release: Integration API, UX Transformation, Housing SEPP and more.

23 May 2022


Integration API

The Integration API BAU release contains minor enhancements and bug fixes on existing services.

The Integration Application Programming Interface (API) team consolidates and prioritises BAU tickets into monthly releases. These are in response to issues identified in production, and/or to align with the impacts from other projects. There are no new API services that have been introduced and will be no outage.

Key features this month include:

  • Minor enhancement applied to existing Online DA, CDC, PCC, StateDA, CNR, CR and BIC API services
  • Dormant changes to OnlineDA and PCC API services to integrate with Cadastre NSW. As CadNSW completes their integration by 1 July, these services will automate.

Digital Planning Services Enhancements Program

A project team has been established to review stakeholder feedback and provide design improvements to digital services based on this feedback. The aim of the team is to implement improvements that will simplify the Portal’s processes, improving the overall processing time for applications and enhancing the user’s experience.

This month, various key features have been deployed:

  • Updates to notifications for Post-Consent Certificate (PCC) and Complying Development Certificate (CDC)
  • Increasing character limitations for Construction Certificate (CC) submissions
  • Addition of notifications for voluntary provisioning information in Certificate Registrations and Development Application (DA) State
  • Amending ‘request for additional information’ notifications for applicants within Roads Act, DA State and Building Information Certificate (BIC)
  • Addition of a local action option called ‘notice of critical stage inspection’ for applicants to be notified within the Portal for PCC.

Housing SEPP

This month’s Housing SEPP release is aimed to incorporate the new Housing State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing SEPP) 2021 which aims to facilitate the delivery of more diverse and affordable housing types for DA State, DA Council and CDC services.

The key feature for this month’s summary is six new development types which have been introduced in the ‘application details’ screen of DA Online (Council and State).

Traffic Controller

The Moorebank Intermodal Precinct State Environment Planning Policy SEPP will require proponents to obtain a Traffic Certificate from the Planning Secretary for certain developments.

As part of the first release, the following features are being delivered:

  • An applicant can complete and submit an application, upload technical documentation and seek approval
  • A Department Officer or Planning Officer can evaluate the application in line with Regulation, delegate the case to an Infrastructure Assessment (IA) team leader and issue a traffic certificate
  • An IA Team Leader can approve incoming assessment
  • An IA Director can be the consent authority to determine an Outcome for Traffic Certificate

Part 5

The May release of Part 5 will ensure the service is completely usable by council proponents and compatible with the new divisional guidelines ahead of the new Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation amendment on 1 July. This month’s release will include:

  • A service which reflects and complements the final published version of the Division 5.1 Guidelines
  • Is usable by Council proponents, including Part 5 powers under LEPs
  • Incorporates the latest requirements for undertaking Part 5 activity
  • Responds to feedback from early adopters to further improve usability and support increased adoption

PCRAAC - Feedback from Certifiers

A Post-Consent Certificate may be required for building works and subdivision works. Applicants can either lodge their applications after, or at the same time as they have made their DA or CDC applications, and will be determined after a decision on DA or CDC has been made.

As part of the May release, the following features were deployed:

  • When an applicant initiates a request for information, the certifier will receive a notification detailing that additional information was required
  • The Construction Certificate notification of determination has been modified to include the assigned consent authority officer in the email confirmation. (Previously, this also included the generic certifier email).
  • Amendments to CDC notifications have been made when assessment is about to conclude, including:
    • Removal of applicant as an email recipient
    • Date of acceptance changed from US to Australian format

Detailed release notes are available in the Knowledge Management section of the Portal.

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