The Bradfield City Centre Master Plan prepared by Bradfield Development Authority was approved by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces in September 2024.
The master plan will help achieve the vision of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan to create an accessible, innovative and connected city with great places.
The plan will guide the delivery of:
- up to 10,000 homes, with at least 10% affordable housing
- more than 20,000 jobs
- over 2 million sqm of mixed-use gross floor area
- more than 36 hectares of public open space and green space
- a high level of connectivity and transport links with the city centre located within 400m of the Bradfield Metro station.
The master plan provides further information on mixed-use development, future road networks and areas identified for open space and parkland within the city centre.
The plan also includes changes to planning controls in State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Western Parkland City) 2021, Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct Plan and Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) – Phase 2.
No building or construction works are proposed to be undertaken as part of the master plan. All future development would be subject to separate planning applications.
The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure publicly exhibited the draft master plan prepared by Bradfield Development Authority for public comment between 5 February and 4 March 2024.
- general amendments to the master plan to improve the structure, layout and description of planning controls
- an additional control requiring residential development to provide at least 10% affordable housing
- additional controls in relation to wind impacts, road network design and travel demand, public art, design excellence, flood risk and complying development
- changes to figures in the Precinct Plan including street hierarchy, total water cycle and design competition maps.
Find out more about changes to the final plan by reading the applicant’s response to submissions report and the department’s assessment report below.
For more information on master plans within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, please visit the master planning in the Aerotropolis web page on the department’s website.
Final documents
Final documents
Assessment documents
Assessment documents
- Assessment Report
- Assessment Report Appendices A-D
- Assessment Report Appendix D DCP Statutory Compliance
- Assessment Report Appendices E-F Assessment of Precinct Plan amendments and DCP variations
- Assessment Report Appendix G TAP Letter of advice to DPE Secretary
- Assessment Report Appendix H Master Plan Requirements
Response to submissions documents
Response to submissions documents
- Response to Submissions Report
- Response to Submissions Appendix 1 - Updated Master Plan
- Response to Submissions Appendix 2 - Biodiversity Strategy and Impact Assessment
- Response to Submissions Appendix 3 - Flood Impact Risk Assessment
- Response to Submissions Appendix 4 - Amended Art and Culture Strategy Report
- Response to Submissions Appendix 5 - Amended Social Infrastructure Strategy Report
Exhibited documents
- Appendix A - 20231020 Master Plan Report
- 20231020 Planning Report
- Appendix GG - 20231018 Explanation of Intended Effect
- Appendix HH - 20231020 Part C - Discussion Paper PP and DCP amendments
- Appendix B - 20230913 Urban Design Report (REDACTED)
- Appendix C - 20230913 Response to Country (REDACTED)
- Appendix D - 20230913 Design Excellence Strategy
- Appendix E - 20231020 Exempt and Complying Development Code
- Appendix F - 20231020 Smart Cities Implementation Plan and Assessment Report
- Appendix G - 20231020 Transport Management Accessibility Plan Report
- Appendix H - 20231020 Utility Infrastructure and Servicing Report
- Appendix I - 20231020 Integrated Water Cycle Management Report
- Appendix J - 20231020 Aviation Impact Assessment Report
- Appendix K - 20231020 Flooding Impact Assessment
- Appendix L - 20231020 Sustainability Report
- Appendix M - 20231020 Biodiversity Strategy and Impact Assessment
- Appendix N - 20231020 Social Infrastructure Strategy Report
- Appendix O - 20231020 Economic Strategy and Impact Assessment
- Appendix P - 20231020 Air Quality Impact Assessment Report
- Appendix Q - 20231020 Noise and Vibration Impact Assesment(2)
- Appendix R - 20231020 Pedestrian Wind Environment Report(2)
- Appendix S - 20231020 Statement of Heritage Impact Report
- Appendix T - 20231020 Aboriginal Engagement Outcomes Report
- Appendix U - 20231020 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report (REDACTED).
- Appendix V - 20231020 Infrastructure Delivery Strategy
- Appendix W - 20231020 Earthworks Report
- Appendix X - 20230913 Art and Culture Strategy Report
- Appendix Y - 20231020 Bushfire Strategy and Impact Assessment Report
- Appendix Z - 20230913 Ground Conditions Report
- Appendix AA - 20230913 Contamination Report (Site Audit Report)
- Appendix AA - 20230913 Contamination Report (Site Audit Statement)
- Appendix BB - 20231020 Housing Strategy Statement Report
- Appendix CC - 20231020 Circular Economy (Waste and Services Report
- Appendix DD - 20231020 Consultation Outcomes Report
- Appendix EE - 20231020 24 Hour Economy Strategy Statement Report
- Appendix FF - Survey Plan
- Appendix II - 20231020 Bradfield City Centre 3D Model