The Explanation of Intended Effect: Changes to create low- and mid-rise housing was on public exhibition from 15 December 2023 to 23 February 2024.
In response to the public consultation, the department received nearly 8,000 submissions. 49 councils made submissions and 143 submissions came from peak bodies and community groups.
We held briefings and workshops with many of the councils and other stakeholder groups. We have consulted with individual councils to make sure the policy best serves our community’s housing needs.
Low- and mid-rise housing policy
We are implementing the low- and mid-rise housing policy, a key component of the NSW Government’s planning response to the National Housing Accord.
The new reform introduces an amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021. This amendment will create capacity for up to 112,000 additional homes, significantly contributing to the housing accord target of 377,000 new homes by July 2029.
Changes to the policy will commence in stages, with the first changes starting on 1 July to align with the start of the National Housing Accord.
The first stage permits dual occupancies and semi-detached homes in all R2 low-density residential zones across NSW.
Learn more about the policy.