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How the BASIX standards apply

Information about creating and revising certificates for different scenarios and the limited transitional arrangements in place.

Changes to BASIX standards came into effect on 1 October 2023, as part of the newly introduced Sustainable Buildings State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP). The new BASIX standards will help make homes comfortable year-round with less reliance on heating and cooling technology. The average home meeting the new standards will save over $1000 per year in energy bills.

How the BASIX standards apply depends on the applicable scenario.

If you generated a BASIX certificate before 1 October and have already submitted it with a development application (DA) or complying development certificate (CDC) application and there are NO changes to the design

For this scenario, you do not need to revise the BASIX certificate.

If you generated a BASIX certificate before 1 October 2023 and have already submitted it with a DA or CDC application and there are changes to the design

For this scenario, you need to revise your certificate within the BASIX tool and the pre-1 October 2023 standards will apply. The ‘Revise a BASIX certificate’ Quick Reference Guide outlines how to do this. If the changes are major, your consent authority may require you to create a new certificate and the new standards will apply. If you have any concerns about which standards apply to your project, please contact your consent authority.

If you generated a BASIX certificate before 1 October 2023 and have NOT already submitted it with a DA or CDC 

For this scenario, the certificate has expired as you have not submitted it with the DA or lodged it with the CDC application within 3 months of generating the certificate. You will need to generate another certificate and the new standards will apply.

If you generate a BASIX certificate on or after 1 October 2023

For this scenario, you must meet the new BASIX standards, unless you applied and were approved to use the pre-1 October 2023 standards. This is a limited transitional arrangement – more information on this is outlined below.

Where to get further help

We have a range of support materials, including quick reference guides, frequently asked questions and detailed guidance material, available to help you use the BASIX tool. You can access these from the BASIX support materials page. 

If you can’t find what you are looking for, contact our support team. You can:

  • submit an enquiry online, or
  • phone ServiceNSW on 1300 650 908 for BASIX and Sustainable Buildings SEPP queries.
Last updated: 30/09/2024