Flooding risks arise from rainfall and coastal processes leading to a rise in water levels inundating infrastructure, land and property. The guidelines below are resources to support applicants and consent authorities through the floodplain risk management process.
Relevant Planning circulars
- View Planning Circular PS21-006 - Considering flooding in land use planning: guidance and statutory requirements
- View Planning Circular PS24-001 - Update on addressing flood risk in planning decisions (new Circular)
NSW Flood Risk Management Manual
This manual outlines a vision and general principles for flood risk management in New South Wales. It also outlines how the NSW Government will work in partnership with councils to manage flood risk to communities and encourage councils in the same catchment to work cooperatively in flood risk management.
Flood Impact and Risk Assessment: Flood Risk Management Guide- LU01
A fit for purpose flood impact and risk assessment can examine flood constraints and how to manage the flood risks posed to and by new development.
This guide provides advice on the scope and scale of a flood impact and risk assessment. It does not replace the processes or requirements of the consent authority. It should be read in conjunction with and address any other assessment requirements for the development proposal/application.
Flood risk management toolkit
The resources in the toolkit complement the Flood Risk Management Manual and provide extra technical advice to support councils to understand and manage flood risk to local communities under the flood risk management framework.
View the Flood risk management toolkit
Flood Risk Management Guideline - Practical Consideration of Climate Change
This guideline highlights climate change impacts on flood behaviour and offers floodplain risk management recommendations for Councils and stakeholders.
Support for Emergency Management Planning EM01
This guideline provides advice on how the flood risk management process can provide advice to support flood emergency management planning by the NSW State Emergency Service.
Understanding and Managing Flood Risk FB01
This guideline provides advice on how the flood risk management process can assist in understanding and managing existing, future and continuing risk to reduce the residual risk to the community.
Flood Function FB02
This guideline provides advice on the categorisation of areas of the floodplain into floodways, flood storage areas and flood fringe based on their flood function. This information can inform flood risk management, emergency management and land use planning.
Flood Hazard FB03
This guideline provides advice on flood hazard categorisation so this information can inform flood risk management, emergency management and land use planning.
Reducing Vulnerability of Buildings to Flood Damage
This article provides advice about reducing flood damage to buildings. It provides recommendations for flood planning and design of houses in flood prone areas.
Designing Safer Subdivisions
This article provides advice on the importance of considering flood risk during the planning process. By following the guidelines in this document, communities can reduce flood risk and create safer places to live.
Managing Flood Risk Through Planning Opportunities
This article provides advice on managing flood risk through planning in the Hawkesbury-Nepean floodplain. It outlines a three-part strategy to reduce flood risk: land use planning, building construction and subdivision design.
There are potential risks from dam failure to public welfare and environmental and economic assets. The NSW Dams Safety Committee responsible for developing and implementing regulation for effective dam safety management to protect life, property and the environment from dam failures. The following guidance should be considered when assessing risk of dam failure associated with a State significant project.
Dams Safety Committee guidance sheets
The NSW Dams Safety Committee (DSC) is the NSW regulator for dam safety. It is responsible for developing and implementing regulation for effective dam safety management to protect life, property and the environment from dam failures. These sheets provide guidance and assistance to all dam owners and stakeholders.
Helpful Information and Links
NSW SES State Flood Plan
The NSW State Flood Plan sets out the prevention, preparation, response and initial recovery arrangements for flooding in NSW. It also outlines the responsibilities of agencies and organisations with regard to these functions.
NSW SES State Tsunami Plan
The sub plan sets out the preparation, response and initial recovery coordination arrangements for tsunamis. This plan accounts for all tsunami magnitudes and generation mechanisms.
NSW SES State Storm Plan
The sub plan sets out the prevention, preparation, response and initial recovery arrangements for storm activity. It also outlines the responsibilities of agencies and organisations with regard to these functions.