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Key Guidance

Waste management

Integrated waste management is essential to protecting public health, preserving the environment and ensuring sustainable resources.

Waste can be considered as any substance that is discharged in the environment in a manner that causes an alteration or has been left or discarded. State significant projects that are involved in the management, disposal, transportation or processing of waste, or have potential to generate waste, are assessed using the following policies and guidelines to help ensure there is no threat to human health or life.

Waste classification guidelines

Produced by the EPA, these guidelines provide a step-by-step process for classifying waste into categories.

View the Guideline

Guidance for managing industrial waste

This provides guidance for managing industrial waste by outlining what the general regulatory requirements relating to waste may be, highlighting where additional regulatory requirements may apply.

View the Guidance

Solid waste landfills guideline

These guidelines provide guidance for the environmental management of landfills in NSW by specifying a series of ‘minimum standards’. They involve a mix of design and construction techniques, effective site operations, monitoring and reporting protocols, and post-closure management.

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Composting and related organics processing facilities guideline

These guidelines outline how to turn organics into useful and safe products, without causing harm to the environment, by providing recommendations on appropriate environmental management of organic processing facilities.

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NSW energy from waste policy statement

This statement sets out the policy framework and overarching criteria that apply to facilities in NSW proposing to thermally treat waste or waste-derived materials for the recovery of energy and in doing so provides regulatory clarity to industry and the community

View the Statement

Health Impact Assessment Guidelines

These guidelines apply to new development projects or upgrades to existing developments, in sectors such as transport, environment, mining and resources, agriculture, energy, waste, housing and planning.

View the Guidelines

Hazardous and Offensive Development Application Guidelines

This guideline assists councils and proponents in establishing whether a development proposal would fit into the Resilience and Hazard SEPP policy of ‘potentially hazardous industry’ or ‘potentially offensive industry definitions and hence, come under the provisions of the policy.

View the Guideline

Hazardous industry planning advisory papers (paper no. 6)

This document provides guidance on the general approach recommended for hazard analysis. It explains the hazard analysis process and details the requirements for reports to be submitted to government authorities.

View the Papers

Use of Effluent by Irrigation Guideline

This guideline aims to encourage and optimise the safe reuse of water. This Guideline provides a framework to help meet these goals and promote the wise use of our limited water resources.

View the Guideline

Use and Disposal of Biosolids Guideline 

The guideline sets out recommended management practices for the surface land disposal of biosolids (excluding those products classified as Unrestricted Use). These actions are aimed at protecting amenity, human health and water quality outside the biosolid disposal area.

View the Guideline

Last updated: 03/12/2024
