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Complying Development

What to tell your neighbours

Building works can cause disruption, but talking about designs and timeframes with neighbours can help alleviate concerns

We recommend talking to your neighbours before receiving an approval and again before you commence construction.

If you're looking to go down the fast-tracked development route, there are two required neighbour notifications: 

1. Pre-approval notification

Talking to your neighbours about your development proposal, big or small, is always a good idea and often saves a lot of trouble down the track. The Department encourages talking to your neighbours as early as possible in the design process to help ensure the development process is as smooth as possible for all involved and doesn't come as a surprise.

In metropolitan areas, a certifier or council is required to inform neighbours within a 20 metre radius that you have applied for a complying development certificate 14 days before it can be approved. This is called pre-approval notification. 

Neighbour notification must be in writing, the notice may be given in person, through a letter box or via the post. If a lot contains an apartment building or is a dual occupancy, the occupier of each individual home/apartment must be notified. Neighbours can request to see the plans of the complying development, however, there is no obligation for the applicant to make these available. 

While there is no formal pre-approval notification required in residential release areas and most rural and regional areas, it is still a good idea to make your neighbours aware of any development proposals.

Template for Neighbour notification of an application for complying development (WORD)

2. Pre-construction notification

Once your complying development certificate has been issued, you must notify neighbours within 20 metres from the boundary of the development lot, prior to any work commencing. This is called pre-construction notification. This notice is for their information only, neighbours cannot make a submission on a neighbouring complying development. 

If you live in a metropolitan area, you must give your neighbours at least seven days' notice. If you live in rural and regional areas or a residential release area, you must give your neighbour two days' notice. It is the applicants’ responsibility to notify neighbours before construction begins and this must be done in writing. 

Template for Notifying neighbours before commencing complying development works (WORD)

If you would like more information about which complying developments require notification; which properties you should notify; and whether you live in a metropolitan, regional and rural area or a residential release area; view the fact sheet “Your guide to neighbourhood consultation for complying development ”. 

Last updated: 18/05/2023
