Noise and vibration associated with State significant projects can have adverse economic, environmental, cultural and social impacts. The guidance below includes requirements and best practice for noise and vibration impacts to be avoided or mitigated.
Measurement and analysis of environmental noise
The updated approved methods document for the measurement and analysis of environmental noise has now been published and is relevant for any noise monitoring required by a NSW EPA licence or statutory notice.
The document is finalised taking into account feedback received during consultation on the draft. The document and supporting information including key changes, implementation and transitional arrangements, response to submissions and frequently asked questions are located here:
Approved methods for the measurement and analysis of environmental noise in NSW
The document improves clarity and guidance on what the EPA currently requires, reflect the most up to date analytical methods and remove unnecessary requirements. The document applies now and any reference to previous versions of the document in licences and statutory instruments will be taken to be a reference to the newly gazetted version. However, the previous versions of the approved methods will apply where they are specifically referenced in previously issued Secretary’s environmental assessment requirements. Detailed implementation and transitional arrangements are available on the EPA’s website here.
Assessing Vibration: a Technical Guideline 2006
This guideline presents preferred and maximum vibration values for use in assessing human responses to vibration and provides recommendations for measurement and evaluation techniques.
Noise Policy for Industry (2017)
This policy sets assessment noise levels, consistent methods, and best practice measures to manage industrial noise. The policy aims to balance industrial activity with community expectations of minimal intrusive noise.
Wind Energy: Noise Assessment Bulletin 2016
This bulletin provides advice about how noise impacts are assessed for large-scale wind energy development projects that are State significant projects. The bulletin applies to all new State significant wind energy projects that obtain Secretary’s environmental assessment requirements after the date of its publication (i.e. December 2016). The bulletin also applies to all modification applications made after its publication.
Interim Construction Noise Guidelines 2009
This interim guideline focuses on applying work practices to minimise construction noise impacts, rather than only achieving numeric noise levels. The guideline aims to protect the majority of residences and other sensitive land uses from noise pollution most of the time.
NSW Road Noise Policy 2011
This policy outlines the range of measures needed to minimise road traffic noise and its impacts. The policy aims to identify the strategies that address the issue of road traffic noise from existing and new roads and road projects. The policy also defines the criteria used to assess noise impacts.
Rail Infrastructure Noise Guideline 2013
This guideline aims to ensure noise and vibration impacts associated with rail development projects are evaluated in a consistent and transparent manner. The guideline applies to heavy and light rail infrastructure projects, including the construction of new rail lines and upgrades to existing lines.
Development Near Rail corridors and Busy Roads Interim Guideline 2008
The interim guideline aim is to assist in reducing the health impacts of rail and road noise and adverse air quality on sensitive adjacent development. It assists in the planning, design and assessment of development in, or adjacent to, rail corridors and busy roads. The interim guideline also supports specific rail and road provisions of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021.
Technical Basis for Guidelines to Minimise Annoyance Due to Blasting Overpressure and Ground Vibration 1990
This document specifies recommended comfort criteria for airblast overpressure levels, ground vibration peak particle velocities, blasting times and blasting frequencies. It includes comfort criteria that can be used to minimise annoyance and discomfort to persons at noise sensitive sites (e.g. residences, hospitals, schools) caused by blasting.
Health Impact Assessment Guidelines
These guidelines apply to new development projects or upgrades to existing developments, in sectors such as transport, environment, mining and resources, agriculture, energy, waste, housing and planning.A Health Impact Assessment will provide a systematic approach to address the potential health costs and benefits of a project.