Land contamination
Land contamination can occur when there is a presence of a substance at an elevated concentration above the normal concentration in the same locality. Such contamination can pose a risk of harm to human health or any other aspect of the environment. The following policies and guidance assist in the management of land contamination associated with State significant projects.
Guidelines on the Duty to Report Land Contamination
This guideline relates to the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 (CLM Act) only, and the reporting of land contamination requirements now legally required under section 60 of the Act.
National environment protection (assessment of site contamination) measure
The National Environment Protection Council is responsible for the creation of protection measures which are a special set of national objectives designed to assist in protecting or managing particular aspects of the environment. This measure sets the national guidelines for assessing site contamination.
Hazardous and Offensive Development Application Guidelines
This guideline assists councils and proponents in establishing whether a development proposal would fit into the Resilience and Hazard SEPP policy of ‘potentially hazardous industry’ or ‘potentially offensive industry definitions and hence, come under the provisions of the policy.
Hazardous industry planning advisory papers (paper no. 6)
This document provides guidance on the general approach recommended for hazard analysis. It explains the hazard analysis process and details the requirements for reports to be submitted to government authorities.
Groundwater contamination
Contaminated groundwater can pose risks to human health, the environment, and the types of land uses that may safely be carried out. The following legislation and guidance assists in the management of contaminated water associated with State significant projects.
Guidelines for the assessment and management of groundwater contamination
This is a best-practice framework guideline for assessing, managing and cleaning up contaminated groundwater.